Sentences with phrase «one's prepregnancy weight»

Population - based assessment of the risk of primary cesarean delivery due to excess prepregnancy weight among nulliparous women delivering term infants
I was almost back to prepregnancy weight when I found out about my second one.
Since Bobo was still taking in a large number of calories from milk, I also enjoyed weight loss benefits long after most women had weaned, and I bottomed out at less than my prepregnancy weight.
Breastfeeding leads to an «earlier return to prepregnancy weight,» according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
I lost all my baby weight and some with my first in the first 5 months but I am now 5 months pp with my second and I am 35 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight.
Moreover, the academy points out, nursing also has benefits for mothers: «decreased postpartum bleeding... earlier return to prepregnancy weight, decreased risk of breast [and ovarian] cancer.»
When Matlack stopped nursing, she gained 8 pounds, which put her back at her prepregnancy weight of 138.
This condition may be diagnosed when a woman has lost 5 % of her prepregnancy weight and has other problems related to dehydration (loss of body fluids).
Other maternal variables tested in the model included maternal age, ethnic group, socioeconomic status, parity, prepregnancy weight and height, CES - D score, and use of tobacco.
Studies indicate that breastfed infants have fewer ear and respiratory tract infections, diarrheal illnesses, and atopic skin disorders.2, 3 Increased mother — infant bonding and an overall decrease in the infant morbidity and hospitalization rates have also been reported.4 Mothers benefit by faster return to prepregnancy weights.5
Mothers who breastfed exclusively or partially had significantly larger reductions in hip circumference and were less above their prepregnancy weights at 1 month post partum than mothers who fed formula exclusively.»
That happened to Tiffany Tinson of Bronxville, N.Y. Six months after giving birth to her first child, Connor, Tinson had dipped to 10 pounds below her prepregnancy weight, even though she was eating more and not exercising much.
The mothers of included children were on average 1.3 cm taller than those not included, whereas there were no differences in prepregnancy weight, age, level of education, and number of cigarettes smoked at conception (data not shown).
Researchers rely on maternal recall of prepregnancy weight, because clinically measured prepregnancy weights are usually unavailable.
Postpartum weight retention, the outcome for these analyses, was calculated as the difference between a woman's prepregnancy weight and her current reported weight at the interviews 6 mo and 18 mo postpartum, respectively.
By 18 mo postpartum, all obese women would experience a net weight loss relative to their prepregnancy weight, but breastfeeding as recommended would result in a net loss ≈ 1.3 kg greater.
Prepregnancy weight and weight gain during the first half of pregnancy are the measurements that matter, researchers suggested in the February JAMA Pediatrics.
That means that these studies rely on women to remember, and report correctly, their prepregnancy weight.
Prepregnancy weight and weight gained in the first half of pregnancy had bigger effects on baby's size than later weight gains, studies have found.
Nursing women return to their prepregnancy weight earlier than those who don't nurse.
The amount of weight pregnant women are putting on has been growing — as has their prepregnancy weight in the past few decades, Ludwig notes.
Review: Maternal Microbiota, Prepregnancy Weight, and Mode of Delivery Intergenerational Transmission of Risk for Childhood Overweight and Obesity — Giulia Paolella — JAMA Pediatrics
I was long back to my prepregnancy weight and loving motherhood, but I locked myself out of my office on several occasions, and had to, more than once, mail a cab driver a check because of a forgotten wallet (compassionate souls).
The amounts are calculated according to your height, prepregnancy weight, due date, and how much you exercise during the week.
Pregnant mothers were asked to report their prepregnancy weight, and these values were used to calculate the BMI.
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