Sentences with phrase «one's promising future»

By advancing work in the field of early childhood mental health, we hope to build a more promising future for young children and their families.
Please try make a prediction for my time frame, I have a very promising future in my past.
Rather, it plays an important role in a dog's transition from the life they left behind to their new, often more promising future.
Parents all want the most promising future for their children.
Overall, I must say that the demo portrays a very promising future title and has certainly intrigued me to look into its prequel.
By incorporating the writing tips and analyzing the web administrator resume sample, your goal of crafting a fine resume to show promising future employers is within reach.
There have been a few breakthroughs over the years that have promised a future where solar cells could be painted or sprayed onto surfaces for easy solar power, anywhere.
For long - term gains, North American energy companies, of all sizes, offer promising futures to income, growth, and value investors.
The tablet's specifications promise future support of new technology and multimedia contents.
You'll help clients to make informed and healthy decisions about their relationships, and build promising futures together.
When a teen or young adult is convicted of a sex crime, we frequently hear a chorus of how promising his future was.
Powerful partners will have little interest in sponsoring anyone who is not considered a top performer with a highly promising future.
The patent promises some future - proof video recording options.
Becoming a medical assistant is an excellent career path to choose, which has a very promising future due to the high demand of this profession.
Making the decision to improve your credit scores is one of the best financial moves you can make to build a solid and promising future for yourself.
«From our vantage point, senior housing appears to have an exceptionally bright and promising future in the decade ahead,» he said.
It is worth being patient, in some cases, to secure the best signings for the club and therefore the most promising future.
Despite their grim prospects, the two fall in love, and when they take an abandoned child into their fold, they're determined to create a more promising future.
Its not a very promising future and its easy to see why someone would choose faith and a future beyond this life over the atheist belief.
Hewlett is known for employing devoted and effective staff members with promising futures as leaders in the foundation's leftward pressure on American society.
Jennifer, you have a bright and promising future as a spinmeister.
HTC also promises future support for HDR10 video via a software update.
Teach For America, the creation of which Kopp proposed in 1989 as part of her undergraduate senior thesis, is building the movement to eliminate educational inequity in the United States by enlisting the nation's most promising future leaders in the effort.
Overall I do think the young English centre back has a very promising future career ahead of him and he is surely destined to join one of the top clubs in the coming years, possibly even this summer.
As it becomes more apparent that making an immediate profit from the Olympics is nearly impossible, cities are justifying the costs by promising future tourism benefits from the increased exposure.
U.S. Life insurance companies are required by state regulation to set up reserve funds to account for said over-payments, which represent promised future benefits, and are classified as Legal Reserve Life Insurance Companies.
Maybe I could promise them some future reward for being docile... for turning the other cheek... Even better; what if I could convince them that they could endure suffering in this world because it was meaningless?
The Marion Milligan Mason Awards, funded by the Marion Miligan Mason fund, are designed to support Women in the Chemical Sciences to kickstart the research career of promising future senior investigators in the chemical sciences.
I spend a lot of time analyzing global climate and energy trends, far - flung conservation efforts, work aimed at improving prospects for the world's least fortunate and new technologies with promising future applications, the latest being a novel coating, described in Nature, that can in theory cool a building even on sunny days.
Nintendo promises future updates for the game, and not just Mewtwo.
Tecmo - Koei is also promising future DLC support, which will include more missions, bigger and badder Oni, and some killer weapon and armor sets.
«When I went to give my speech I thought about their futures, I think we would all like to believe that we are offering them a great promising future right here in Alberta and I don't think we can say we are succeeding at that right now, in fact I am quite certain we're not.
- Goetze (looks like bayern did nt want sold him, he still 23 and has a long promising future and of course his price tag will be increased in no time)
Exactly the same as last year, and the year before promises promises by Wenger, transfer window opens and shuts all we'll have to show for will be couple of 18 yer olds promising future and that's about it, get ready for more disappointments.
Not Brad Smith, who is developing nicely but is not ready to be a regular, and not Joe Gomez, whose very promising future lies in the centre of defence.
outpatient clinic treats patients with blood cancers and other blood disorders while also offering nontraditional services like stem cell banking for babies and adults, an increasingly popular procedure promising future dividends that are unproven and uncertain.
This paper was chosen for the March Trainee Paper Spotlight because the data presented represent promising future methods for utilizing CRISPR / Cas technology to correct genetic mutations and potentially improve patient outcomes.
With the concepts presented in 11th AutoEXPO viz: «Defender Concept 100» and «Defender Concept 100 Sport» Land Rover promises the future to be more exciting and true to its origin.
First, a clarification: nowhere in the web page does the Motley Fool promise future returns of 20 %.
«I believe the faculty of law can look forward to a very promising future under his leadership,» said Joanne Keselman, provost and vice president, academic, at Robson Hall in a news release announcing Black - Branch's appointment.
(In French, English and Russian with subtitles) Jean - Michel Basquait: The Radiant Child (Unrated) «Better to Flameout Than to Fade Away» bio-pic recounting the meteoric rise and untimely demise of Basquait (1960 - 1988), the Brooklyn - born, black graffiti scofflawt - turned - legit fine art phenom whose promise future was consumed by the heroin overdose which claimed his life at the age of 27.
The findings, published June 17 in Nature Communications, could help remove a major barrier to developing lithium - sulfur and lithium - air batteries, promising future technologies that could store up to 10 times more energy per weight than batteries now used in consumer electronics and electric cars.
Students in the Philadelphia area who are trying to better their lives and look towards a brighter and more promising future know the hardships associated with paying for the educational aspect of it all.
, Sony also made playstation vita & playstation 4 developer friendly right out of the box with respectably powerful & efficient hardware to match with a wealth of promising future content offering to come from all parties etc. etc..
If true, that could slow demand for building trades like electrical contractors — but a looming wave of retirements also promise future opportunity.
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