Sentences with phrase «one's promotional work»

I did try hiring someone to do promotional work for me earlier this year, and yeah, that didn't go very well.
Finally, success in self - publishing requires a lot of promotional work — most of which will take place online.
Of course, you need to make sure all your hard promotional work is paying off!
Ideally, you did some preliminary promotional work before your book was published so the launch energy could be big and focused.
Unfortunately it is also true these days that whether you are traditionally published or self - published, authors are expected to do a large amount of promotional work themselves.
Performed promotional work in trade publications such as R&I, Bon Appetit, Chicago Magazine and the Chicago Tribune.
You have to understand as well that Ronaldo and Messi have become synonymous with their clubs and do promotional work as the faces of Real and Barca, but Sanchez doesn't.
Skirt: H&M, Shirt: H&M, Earrings: Alexis Bittar, Rings: Nordstrom, Shoes: Christian Louboutin, Bag: Marc Jacobs.Monday morning is here already and came sooner for me since I spent my weekend at Zions National Park doing promotional work for my day job.
The film chronicles the two - time Olympian's humble origins, her marriage at the age of 19 to Jeff Gillooly (played by Sebastian Stan, who decided to do a little promotional work for the movie on his Instagram page with... mixed results), her rise to stardom, and her subsequent fall from grace.
Tebele has even done one - off promotional work for celebrities like Justin Bieber.
She added OMSCo scaled down promotional work last year because «the milk wasn't there».
The New York Times reported earlier this week that there were several promises to the union not included in the final draft of the bill, including stands visitors would see immediately on entering the park, and promotional work by NYC & Company
He was also set to be involved in the recent Oscar ceremony as producer, but controversial comments he made in an interview during promotional work for his last effort TOWER HEIST, forced him stand down.
I was interested to find out if Joyce, who admits she has «mixed feelings» about the Kindle, felt her free promotional work should be rewarded by Amazon, a multi-billion dollar corporation.
Susan Mallery is an author whose promotional work intrigues me.
Non-billable hours would include such endeavors as attending educational seminars and bar association functions, participating in continuing legal education programs, attending work - study groups, performing approved pro bono work, monthly billing activity, marketing and firm promotional work such as writing articles and participating in the firm's newsletter, and the expenditure of other time clearly motivated by a desire to promote the interest, image and success of the law firm.
Early in my career, I had to take some time away from my corporate work due to health issues, so I ended up working several gigs, like independent direct sales and independent promotional work, to bring in some income.
Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story will be in theaters this month, which means Disney and Lucasfilm have Howard on the hook to do a whole bunch of promotional work for the film.
A Representative Office («RO») is set up by a law practice based outside Singapore to undertake only liaison or promotional work in or from Singapore.
BluChip Marketing received two contracts to do promotional work for the county parks department between late 2012 and early 2014: one for $ 24,500 and the other for $ 24,000, records show.
Mark Zuckerberg is doing a little promotional work for an upcoming Oculus Rift game.
Of course, there is no guarantee that any book, whether self - published or traditionally published, will launch its author into stardom, and publishing success requires a lot of hard promotional work.
Through my marketing & design experience, I've assisted on cover design and managed the layout on text books developed for industry trade schools, and I've also done online marketing and promotional work for businesses of all types.
The more your brand is mentioned, the more popular and visible it's going to become; when you develop a powerful enough community, you can ease off the gas and let your community start doing the promotional work for you.
They're ideal to use for promotional work, but surely pitting them against each other in a race would be the thing to do.
The company upgraded him to a Starship turboprop, and he thought he was building equity in a plane through his promotional work.
because woodley is not a fighter that can sell a fight in terms of his character or persona or promotional skills... not all of his fights were boring but the last 2 were too tatical for the average casual fan to pay for a PPV, hence all the promotional work would be on Nate, basically nate making Tyron rich, tyron against RDA on current UFC cards would no way reach 300K....
In his first full season with Monaco's first team, Mbappé, who was in Manchester at the weekend doing promotional work, bagged 26 goals in all competitions as Les Monegasques snatched the Ligue 1 title from Paris Saint - Germain.
The fact that the video was on YouTube made it particularly easy to distribute, since bloggers could insert it directly into their pages, but it was the campaign's promotional work that spread the word.
Let's create a video clip, an animation or even an email appeal that's so compelling that people forward it around the world and do our promotional work for us.
Generally, he justified the need to hire vendors for promotional work, saying, «the county does not employ a marketing staff nor media buyers.»
Are there any consistent occupational areas or themes running through your choices (for example, you may find out they all involve writing or promotional work)?
Wagner, who juggles a handful of media partnerships has been thrust into the media circuit of interviews and promotional work while training.
More often than not he's phoning performances in, while his promotional work is even more embarrassing.
More often than not he's phoning performances in, while his promotional work...
As with most of the promotional work for Deadpool, this one came with a message from Wade Wilson himself.
Her entry into the realm of such studio tentpoles has added an unfamiliar degree of promotional work to an already crammed timetable.
The Japanese publisher had been removing all references to the Metal Gear series creator from all promotional work for anything he'd touched, but suddenly when people starting realising the changes Konami quickly backtracked and put his name back.
Don't feel that you need to do all the promotional work, though: Never underestimate the power of sharing.
But the common demoninator of all three methods is that the writer is taking on more of the promotional work and ergo we can not afford to be unaware of what's going on in the industry.
Aside from the marketing and promotional work you can pour into getting your book out there, there is also the need for a great ebook cover design.
We provide data feedback to help you better understand your audience, grow your reader base, and improve your promotional work.
And keep up your promotional work even after your tour ends.
If we get the product — the hard copy product — distributed, it will do much of the promotional work on its own (assuming it has a rockin» cover, title, and copy... more on that another time).
I would have had to do a lot of promotional work, which I never bothered with much — other than promoting one specific book on my author site.
And I have energy and drive to boot, two things I'm going to need in excess on this journey because whether you're self - pubbed or not, a good chunk of the promotional work must come from the author.
All the promotional work in the world won't help you if you start too late, or your book launch clashes with a more famous author's latest release.
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