Sentences with phrase «one's queasiness»

A number of challenges have had to be overcome — not least insufficient screen resolution and movement tracking, which have been considered as causes of queasiness when headsets are worn.
Odder still, after saying he had to support the position of the U.S. government, he went on to deplore that position, observing that Dr. Louis Sullivan, Secretary of Health and Human Services, shared his embarrassment over official queasiness about the scientific uses of the unborn dead.
In fact, heartburn is the most common cause for queasiness during the final trimester of a pregnancy.
«It shows how to apply healthy eating to a pregnant lifestyle, one that's on the run, often on the cheap, dictated by cravings and aversions, filled with queasiness and heartburn,» she said.
As I've mentioned in other PSVR reviews, I can often suffer from headaches and queasiness when strapped into the headset.
Post-election queasiness going into November's New York auctions was allayed by surprisingly solid results, and exhibitors hope this bodes well.
Sometimes it's because they've found comfort from queasiness can come in high - calorie packages (ice cream, burgers or bread by the loaf).
I do this nightly in the shower (love that warm water, plus I can't be bothered to use additional cream, or (the best is) cold - pressed, black sesame seed oil — pre-warmed in your palms), and it's also considerably reduced queasiness.
Even though I don't generally get sick, I still felt a minor touch of queasiness after my first session.
Perhaps a sense of dread and queasiness in the belly, a catch of your breath...?
With fresh Ginger to combat queasiness, Happy Mama Hand To Toe Wash is USDA Certified Made With Organic ingredients, including zangy organic Lime and organic Pink Grapefruit essential oils to give spirits a lift, in a naturally safe organic olive oil castile soap base.
When the waves of queasiness returned my heart would feel a sense of relief.
«Personable, politically savvy, strong management skills, and a quick study on policy, this has to quash any outstanding fears or queasiness among Republicans about the direction the new governor might go,» added Higdon, who is now a vice president at Cornerstone Government Affairs.
He said he saw her bleeding from the abdomen and, despite his own queasiness, helped her call her family.
Some people find ginger helpful and may even soak it in water or make ginger tea to quell queasiness, says Dr. Chutkan.
Starchy rice helps soothe the stomach and ginger may help relieve queasiness.
This balanced herbal formula gently supports the body against nausea, vomiting, belching and stomach acid.GastroPhase is also perfect for those experiencing queasiness or stomach distress related to new foods and / or motion sickness [car, plane, train, boat, etc.].
But even without early pregnancy queasiness, you may find that your morning Joe no longer seem appealing, while other foods and drinks suddenly hit the spot.
Ginger will help you settle any morning queasiness and help you digest breakfast.
Others are miserable, with near - constant queasiness (who decided to call it morning sickness?)
Perhaps, he would have been better off publishing an album of stills: it would have roughly the same emotional effect, without the moral queasiness of that woman's brutal elimination.
The original had a deliberate escalation of pacing and a nightmarish envisioning of the lonely highway that imbued each scene with a sick - to - your - stomach queasiness that kept viewers unsettled and nervous from beginning to end.
Can any words evoke the flesh - crawling queasiness of Henry's visit to Mary's parents» house, in which he sits uncomfortably on the couch exchanging forced pleasantries with Mom while some ungodly squeaking / squelching noise threatens to drown out the dialogue?
The goth culture's predilection for body mutilation carries through to its logical undead end in a Sadeian workshop of grue that distinguishes the standard underground industrial rave club sequence from also - ran into funhouse queasiness.
Giant space battles are simply awesome when experienced in a VR headset, PSVR included, and as it places you inside a ship, where you can even see your virtual legs when you look down, you are grounded enough to play for long periods without queasiness.
Developer Steven Craft confirmed that people who had complained they were extremely sensitive to motion sickness in VR games had no issues with Bloody Zombies because there was no first person queasiness to be had.
Though I have to say there's something about a meowing, cat Mario that gives me the same feeling of existential queasiness as if I were to accidentally see my grandma naked.
While the idea of confrontation will evoke feelings ranging from queasiness to downright physical fear, the public must be engaged in a very immediate sense.
In addition to plenty of water, ginger ale, lemonade, and ginger tea are known to reduce queasiness.
Judging by my increasing queasiness and sprints to the bathroom during this current pregnancy, I'm going down the same nauseating road again.
Others may have a vague feeling of queasiness, fatigue, or loss of appetite.
It seems every few weeks, optimism turns to pessimism and back to optimism again before retreating into a temporary information vacuum, and then resurfacing at either end of the queasiness spectrum, depending on one's industry or market segment.
Still, «the hermeneutics of suspicion» suggests another course: not to bury my queasiness but to explore its significance.
My stomach just turned a little... but if you say it works, I may have to get past my queasiness and give it a go sometime.
If you feel the queasiness kicking on, suck on a ginger candy or have some ginger tea: it's a well - known natural nausea remedy that can work wonders.
In most cases the queasiness isn't too overwhelming, so listen to your body and try to stay calm.
Morning sickness is a bit of a misnomer — while you're likely to feel more nauseous on an empty stomach (like in the morning before you've had breakfast), that queasiness can pop up at any time of day.
Sip on a cup of peppermint tea, suck on some peppermint candies, or drink some peppermint infused water to curb your queasiness.
You could start experiencing nausea, morning sickness or queasiness.
If you are one of these lucky ones, just try to make the most healthful choices that your cravings (and your queasiness) will allow and aim to gain about a pound a week through the first trimester.
Queasiness can start early on, although full - blown nausea and vomiting usually don't usually show up until 7 to 9 weeks, Conry says.
Unless a baby is sick, throwing up for them is not the same as it is for an adult, as it isn't coupled with nausea, queasiness, and malaise.
The nausea, queasiness, and actual throwing up is basically your body saying, yep, there is a baby growing in here!
This is common, especially when you ignore some meals because of queasiness.
For most others it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up.
If you're very sensitive, you may notice feelings of fatigue, queasiness, bloating, and breast tenderness, and changes in your skin and hair.
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