Sentences with phrase «one's primary motivator»

Notionally debt should be a lot easier, but I wanted to put out a post to see what everyone thought about primary motivators for people subscribing to debt offerings.
Generally, the two primary motivators for consolidation are lowering interest rates, and ultimately lowering payments (and in an ideal situation, achieving both).
While not necessarily the primary motivator for everyone, getting a pay raise or promotion is certainly high on the list of objectives for the ambitious, aspiring executive.
Executives said that costs weren't the primary motivator, despite what customers» perception might be.
Yet, we're not talking about compensation as a primary motivator.
«You never want to use fear as your primary motivator,» she says.
A majority of Chinese buyers cited education as their primary motivator for interest in Seattle, followed by lifestyle, travel opportunities, and investment potential.
Juwai Data further revealed that two - thirds of the Chinese buyers cited education (typically for their children) as their primary motivator, followed by lifestyle and travel opportunities (24 percent), and investment potential (16 percent).
I wonder how long before he ends up in jail with Hovind, however, as these people never seem to last when money is your primary motivator for your actions.
Love should always be the primary motivator, not our bodies.
In sector after sector of life — education, religion, politics, health care and policing — we assume that we should distrust those in positions of power and assume that self - interest is their primary motivator.
Unfortunately, in my experience, the church and other organizations use condemnation and shame as their primary motivators.
Second, it was to show love as a primary motivator for missional living as it is within the revealed character of God.
Peanut, I will give you that the Nazi's might have killed in the name of God, but was religiuos faith — specifically a faith in Jesus Christ — their primary motivator?
Morrow says one of the primary motivators of those efforts has been the company's opportunities management process, which aligns key cross-functional areas and focuses attention on specific products or services to analyze them from beginning to end for customers.
While playoffs may be the ultimate goal for Liquid, it seems far more likely that avoiding relegation was the primary motivator for the recent roster changes.
Biden cited his late son Beau as a primary motivator to remain publicly involved and active.
Surely if there's one place where making money should not be the primary motivator, it's the centre of our democracy?
A primary motivator for the decision will, arguably, be the stadium's outdated roof design — its inflatability rather than the tensegrity aspect.
Since many of the women in this pilot study indicated their primary motivator for losing weight was hot flash reduction, we know that this could be a strong incentive for women to engage in a healthier lifestyle which provides numerous other health benefits beyond hot flash management.»
So while your primary motivator may be to be more attractive or to have improved self confidence, it's good to know that you are quite literally extending your life and health span with an intense exercise program.
Though we strive for good taste, good health is our primary motivator.
Of Tinder users, 34.4 % of said entertainment was their primary motivator, but they weren't the only ones: Bumble (27.1 %) and Grindr (23.3 %) users also ranked it as their main reason.
The primary motivator for Sloane as she eviscerates opposition and allies alike is ego and self - satisfaction.
Most importantly our compassion for society, passion for social responsibility, and commitment to environmental, economic and social — sustainable development — is our primary motivator.
Most importantly our compassion for society, passion for social responsibility, and commitment to sustainable development (environmental, economic & social) is our primary motivator.
It's not surprising, then, that half of high school dropouts cite boredom as their primary motivator for leaving.
And, although I carry a litany of major financial obligations today that didn't burden me early in my career, money has long since been supplanted as the primary motivator in my job.
A primary motivator for adjusting teacher preparation rules for charters is the scarcity of teachers of color throughout the public system.
Volvo says that style is a primary motivator for most coupe and convertible... Read more
I say the hybrid setup starts with the e-motor because it's the primary motivator under most driving conditions.
The primary motivator here is an economical 1.5 - liter Atkinson - cycle engine, though it's aided by a duet of electric machines and an energy - dense lithium - ion battery.
Rather, the gasoline engine is always the primary motivator and is assisted to varying degrees by the electric motor.
My own discount is a nice bonus, but the primary motivator would be the desire to share the experience combined with negligible personal effort.
(Then again, I am culturally tone - deaf, so maybe fairness in pricing is really what has motivated usury restrictions over the centuries; some historical accounts, however, place the risk of debt servitude as the primary motivator).
But the euro exchange isn't our primary motivator.
If we go after profit as the primary motivator we'll blow up our accounts.
While «saving a life» is commonly cited as a primary motivator for adoption of a shelter pet, we also know that most adopters prefer healthy, friendly animals [4].
But they are quite trainable when praise and treats are the primary motivators.
Money is not their primary motivator.
All of us at the Animal Behavior Clinic will tell you that one of the primary motivators driving us to this line of work is the chance to repair, enhance, and maintain the powerful bond between pets and their people.
This idealism is our primary motivator: If our members are doing well, then this will have a positive impact on the country.
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