Sentences with phrase «one's previous work place»

My problem is I can't find a company willing to take me on without any business training.I have read all the technology transfer articles I can find on Next Wave and I've talked with the tech transfer officer in my previous work place.
List down a few transactions where your competencies have been used to solve front desk issues in your previous work place.
Mention your achievements in the previous work place.
I have been working in this field for the last five years at (mention your previous work place) and would like to pursue my career with your organization.
As you will see in my resume, I have a good past experience as a clinical assistant in (mention the name of your previous work place).
I have worked with (mention the name of your previous work place) with the tasks and responsibilities that involved focusing on managing younger engineers.
You should be able to explain further what your teaching strategies were and a few accomplishments of you being a teacher in your previous work place.
Most employers do a background check; hence they need reference from your previous work places.
Situation: You will be required to talk about a challenging situation which you experienced at your previous work place;
You can mention how effectively you handled the customers in your previous work place and how the customers always returned satisfied.
Those looking for a designation change need to emphasize on their work experience, practical knowledge and skills gained during tenure at your previous work place.
I worked with (mention the name of your previous work place) for three years.
I worked at (mention the name of your previous work place).
I have worked with (mention your current / previous work place) for the past ten years.
I have worked with (mention your previous work place) for ten years.
I have proven myself in my previous work place and now I am capable to work in a big organization as yours.
At (mention your previous work place), I had to take care of different children for over five years.
I have been a successful cable installer in these five years and have spent this many years as a lead cable installer at my previous work place.
I have proved my abilities in my previous work place and right now I am keen in working in your organization for the same post.
I have worked with (mention the name of your previous work place) as a chiropractor assistant for five years.
This should on the other hand be used as an opportunity to make your explicit skills you have developed from your previous work place.
I am confident that you find me an asset to your organization and prove my efficiency just as I have proved in my previous work place.
You may start combination resume writing with a list of your qualifications and skills and then to show how you managed to apply those skills in your previous work places.
This is what I can offer your company and I am confident that I can definitely prove my efficiency just as I have proved in my previous work place.
I have been working at (mention your previous work place) with Dr. XYZ as his dental office manager for three years.
It's a big mistake to enlist just what your duties were at the previous work place.
• Writing about the duties you performed at the previous work place isn't enough.
I also devised a story time activity independently at my previous work place, which is an ideal demonstration of how my creativity works when I'm in a classroom environment.
Since you have specifically mentioned the need of knowledge regarding post operational radiology treatments, I'd like to mention here that I have had the first - hand experience of the same since I was responsible for treating post operative patients with radiotherapy at my previous work place.
What was it that you did in all your previous work places that you can proudly boast of to a new or prospective employer?
Instead communicate how you made a difference at your previous work place.
• Familiar with the OHSA regulatory guidelines and have a track record of ensuring implementation of same at my previous work place.
My duties at the previous work place included: stock receiving and checking, inventory maintenance, drug storage, stocking and labeling of medicines, mixing compounds to prepare prescribed tonics, attending customers and explaining the dosage of medicine to customers.
The same has enabled me to transform my previous work place into a fully organized office in a real sense.
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