Sentences with phrase «one's psychological impact»

Instead, it fuels her commitment to address the wide - ranging and long - lasting emotional and psychological impact of last year's fires.
Animal - related injuries can have deep psychological impacts on people as well.
As such, cyber attacks of any kind will have far more psychological impact than on other dates.
With plenty of formal structure, these portraits reveal avid interest in psychological impact in expression, position and posture.
If your state does not have a law that excludes psychological impacts from disclosure, you must next ask yourself if the murder is a material fact.
Being in schools protects children living in war from the short - term and long - term psychological impacts of violence.
A smile can have a deep psychological impact on you and those around you.
This method has more psychological impact than mathematical, but it has helped a lot of people become debt - free too.
MattieDog recently posted... Does The Design of Veterinary Clinics Have Psychological Impacts For Pets?
Aside from the positive psychological impact of the Facebook like, as a function, it's certainly not without its issues.
Utilizing his remarkable ability to join connotative content and pure markmaking, he is able to goad new reactions with psychological impact.
Excessive Punishment Can Have Lasting Psychological Impact on Children
Open Source looks at a selection of artists, most of them working since 1990, who have utilized new technologies, embraced a re-imagined future, confronted ecological issues, sifted through cyborgs and post humanism, commented on the economy, and mined the overall psychological impact and flux of our cultural moment.
Victims may also experience other psychological impacts such as depression, anxiety, hyper vigilance, insomnia, concentration difficulties, an inability to trust others and self - loathing.
The huge psychological impact of childbirth on mom and baby is widely disregarded, and when care is given without this sensitivity, there is increased risk of birth trauma for them both.
They'll also discuss the potential psychological impact of finding a mutation, and how such information should be conveyed to other family members, including siblings and children, who have a 50 percent chance of having the defect.
It's unlikely most readers will learn more about conditions in Iraq during the latest war there but they will gain a greater understanding of the permanent psychological impact such a war can have on those who participate.
When you add to that the negative psychological impact created when a Fortune 500 company announces a high - profile layoff of thousands, the general climate surrounding the economy is ambiguous at best.
Becoming a professional footballer requires serious commitment and involves accepting restrictions on personal freedom, rigid codes of conduct and being under near - constant surveillance — all of which, you would imagine, might well have a damaging psychological impact in terms of players feeling that they are not in control of their own lives.
Without assuming that every thinker associated with this movement presents an identical position, we may make some general observations concerning the possible psychological impact of the image of God which most of them somehow silently project.
Consul General in New York says wave of anti-Semitism in US having unprecedented psychological impact.
If Scotland leaves, that's a major psychological impact
Its physical and psychological impact ravages families and communities far too often.
And Angus Chen examines the nuanced psychological impacts of our smartphone culture («Social Notworking: Is Generation Smartphone Really More Prone to Unhappiness?»).
While low testosterone levels do indeed have a great number of undesirable physical side effects — increased body fat, less energy, low libido all among them — low levels can also carry with them a tremendous psychological impact.
The games have no penetrating psychological impact, no attempt at conditioning responses or spinning scenarios of deception.
Once a student perceived themselves as having a deficit, and the groups Geoff describes often do, then that child is positioned to regard themselves as a failure in school with its concomitant psychological impacts.
«The flood of e-piracy not only has financial ramifications,» Borghino writes, but «it also has a profound psychological impact on publishers.
Alfred Leslie sought to maximize psychological impact in enormous portraits of nude and nearly nude women.
Inspired by distinct and contrasting light conditions that evoke psychological impact and emotional depth, Pastine's color field paintings are invested in the perceptual experience of color, light, and temperature.
Interested in how the physical makes psychological impact, Pondick has a history of using a mix of both cutting edge and age - old technologies, including 3 - D scanning and computer building, hand modeling and traditional metal casting to make her work.
What it doesn't consider, however, is the immense psychological impact being involved in an Ottawa car accident can have on victims.
There is also often an important psychological impact of dog attacks that our Ottawa injury lawyers understand.
The contract of employment is, by its very terms, subject to cancellation on notice or subject to payment of damages in lieu of notice without regard to the ordinary psychological impact of that decision.
«Aura of Legality»: «The terrible myth of organized society, that everything done through the established system is legal; and that word has a powerful psychological impact.
Children particularly experience the harmful psychological impact of violence, regardless of whether they have been directly assaulted.
But d'Ancona says, «The problem with glass - half - empty stories is that they have an undue psychological impact on markets that is not borne out by all the facts.
Companies seem to be increasingly offering insurance on all manner of things in part because of something known as loss aversion, which is when people feel more psychological impact from a loss than from a similar - sized dollar gain.
There is so much research on the power of our surroundings to impact our mental states, and I think that living smaller and more efficiently — and the intentionality behind that choice — has great potential for positive psychological impact.
Excessive Punishment Can Have Lasting Psychological Impact on Children Grabbing a child firmly by the arm, yelling, and repeatedly punishing him or her may not be without long - terms risks.
Excessive punishment can have lasting psychological impact on children, researchers say.»
Companies seem to be increasingly offering insurance on all manner of things in part because of something known as loss aversion, which is when people feel a more psychological impact from a loss than from a similar - sized dollar gain.
The exhibition Open Source looks at a selection of artists, most of them working since 1990, who have utilized new technologies, embraced a reimagined future, confronted ecological issues, sifted through cyborgs and post humanism, commented on the economy, and mined the overall psychological impact and flux of our cultural moment.
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