Sentences with phrase «one's position in society»

The function of higher education became primarily a means of preparing for better paying positions in society.
In Japanese culture, education was viewed as the most important factor in the ability to obtain a high - paying and prestigious position in society.
It's because teachers are positioned in our society like industrial workers, not professionals.
If the legal profession is to retain its dominate position in society in the provision of legal services, support services methods of production as well as legal apps must be made available to general practitioners.
Professor Anita Allen explains that women's perceived position in society as inferiors has resulted in having too much privacy ñ that is, too much bad privacy, such as «imposed modesty, chastity, and domestic isolation.»
indicates that the poor may inherit the kingdom before those of position in society.
To ask middle - class Americans to see American culture as Jesus would see it is to ask them to vote against their own privileged position in society.1
Even though some men are not so smart, they still get to occupy very high positions in society but once a woman ascends to high office, a litany of questions are asked about her competence and qualification.
[B] eyond a certain threshold of wealth people appear to redefine happiness, studies suggest, focusing on their relative position in society instead of their material status.
That is the purpose of the preamble which begins: «Headteachers occupy an influential position in society and shape the teaching profession.
It can involve a failure to acknowledge historical discrimination against a particular group that has resulted in that group in the present day occupying an inferior or unequal position in society.
Still, she occupied a tenuous position in a society led by men.
They object that such an Islamic state would reduce the non - Muslims to a secondary position in the society and would introduce sectarianism in the body politic.
Moreover, this practice corresponded with their caste position in society.
They have always sought to educate those with the most merit, where «merit» means «ability to occupy the top positions in society
At the same time, «in those forms of production that do not have a dominant position in society, a free economy can be preserved, and thus the bureaucratization of the whole economy can be avoided.»
During the 19th century, evangelical Protestants saw separation as a cornerstone of American freedom — but interpreted it in the light of their own pre-eminent position in society.
Could be a scam to obtain and retain an elevated position in society — religion and royalty have connived to dominate the majority of societies.
Some investigators have even speculated that «successful psychopaths» — those who attain prominent positions in society — may be overrepresented in certain occupations, such as politics, business and entertainment.
He has held leadership positions in the Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO) as the chair of the Training Committee and is in his second three - year term on the SSO Executive Council.
The longevity of the tradition and the universal nature of its applicability across countries, cultures, class and centuries are indicative of its enduring position in society.
Kate and Merton long to marry, but Kate refuses to give up her lofty position in society and the luxuries her snobby aunt (Charlotte Rampling) provides her.
Phineas searches for his very own living oddities and curiosities and soon finds a bearded lady, a five - hundred - pound man, and a whole cast of misfits whose talents shine despite their lower positions in society.
Similarly, lawyers and doctors could not achieve their respective positions in society if they couldn't pass the LSAT or MCAT.
The exhibition includes several inter-connected works that address the loaded nature of portraiture: the role of this genre in establishing how we, as a culture, remember the acts of public figures, describe who occupies certain positions in our society, and whose images are recorded and why.
This exhibition focuses specifically her vision of gender during the conflict, examining the vital role women played throughout the period and the sizeable impact it had on their mobilised position in society.
When WMO Secretary General Michel Jarraud adds the below three quotes to its release — you get a feel that even the top scientists with high - ranking positions in society are as worried as we are:
When I started practising, it seemed that judges were revered, hardly questioned, seldom heard in public and occupied rarified positions in our society.
The harmful impact of this legislation on the «poor who beg» is significant, as it exacerbates the group's disadvantaged position in society.
Worrying about whether us poor lawyers are being held back from true self - actualization because of repressive social norms is hard to relate to when we already have such a prominent and powerful position in society.
My hope is that their artworks will serve as a catalyst for thinking about these principles and concerns, and encourage each of us to consider our own position in society as a starting point.»
Equally as soothing is its story, a simplistic tale of repressed love that carries some redeeming value by focusing on how women who live in a society that treats them as second - class citizens and sex objects manage to use what tools they have to manipulate themselves into higher positions in society.
Through their influential position in society, lawyers can have a meaningful impact on the access to justice discourse through lobbying of legislators, getting involved in and advocating for professional governance reform at the local level and, of course, through the electoral process.
It is particularly strange that the chair of a college religion department would not appreciate the fact that religion should have a particularly important position in society to comment on morals and character of how we act as a group.
A male, who held the highest position in society, and held the highest class status, was seen to be «feminized» by penetration, and designated as a social inferior, (female), by a male of lower class status, and thus his status was lowered, to that of a woman.
On the other hand, a mans status being more determined by how much money he had, his position in society etc. largely influencing his ability to attract a marriage partner.
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