Sentences with phrase «one's previous understanding»

Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers.
The results show that such clumps become incorporated via chemical interactions with atoms in the crystals, an unexpected mechanism based on previous understanding.
The balance of old and new math works because the project is so hands on that students can see connections between previous understanding and new challenges.
This new test contradicts the court's previous understanding of the constitutional requirements.
Cluster B: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.
Two Northern Arizona University researchers led the study, which challenges previous understanding about how carbon accumulates in soil.
Today's Europe is rapidly becoming de-Christianised, and even our ideas on what it means to be human, as men and women, somehow seem dissociated from previous understanding.
That very process of scrutiny and commendation will likely change previous understandings and attitudes, and will most likely produce commensurate alterations in their faith traditions: conversion causes not just numerical change but mental shifts as well.
University of Queensland researcher, Associate Professor Bruno van Swinderen, said his team had overturned previous understanding of what general anaesthetics do to the brain, finding the drugs did much more than induce sleep.
Changes in the water production are expected as comets approach the sun, but previous understanding suggested that the release of these different forms of water normally rise or fall more - or-less together, maintaining a consistent D - to - H value.
Learners will apply previous understanding of finding equivalent fractions, and converting between fractions and mixed numbers to work with fractions in more complex ways.
By the mid-1970s, Serra had made the first of his enormous Installation Drawings — some of which extend from floor to ceiling and are 10 to 20 feet wide — marking a radical shift in scale and technique and fully altering previous understandings of how a drawing could be made and how it might exist in dialogue with architecture.
The relevance to PO discussions is only that the paper reinforces previous understandings.
NF.B.4 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number: a. Understand a fraction a / b as a multiple of 1 / b.
Cluster B: Build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers.
However eventually through trial and error and accident (IF you cared enough to investigate and IF you were open to learning and thus challenging your previous understanding) you'd come to see that oranges and baseballs, while similar in some ways, are fundamentally different in others, until you could with confidence state that they are in fact not the same.
Not only has it been achieved remarkably quickly, but it has led in the space of a few short years to a situation in which those who hold to the previous understanding of family and sexual relationships risk losing their jobs and reputation should they happen to fall foul of the militant LGBT lobby.
Furthermore, the understanding of all life in terms of evolution implies that the previous understanding of the inorganic was in error.
* How might your previous understanding of theological words and concepts change in the midst of offering care to Peter and Emilia?
My experience neither threw into question all that was known before, nor confirmed my previous understandings.
Suddenly the latter possibility glowed before me, lit up my imagination, transfigured my previous understandings of faith.
The very suggestion that the primordial burden of responsibility for our sin lies with God in creation would of course require rethinking all previous understandings of the atoning love of Jesus Christ.
[3] It is not that he departed from process thought, but that he seemed to confront a crisis in the world that challenged at least his previous understanding of it, a crisis that he could not easily digest without altering his trajectory of theory.
Specific experiments often frustrated them because I could not help them see where they fitted into their previous understanding.
The technique allowed him to zero in on and label populations of neurons that develop at the time of labeling, without any previous understanding about their identity beyond their birthdate.
This mechanism highlights new potential targets for cancer therapies and challenges the previous understanding of PLK1's role in cancer growth and progression.
With machine learning, no previous understanding is needed.
«The previous understanding of the nitrogen cycle was that nitrogen was lost from the ocean only in three regions where oxygen is scarce.
For example, in 4th grade, students must «apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction by a whole number» (Standard 4.
This extends to 5th grade, when students are expected to build on that skill to «apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction» (Standard 5.
Apply and extend previous understandings of operations to solve problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbers.
Hence, the Marcott et al. results are for the most part not surprising, and generally confirm the previous understanding of the Holocene.
Daily measurements of the solar spectrum between 0.2 µm and 2.4 µm, made by the Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) instrument on the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite3 since April 2004, have revealed4 that over this declining phase of the solar cycle there was a four to six times larger decline in ultraviolet than would have been predicted on the basis of our previous understanding.
Yet Alberta's Court of Appeal «made important rulings along the way that arguably affected the lawyers» previous understanding of the law,» he wrote.
The better computers get at intellectual activities, the more they can build better computers to be better at intellectual capabilities, so this is going to be a kind of change that the world has actually never experienced before, so your previous understanding of what's possible is different.»
While I was getting my library degree (1999 - 2002), I had two experiences that clashed with my previous understanding that law librarians did legal research.
Instead, each supervision experience will build upon the supervisee's previous understanding of clinical theory and process and offer alternative up - to date perspectives on therapeutic action.
Well, I've since assigned my contract (got 1k deposit to my company, 2k deposit to title company escrow, and getting another 9k @ closing) and the new buyer is expecting to keep all the items in the house, when I had a previous understanding with the seller that we would just remove anything they left post closing.
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