Sentences with phrase «one's previous performance»

Do you recommend to continue to follow this even though at 12 - 3 history would say this strategy has to level out based on previous performance?
The guide helps you to measure your performance so that you can put more effort to beat previous performance in your next workout session.
You can also find clues in previous performance reviews, if you have received them.
It's a shame that we couldn't get the result we desperately wanted but it is an improvement from previous performances here and we have got to be proud of that point.
If possible, review previous performance evaluations or other forms of feedback you've received.
Think about previous performance appraisals — what was said or written about you?
When trying to answer the is - this - real question, the first order of business is to compare the current year to previous performance looking for substantive change.
This can be filled by using the right information and assessing it against previous performance activities.
Tell them to remember the times that previous performances went well.
I've actually addressed this a number of times in previous performance posts (& comments) if you look back.
Putting in real numbers to represent previous performances adds credibility and lets employers understand how you would benefit them if hired.
There are stock investing techniques that have proven more effective than others, however, trying «time» the overall market based on previous performance is not one of them.
In addition, review previous performance reviews and project feedback.
This can include salary data from websites, previous performance evaluations, letters of recommendation, and job postings for similar positions.
They want to hear what others have to say about previous performance.
«The ability to track previous performance of small businesses that process payments with Square will also mitigate a significant amount of risk inherent in lending to small...
Since Porsche's specifically calling this «the fastest luxury sedan in the world,» we can maybe hazard a guess at a lap time based on previous performances by four - doors at the «Ring.
As noted above, the data set does not allow for a conclusive interpretation of why this occurs, and it is possible that teachers are simply making accurate predications given previous performance.
Based on previous performances when played he is still an Sset worth keeping.
From previous performances for the Röda bröder, the former Möre BK youth player has the desire and ambitious attitude to step up to highest levels of football.
With Auburn's previous performances against top - level defenses, I figured the Tigers would need to get aggressive and take some risks offensively to score enough points to beat Georgia.
developers to know whether an audio or video playback will be smooth and power - efficient based on previous performance statistics.
Previous performances include: Six Actions for NYC, Creative Time, New York (2007); Money, Art Perform / Art Basel Miami Beach (2006) and Delirious, Serpentine Gallery (2006).
The info available is partly powered by the Racing Post and includes stats like the horses previous performances, weight, age, trainer, jockey, previous odds, current odds, a mini review of the last run and a Spotlight from the Racing post.
Regardless, the star of the show is Ronan, a talented young face, whose previous performances managed to save stinkers such as The Lovely Bones and The Way Back.
For One Sweet Day on view at The Hole, Warren presents video documentation of four previous performances alongside the set for a fifth performance that will take place during the exhibition.
Hammons also contributed to the show several small, cheaply printed photographs, in Ikea frames, which document previous performances and ephemeral works.
Mannequin arms and legs, props, and costumes overlaid with stills from McNamara's previous performances appear under flashes of jewel - toned light, the choreography so quick that a particular shade or shadow is gone almost instantly.
Previous performance pieces include Love Cannon (2005 - 06) in which they wheeled out a phallic pink cannon into a public procession and fired off balloons carrying expressions of love, and the inflatable mountain range complete with emergency slides in Friendly Frontier (2003 - 05).
Allow managers to electronically access previous performance appraisals?
Usually MF customers review fund managers creditability and previous performance of fund, while insurance we usually over-look this, but I will advice customers to review the same.
Ryan Gosling doesn't really stand out like he has in previous performances in a personal favorite of mine, Drive, and one of the most overlooked films of 2011, The Ides Of March, but that's more fault to the thin character he's been given to play.
-LSB-[quote]-RSB- The edTPA has proven detrimental to our students» growth and professional development -LSB-[/ quote]-RSB- edTPA was developed based upon the insights gained from previous performance - based assessments of teaching such as the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the California Teacher Performance Assessment, and the Performance Assessment for California Teachers.
So TUDA was set to be the best barometer yet for DCPS's progress — compared to both its own previous performance and that of other urban districts.
The AI manager evaluates players» previous performance statistics to predict how many points they will receive during the forthcoming week.
They looked at several data sets and concluded that the previous performance of the player had no effect on the likelihood he'd make any given shot.
In an article revealed Wednesday, May 2, they conclude that crypto's previous performances aren't any assure of future ones.
The previous performances of New Orleans jazz on the Sunday after Easter created «anti-structure» in juxtaposition to the «normal» structures of liturgical life at Spring Glen.
I know Jenks is an arsenal fan and he loves the club very much but given his previous performances for the club, he has no quality to play for Arsenal at top level and it's very wise for the club to path ways with him and i believe Maitland Niles has the quality to develop as one of the best right backs in the country if given the chance and he should be an understudy for Bellerin
Surprisingly Chambers as the youngest of them but is the most composed of all — regardless getting so much stick from his previous performance — The number of individual error that leads to goal is alarmingly high.
Therefore, it probably goes without saying that football is not played inside some Sky Sports maths computer, which uses an «algorithm to rank results, previous performances and the difficulty of upcoming fixtures» to give probabilities on how the Premier League will finish.
All in all, a sensational first half display by MMU and based on previous performances, one would easily assume that they were as full of energy as they were before kick - off.
Shields has been a workhorse for San Diego but the results aren't quite up to his previous performance.
Given the fact that he has won three Portuguese league titles as well as the biggest domestic cup competition twice, it's surprising to see him struggle to establish himself at Man Utd given he has experience at a high level and looked a really solid signing this summer based on previous performances.
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