Sentences with phrase «one's powerful role»

But technology is playing an equally powerful role in opening schools up to their local communities.
It turns out that what makes the difference with girls is the presence and the engagement of really powerful role models.
If your child runs a mile when you suggest it's bedtime, then perhaps have a fun game of chase, letting them escape so they take on the more powerful role.
Just focus on any kind of silly, playful conversation that puts you in the less powerful role, and gives your child the power.
The most powerful role we can play is empowering children to believe change is possible.
As quiet leaders, school librarians have always held unique and powerful roles within schools.
I'm very lucky to have worked with a lot of women in powerful roles on set, both in front of and behind the camera.
As a result, they give insufficient attention to the increasingly powerful role that the symbolic environment plays in present - day human lives.
Adult mentors are an important component of full - time - learning programs as they become powerful role models to students, keeping youth on a motivated track for academic achievement.
And one industry that plays a particularly powerful role in starting trends is film.
In particular, it turned out that «greenhouse» gases like carbon dioxide played a surprisingly powerful role in governing global climate.
It reminds us that we are powerful role models for our students.
These are a great starting point to follow your intuition, and see what makes your kids laugh while they are in the more powerful role.
During this time, look for opportunities to take the less powerful role.
Group dynamics and charismatic leadership play powerful roles in convincing people to embrace the expansive goals of terrorism.
In this lesson, students consider the definition and responsibilities of «citizen watchdogs,» develop a culminating set of strategies or guidelines for combating confirmation bias as they consume and create news and information, and consider the very powerful role of social and mobile media as tools for social change.
While this year's poll identified a potentially powerful role for educators, trusted by the general public, in building support for the Common Core, it also offered insights into the public's beliefs on a number of other important issues.
Once again, it is the polyphenols in tea that are believed to play such powerful roles, accelerating metabolism which in turn helps burn more fat, resulting in weight loss or the maintenance of a desired weight.
Beyond underscoring just how powerful a role location plays in shaping perceptions, this argument is specious as it assumes that a nebulously defined standard of quality is the only benchmark on which legal services can and should be judged, and implicitly concludes that a retail firm can't measure up to its full service downtown firm counterparts.
«The Secretary to the Governor is an incredibly powerful role, because he acts as the switchman, governing flows of information, not just to facts but to ways of seeing the world,» said Fordham Law professor Zephyr Teachout, Cuomo's 2014 Democratic primary opponent, who criticized the governor for his close ties to the financial industry.
Interviewed in their Shoreditch studio, before the show, Langlands said: «Architecture is our consciousness made solid... One of the things we have noticed is that this very powerful role that architecture has had for thousands of years, some of it has been relinquished to algorithms — these new structures (are) the architecture of information.
It's an interesting approach to a subject: a celebrated actor, two venerable filmmaking siblings, a lauded composer and a neuroscientist exploring the uniquely powerful role of music in determining the narrative design and the emotional impact of a film.
It is probably safe to assume that the media plays an equally powerful role in shaping US perceptions about China.
Nonetheless, many fundamentalist groups are more popular among women than among men, and women support these groups because they encourage men to take a more responsible role in heading families than is often the case in fragmented or changing social circumstances, and women often play powerful roles behind the scenes.
Encouraging words of wisdom are always appreciated by fans aiming to emulate their hugely powerful role model.
The cast is primarily black, many of the production departments are helmed by African Americans, and women hold powerful roles in Wakanda.
She is partnered by John Hawkes in powerful role worthy as a follow - up to his Oscar nominated turn in Winter's Bone, a similar character, but with an entirely different sort of intensity.
Producer Curtis Linton, vice president of the School Improvement Network, considers her to be an especially powerful role model because the demographics at her school are, as he says, as challenging as it gets.
With time, we have realized that there is an even more powerful role Fabio and other Ashoka Fellows play.
But our formal educational institutions stand out as the places where our future citizens spend the most hours, and where they encounter powerful role models — teachers, staff, older students — who impact how they think and how they behave.
When private school students make up just 7 per cent of the population, but capture more than 35 per cent of Oxbridge places and the plum share of powerful roles then there is an inequality worth talking about.
She ascended to the massively powerful role of running global engineering, design, and purchasing — which is pretty much everything — with the rallying cry, «No more crappy cars.»
As I note in my blog, there was a news story at the time of the lecture that pursued the very question that Vellacott tried to get at, that is, the rather powerful role of the Supremes as they move beyond the written constitution or statute to apply «norms» that derive from our history of (at a minimum) our common law heritage.
In fact, when sex is dysfunctional or non-existent, it plays an inordinately powerful role, draining the [partnership] of intimacy and vitality by 50 % -75 %.
You can chase your child around the house to playfully get them back to bed and let them have the most powerful role as the giggles flow.
«Already, we know that probiotics and dietary modifications have the potential to play powerful roles in preventing urinary diseases that commonly occur among pediatric patients,» Dr. Hsieh says.
10:00 am — TCM — White Heat James Cagney in one of his most powerful roles as the slightly (okay, make that more - than - slightly) unbalanced criminal Cody Jarrett.
Playlistening is what we call it, when we put ourselves in the less powerful role, to get the giggles going.
Our animal companions fulfill such powerful roles in our lives that when they die, the power of the grief can be equally as powerful.
This is how powerful role models can be when they talk to students about their own college experiences.»
Last October, Putin announced his intention to swap jobs with Dmitry Medvedev after the Russian elections in March, taking back the more powerful role of president that he had held until 2008.
«They're only gatekeepers if we let them be gatekeepers and two, the women I found, the women who are supporting me and other women running for office, they play an incredibly powerful role and to the extent that those women can continue to break down barriers and use their knowledge to help people like us, that's a very powerful thing.»
To identify the uniquely powerful role of people and the criticality of great leadership in a rush - around, tech - fueled world takes genius.
«Powerful role of experience in linking language and cognition in infants.»
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