Sentences with phrase «one's real test»

After all, the only real test of love is obedience.
It will be interesting how both sides approach this match as it will be their first real test.
The striker's real test came in the second half, when the hosts were firmly knocking on the door and the visitors didn't see much of the ball.
«The only real test is how much energy we use for space heating over a year,» he replied.
We will need to get the device into PC Labs to conduct real testing, but the screen definitely looks sharper.
This is his first real test (excuse the pun) in dealing with this issue.
While the immediate effect on bitcoin's price has been positive, it is widely believed that the introduction of future contracts will be the first real test for bitcoin's valuation as investors now have a proper vehicle to stake bearish positions.
Climber James McCarthy picks the tough spots on easy hills near home to prepare himself for real tests on big mountains of the world
The team that I see as our only big rivals for the Title, they sit 2 points clear of us right now, they just tore Newcastle a new one, and are just about everybodys pick for the league, and the only real test in the league coming soon is at home to Man United (Pray for a draw), but whilst they are everybodys pick, they are favourites, they are still not untouchable.
When my husband returned on the third day, I was wearing one of his shirts because mine were all in the washer, the floor was covered in toys and burp cloths, the dishes weren't washed, there was no grown - up food in the house, and I hadn't showered in two days, but I had survived my first real test as a parent of multiples and while I was sure it wasn't the last trial I'd face, I'd learned a lot to prepare me for the next one.
Audameyang, and Mkhitaryan are considered WC, and also have a telepathic understanding with each other from their time at Dortmund, yet they flopped hard in their first real test against Spurs.
The next real test for Bitcoin will be the initial supporting trend line, resistance is currently tracking at around $ 7,900.
I think real test for welbz will b nxt season when all d players are fit and he wudnt b getting as many chances to impress as he did dis season.
Dubbed Block and Jerry's, a play on the popular U.S. brand Ben and Jerry's, the service was created to give real consumers a reason to push forward the bleeding - edge payments technology — one that, after years of ideation, is just now beginning to see real testing and use.
A fairly straight forward home against Palace and a bit of challenge at Besiktis ought to prepare the team for the first real test at Everton.
This is the engine's first real test drive on Nintendo Switch, and the results do appear to be pretty sharp.
The last real test came in early 2016, but the the S&P 500 has risen some 25 % since crossing back over that line.
next 2 league games real test especially chelsea away, its not our attack its our defense is a whole team i worry about we do nt seem to lern from past mistakes
The study's chief author Daniel Koretz and his colleagues used a simplified model of the University of California admissions process and real test scores to examine the impact of attempts to roll back affirmative action in postsecondary admissions on eight California campuses.
These can be real testing times for a Solo Traveler.
Not only will QE feed concerns within the Eurozone, but the eurozone's neighbors (whose economies are highly impacted by the ECB's actions) are about to experiment real tests.
3 clean sheets on the spin is unusual for Arsenal albeit the average quality of the opposition.The real test will come against a Man Utd side with real pace upfront.With regard to the weaknesses in the side Xhaka and Sanches have been no better than average since the start of the season and do not justify their places.
After rescuing Palace from the bottom three in style last term — Pardew led the club he represented for four years as a player to their highest finish in the top tier since 1991 — and starting so well in 2015/16, the man who has been spoken of as a potential future England manager is now facing his first real test since taking the reins at Selhurst Park last January.
Real tests based on the simulations will be performed in 2016 with the Texas Petawatt Laser led by Professors Manuel Hegelich and Todd Ditmire from the Center for High Energy Density Science at UT Austin.
(b) With our partner SNL, we can evaluate large scale near pilot scale runs under real test conditions.
But the first real test regarding relevance, nostalgia, and the bottling of curious man - child magic arrived last night.
The result of that 38 - year long real test is that the gold - standard satellite empirical evidence clearly invalidates this hypothesis of positive feedback (s) leading to runaway, catastrophic warming.
The first real test of how well this roster has been put together starts on 5 May and ends on 30 May.
If you're a fan of challenging adventures, then it's likely that this won't be the one you're looking for, as the only real test comes in the form of finding each area of interest, and correctly numbering the rather obvious steps in which each murder took place.
This is the first real test as to whether the new body, Ipso, has any teeth.»
not quite sure about the maths here... but realistically 3 1 to city if both teams put in their best... only hope is they are knackered after napoli in which case i wouldnt rule out a draw if we can keep a decent tempo... real test in the middle of the park and i would like to see wilshire start as he is the only squad member who can control a ball and look up at the same time... another xhaka ramsey routine will see us lose sadly
At CSW, facing her first real test on women's rights as Ambassador, Haley has missed an opportunity to lead by example and comment substantively on the significant barriers facing women and girls in the U.S. and worldwide.
The venue quickly established itself as real test for the drivers and many Formula One teams where attracted to the International Gold Cup race, which was won five times by Stirling Moss.
Michigan's next real test doesn't come until October 14th, a road date at Indiana.
Dubbed Block and Jerry's, a play on the popular U.S. brand Ben and Jerry's, the service was created to give real consumers a reason to push forward the bleeding - edge payments technology - one that, after years of ideation, is just now beginning to see real testing and use.
I've also been a TV critic for almost two decades, and every Fall TV season I say the same thing about the pilots for new series: The only real test of success or failure is «Does it make me want to watch another one?»
The Saints will take on champions Manchester City on Sunday, in what will be their first real test of where they're at under Ronald Koeman.
That might not immediately affect existing products like the iPhone and iPad, but the real test will be when Apple rolls out its Next Big Thing (Apple TV, anyone?).
While there is no real test to determine whether your prices are set correctly, knowing and understanding the way your customers think and make decisions will go a long way towards pricing for value.
The real test for antitrust regulators is whether tech giants» size leaves consumers worse off.
The real test is whether your name remains pliant and purposeful to employees and customers alike when used for the millionth time.
The real test lay in understanding its other customers — the retailers who stocked and sold those products — so that they, too, might learn to adore Edmark.
«This is going to be a real test of the administration,» he said.
It was a real test of the content were making.»
It was a real test of the content we were making.
«The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't.
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