Sentences with phrase «one's present way»

His ability is to present a way of life that no one can experience in reality and yet which seems so familiar.
They then present the ways in which the applicant can support or help the organization.
While the polls weren't presented that way, I've seen various people writing about them as evidence of which candidate would actually do better as leader.
Most of the latter aren't actually hypothetical, they're presented that way because the insured isn't certain they want to proceed.
The poster is intended to help services to promote and support the parenting role of individuals by presenting ways that parents can keep connected with their children during their stay.
When presented this way, the information is easier to remember, and easier for audiences to act on.
There is at present no way of saying how the two are related.
If someone presented me a way to make the marriage work, I probably would have said, Why?
This individual presents ways to improve all aspects of business, from time management to listing presentation skills.
Just as you dress for the job you want, craft your personal brand — that is, proud owner of the gig you want — and start presenting yourself that way in advance.
The data is already shown in the other graphs, but some people might prefer to have the data presented this way.
But tests in K - 12 education are never presented that way.
Until they see themselves as valuable candidates, they will have trouble presenting themselves that way.
Indigenous - led health promotion presents a way to bridge the rhetoric and practice of empowerment in Australian health promotion practice.
They won't last very long presented this way, but for an evening of entertaining they look lovely up there, and can be moved to awaiting vases when the time is right.
Each artist presents a way of seeing and thus giving meaning to ordinary, everyday objects.
While a food sensitivity or intolerance may not present itself the way we know allergies do, we should still be mindful of the way our body is responding to foods.
Regardless of the fleeting gains participants derived from the Ponzi scheme, critics said the scheme does not present a way out of recession since it was not founded on any sound economic or investment principle.
The movie is animated in the 1.78:1 widescreen aspect ratio and presented that way on Blu - ray in 1080p.
It also presents a way of understanding Christianity as a historical movement through which the Spirit of God is progressively expressed.
It finally presents ways forward aiming at preserving the autonomy of the EU legal order.
The researchers present ways of using this dynamics to improve catalytic converters.
3: Advantages of Third Person Point of View — Novel Writing Help presents the ways in which the third person perspective can help your book, depending on the feel you want to evoke within your reader.
OCR said about 14,000 students out of around 700,000 took the exam, but it is not clear how many tackled the question, which asked students: «How does Shakespeare present the ways in which Tybalt's hatred of the Capulets influences the outcome of the play?
The second talk presents ways to treat the sick neonate.
The logarithmic relationship between CO2 levels and global temperature was first presented way back in the 1930s by a scientist named Guy Callendar, and it is now widely accepted as science fact.
People who present this way experience intense period pain that responds well to warmth and sometimes pressure, darker clotted blood flow.
In their March 2016 paper entitled «Asset Allocation with Short and Long Term Risk Objectives», Peng Wang and Jon Spinney present a way to balance short - term and long - term portfolio performance risks.
I was simply presenting another way that some choose to deal with the problem of violence in the biblical portrayals of God.
Lawrence Krauss (in Atom and A Universe Fom Nothing) presents a way more believable explanation for the formation of the universe than The Babble, or any relgious charlatan.
Hence Dr. Fosdick says: «He was deliberately presenting a way of life so demanding that no legalism could define it, no unredeemed heart practice it, no saint perfectly fulfill it.»
The professor gently corrected me, pointing out that it was neither revolutionary nor had Willard presented it that way.
Baby presents bottom or feet first, and about 4 - 7 % of babies present this way.
On 22 July 2016, WikiLeaks released emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) seemingly presenting ways to undercut Bernie Sanders and showing apparent favouritism towards Clinton, leading to the resignation of party chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
«The data show that changes in individualism were present way before the Generation X and the Millennium generation, indicating that the magnitude of change in individualism was comparable in the late 19th and early 20th century as it is now,» says Grossmann.
They then prove that any particular 2D Ising model — i.e., with a particular set of coupling and external fields — is equivalent to an instance of a logical problem called the satisfiability, or SAT, problem, in which the goal is to come up with a set of logical statements, A, B, C,... that satisfy a long logical formula such as «A and not (B or C)...» The theorists present a way to map the SAT problem onto the 2D Ising model.
«This interesting study in mice uses a chemical able to break down Alzheimer's plaques in the brain after they've already formed, potentially presenting a way to circumvent the difficult issue of timing with this treatment approach.
Has anyone else ever gotten their Christmas / birthday present way early?
Regionalization, a chief concern of the mayors, ironically presented a way to address what those on the policy side had dubbed «the bad - mayor scenario.»
In Making Standards Useful in the Classroom, Marzano and Haystead present a way to convert standards documents into a format that teachers can actually use to guide instruction and to create meaningful formative assessments.
Burbridge and other officials say the co-location concept presents a way for CPS to help manage its real - estate more efficiently.
Dr. María Robledo Montecel, IDRA president, has presented a way communities can take responsibility by examining «contextual and moderating factors that may impede or accelerate school system change» (2005).
Psychotherapist Noah Kempler presents ways to help kids develop five core skills: understanding feelings, communication, flexibility, respect, and problem solving.
Brian Pete and Robin Fogarty present ways to use problem - based learning as a daily approach to helping students learn authentic and relevant skills.
And, of course, San Francisco's Inkling, led by Matt MacInnis presents a way to sell content in portions.
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