Sentences with phrase «one's powerful influence»

You need to be the most powerful influence on your children.
The most powerful influence of economic life in the formation of persons is the occupational structure.
However, if we are going to learn to come to grips with the most powerful influence in their lives, we will have to take our heads out of the sand.
Will the pull of the floating world ultimately prove a (far) more powerful influence, or will investors keep betting on a potential market apocalypse via alternative asset managers?
I would transport the wonderful international students who have been such powerful influences on me.
Families have a very powerful influence on everyone who tries to join them.
The fact is, however, that the immediate past has an extremely powerful influence on the immediate future.
«Testing has become enormously important with an extraordinarily powerful influence on schooling, and it increasingly dominates public debate about education,» he says.
This does not put the pair's powerful influence in doubt, but does reduce the data on writers who influenced them.
This makes scent an extremely powerful influence on your emotional state.
It's called «context» and it has an extremely powerful influence on our emotions.
Social Media has become one of the most powerful influences on the global society to - date.
He spoke of the benefits of unfettered access to the European single market, and argued that Britain had a more powerful influence over global affairs in partnership with other EU countries than it could have alone.
Ultimately «TRU Calm» will give you the tools you need to destroy daily stress, gain greater control of yourself and more powerful influence with your child.»
The dairy industry is big business in the United States, with powerful influence within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government agency charged with providing sound leadership regarding our food system.
Around the formula powerful influences gathered, the like of which, in every age and among all peoples, have constituted the strength of orthodoxy.
The political, military, police intelligence and information network of governments; the economic information network of transnational corporate powers; the global media; and the religious - cultural networks of world religions wield powerful influence over information and communication throughout the world.
Moisi also explored how collective identities of fear, humiliation and hope may translate into powerful influences in the realm of international relations / geopolitics (ibid.).
I have a longstanding interest in the way artists dress, from Picasso to Hockney, Georgia O'Keeffe to Robert Rauschenberg, and I think their wardrobes exert as powerful an influence on mainstream fashion as those of any rock or Hollywood stars.
By a curious blend of these currents of religious faith and scholarship with the no less powerful influences of skepticism and religious relativism, the universality - with - particularity of Jesus has thus become an issue not only for Christians in the 20th century, but for humanity.
His has been an inestimably powerful influence containing the centrifugal forces within an evangelicalism that, they believe, is not nearly so unified as either its friends or critics have usually assumed.
«It is in these quiet places where you can't always go, like Georgia, where outside actors like Russia can have a supremely powerful influence.
Although mitochondria are certainly not the sole cause of aging, the findings suggest that they exert a surprisingly powerful influence.
Many of the more powerful influences Hattie identifies clearly show that teachers would be even more effective with smaller classes.
«Testing has become an enormously powerful influence on education, and all who are concerned about education need to understand it.
Yet due in part to the overly powerful influence of the Walton billion, hundreds of public schools have been closed.
This backdrop would seem primed for the onset of nefarious inflation, but there are several powerful influences that may somewhat mitigate historical drivers of price increases.
Coup doesn't really support gracefully dropping out of play — the cards you hold have too powerful an influence on the game even if you're not wielding them.
It is wholly swamped by those far more powerful influences acting via a variable speed for the water cycle which acts via changes in the surface pressure distribution and a shifting to and fro of the climate zones.
Clouds especially are a challenge to incorporate into climate models, and different assumptions — all of which reasonable — can exert an uncomfortably powerful influence over the strength of amplifying feedbacks.
We've seen the rise of the affordable phone with the original Moto G, but now the trend has moved into the premium space by the increasingly powerful influence of Chinese OEMs like Xiaomi and Huawei, and start - up companies like OnePlus.
As is the case with most of the series» villains, Nimzo is mostly referred to and not actually encountered until the very end of the game, though his pawns and powerful influence do well to wreak havoc throughout the game.
First impressions are extremely powerful influences so check your Linkedin account settings to be sure you are perceived as someone who is as willing to give as you are to receive.
How conflict is managed and how quick parents» [sic] get angry seems to have an especially powerful influence on children's own skills in dealing with others.
S @H: Are there other powerful influences at work in the world of design?
Tell me which Greek God or Goddess has changed the landscape of human history since birth and continues to exert powerful influence on cultures around the world to this day as Jesus has.
The latent but powerful influence of theological education, however, can often move them out of that community and into forms of accountability provided by the dominant culture.
The mind is a very powerful influence in everything we do and this includes diet self sabotage.
As dog behavior specialists, we recognize that a dog's relationship with his / her owners, and the dog's lifestyle in his / her home environment are two factors that have a very powerful influence over a dog's behavior choices.
With the fossil fuel industry and their allies wielding powerful influence over our Congress, we need to accelerate the change and solutions here in the Northwest.
Ultimately «TRU Calm» will give you the tools you need to destroy daily stress, gain greater control of yourself and more powerful influence with your child.»
Citing Lucien Freud and John Constable as powerful influences, he reworks his paintings according to the changing light and conditions, building up the surface to a highly tactile and breathing presence.
The most powerful influence in human life is neither the environment in which we happen to be brought up, the genes we were bequeathed from our parents at birth, nor all the slings and arrows of fate, no matter how tragic and harrowing their effects may be.
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