Sentences with phrase «one's real concern»

This is a very real concern for many people.
There is very real concern about the cost of controlling greenhouse gases.
We recognize the very real concerns of our community, and I so appreciate all of you who have reached out to me in our effort to move forward together.
My only real concern with the «religious» beliefs of politicians is the level of influence they are under from their «group» (read cult).
Our only real concern here is that glossy plastics tend to scratch easily, but we found no evidence of this happening on our Note.
There was real concern in their voices, people who have grown up here and who are now watching the entire ecosystem and economic bases of the community fall apart before their eyes.
As mentioned, snow and ice can be the cause for real concern when it comes to your possessions.
My only real concern at this point is the 4.1 UI.
This has created very real concerns over how the mobile platform will affect traditional console gaming as a whole.
Most of the time at least, but there are still real concerns about our consistency.
Too often they are used as symbols (or as potential material witnesses in lawsuits) by one of the groups listed above without real concern for their plight.
The purpose is to provide an opportunity to express real concerns or joys in a safe place with a caring adult and a group of peers.
Third (for policy - makers), that they show real concern towards effective policy - making and implementation.
The topics chosen in each set reflect real concerns which affect us during the course of our lives and are particularly relevant in today's world.
Today we're going to take a time out to address a very real concern parents face when they are looking at formula choices.
Heat and sun exposure are real concerns during the summer when kids are outdoors more, and are involved in more vigorous activities.
These figures are realistic, if you pay attention to real concerns like changing drums.
What is important to know is that real concerns exist for all citizens, particularly for parents wanting to protect their children's data.
And, rather than being a simple repetition of remote and abstract doctrines, it must be addressed to real concerns rather than artificial problems devised by remote theological abstraction.
A very real concern involves helping students to remain on task while using their devices.
These are very real concerns experienced by car accident injury victims have during their recovery process.
On the contrary — I think there is sufficient evidence for us to hold real concerns that these measures will set Indigenous communities back.
But, I do agree with you that these days there is real concern with our neighbors to the north.
But dig a little deeper into his commitment to spend 0.7 per cent on aid, and there are real concerns here.
We will deal wisely with our problems only if we seek the well - being of the other creatures out of real concern for them.
There are very real concerns over the risks associated with the possible transfer to humans of infections from pigs.
The only real concern about the goofy - looking wireless earbuds was whether they'd be too easy to lose.
The only real concern I had was his reaction to the characters in costume.
The purpose is to provide an opportunity to express real concerns or joys in a safe place with a caring adult and a group of peers.
First, there is the issue of wanting to not delay foods (# 5 and # 6) and the very real concerns parents have about potential allergic reactions.
The loss of these reefs is a very real concern for people living the region.
Claire Gilman, the chief curator at the Drawing Center, who worked with Frank on the show, says the traditional Brothers Grimm stories were told by mothers to their children as «tales of caution» about such very real concerns as being married off against your will.
The first real concerns on counting night came in the early hours, when the number of spoiled papers in the Airdrie and Shotts seat was confirmed at 1,536 - just 90 votes away from Labour's majority.
McKelvey's sadness and Washburne's anger are both strangely pessimistic, and far displaced from effectively addressing real concerns of humanity.
Assembly bill sponsor Francisco Moya (D - Queens) acknowledged that MMA has «become an issue that's raised real concern among the female legislators.»
«I've heard real concerns from many of our neighbors.
I know there are real concerns there.
The very fact that the government felt compelled to launch one at all shows that housing is rising up the agenda, and causing real concerns among MPs already nervous about their seats following the planned boundary changes.
Instead, address associates» very real concerns by using the following three - step process: Step 1: Reassure The first step in coaching to enhance confidence is to reassure the associate that her feelings are normal.
«So that's why I'm against the current plans...» he quickly corrects himself: «Why I've got real concerns about the current plans for the Silvertown Tunnel, because it's just for cars and lorries.
But, on the day the Bribery Act finally comes into force, real concerns remain about the extent to which the legislation will be enforced.
Dr Kristensen comments, «Although this may not be a severe impairment to fertility, it is still of real concern since data from three different labs all independently found that paracetamol may disrupt female reproductive development in this way, which indicates further investigation is needed to establish how this affects human fertility.»
«In 2008 and 2009, I saw real concern — even from our wealthiest clients.
(Trust me, this is a very real concern even into the teen years, so getting healthy sleep associations going now does matter.)
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