Sentences with phrase «one's possible candidacy»

Environmentalists fret about an M.I.T. professor's possible candidacy for energy secretary, citing his ties to the natural gas industry and a study he authored suggesting that fracking risks are manageable.
He said he has spoken to Cusick and former Congressman Michael McMahon about possible candidacies.
While Suffolk County Legislator Kara Hahn and former Brookhaven Supervisor Mark Lesko have both been mentioned as possible candidates — and Newsday reported both met with Democrats in Washington to explore possible candidacies — Hahn told CQ Roll Call she will not get into the race, and two sources said they don't expect Lesko to declare.
News of progressive Dem Teachout's possible candidacy drove Republican hopeful Andrew Heaney over the edge.
A case in point was the recent kerfuffle over Nigel Farage's possible candidacy for the disgraced MP Patrick Mercer's newly vacated seat.
In a statement, newly elected PC party president Katherine O'Neill appeared to be cool to Kennedy's possible candidacy, noting that Tories gathered for last month's annual general meeting had voted to rebuild the party under the Progressive Conservative brand and rejected the idea of unifying with another party.
«I don't think him calling for the ouster of the Republican Party legislative leaders has anything to do with his possible candidacy for the Conservative Party nomination,» Long said.
«As I began to campaign around the state, I was heartened by the enthusiasm of voters for my possible candidacy.
Told of Sliwa's possible candidacy, Molinaro during an appearance at the state Capitol said: «The parties all get to decide who they get to select as a candidate.»
In a brief conversation with BuzzFeed News in Washington last September, James said she looked forward the next step in her career, suggesting that while she understood questions surrounding her possible candidacy for mayor, she was not yet prepared to talk openly about it.
Wilson told The Post that he had ruled out running against Gillibrand until two weeks ago, when Inside Albany reported that leading GOP activists were discussing his possible candidacy.
Zephyr Teachout's possible candidacy was not as factor in his decision, Auerbach said of the 2014 gubernatorial candidate.
Republican Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino stopped by to visit the Syracuse Media Group editorial board on Wednesday January15, 2014 to talk about his possible candidacy for governor.
National Republicans seem likely to line up behind Kirk although Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna is in Washington today meeting with people about a possible candidacy, according to a D.C. source familiar with the visit.
«If you are serious about positioning yourself for a possible candidacy you start early.»
Although Cuomo has yet to toss his proverbial hat into the gubernatorial ring, speculation about a possible candidacy is high.
Faso's office on Monday referred questions about Rhodes» possible candidacy to the National Republican Congressional Committee.
She has not weighed in on her possible candidacy.
Anti-de Blasio players in New York politics are hoping he could become the unlikely first Obama alum since Rahm Emanuel to run for major office, according to several of the people who've gotten interested in his possible candidacy.
Councilman Vincent Ignizio, left, and Councilman James Oddo are taking a wait - and - see attitude with regard to Vito Fossella's possible candidacy.
Ms. Malliotakis (R - East Shore / Brooklyn) made this revelation on John Catsimatidis» radio show, the Cats Roundtable on AM 970 The Answer, on Sunday morning when discussing her possible candidacy for the seat of Rep. Michael Grimm when he resigns Monday night.
McMahon said he has been busy with the holidays and has not spoken to borough Democratic Party chairman John Gulino or Cusick — whom he called a «very good friend» — about their possible candidacies.
Andy Gronik, a Wisconsin businessman and potential Democratic candidate for governor in the state, is using his «social welfare organization» to promote his possible candidacy.
Yet people close to Mr. Cuomo said his response to Ms. Nixon's possible candidacy is born from an abundance of caution rather than fear.
Diane Ravitch, who has generously posted blogs about my possible candidacy for governor here in Connecticut, did add;
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