Sentences with phrase «one's real voice»

A voucher, education savings account or tax - credit scholarship gives real voice to families.
Others say it's disingenuous to suggest that parents have any kind of real voice in the Common Core state rewrites.
Mass customized learning is about each learner becoming an active, engaged partner with real voice in how he or she learns and how he or she demonstrates knowledge or skill.
In an inspired touch, Spielberg uses tapes of Nixon's real voice as he divulges his crimes and rails against the press for revealing them.
Democratically elected school boards running schools give parents real voice and power over schools; a voice and power that is completely lost in a privatized system.
Ever since I played Hyrule Warriors, I wanted the series to get real voice acting, because it was too much in Hyrule Warriors... Nothing but loud and obnoxious whining, shouting, grunts, and gibberish, it didn't help that the NPCs were programmed to go nuts with their shouting and whining, whenever they were in trouble, which was all the freaking time in that game!!!
AAA Hackney, real voices from real poverty where the youthclubs and other services are being shut down
It was one of the first real voice assistants on Android, and it was excellent.
My assumption that it would be a rather routine animated family film, featuring pop culture references, celebrities instead of real voice actors, fart jokes, and an innocuous message, was pretty much accurate.
It's the first time we've gotten real voice work for a Zelda game, so any voice actor was going to be met with skepticism.
There is nothing like experiencing real voices; this is the essence of making instant, authentic connections to fullfill your desires.
The result is a movie musical unlike any you've heard before: Real voices emerge in real time, complete with assorted tremors, gasps for breath and other «imperfections» of the sort typically smoothed away in the studio.
The New York Times: This example demonstrates how combining real voices, well - chosen images and captivating stories can work.
The fans are rabid, said Mr. Musson, whose real voice sounds like Hennessy imitating a white person (he describes his own ethnicity as West Indian).
(You remember this; it's when two real voices make a connection.)
Ukip councillor Peter Reeve claimed: «Even if we don't win a single seat, we are still a very relevant and real voice in local politics.»
We like to listen to books on cd with real voices, I do not think I would like to listen to books that are computer generated.
While the actor's Snowden voice does at least sound accurate to its baritone source material, hearing it directly juxtaposed to Gordon - Levitt's real voice in the video is unnerving to say the least.
In no time at all, Olsen claims, your real voice can start to sound a lot more like your voice in your head.
I promise, you'll come up with some amazing material by using your real voice as a tool.
«I don't have any cares to be quite honest with you, that's why I'm willing to talk with you in my real voice on a Skype call.»
You prefer a real voice talk?
It has no real voice.
«This is going to be a way to give people a real voice in this process.»
I've done podcasts with my real voice.
Shall I keep wasting my time reading at CNN Belief nonsense if they are never going to give us, atheists, a real voice?
So maybe not a real voice but his spirit lives in me and makes me a better person.
Did you not note the real voice of God that said Abraham what's wrong with you I said I would provide the sacrafice which is that ram (no not a Dodge Ram) over there.»
What you need now is to know the real voice of truth and wisdom and love.
Everyone thinks they'll be the real voice of Jesus or the one to reach their generation.
Newman believed that modernity had stopped listening to the real voice of conscience; instead citing the conscience to validate libertine choices.
For the record liar prefails is not one of US, it is here to undermine our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and has no real voice in America good or bad.
They have no real voice in public media, have hardly any access to government positions for employment, and are barely represented in local politics.
Does the apparently irreversible and forceful trend deconstructing modernity and some of its abuses (colonialism, rationalism, individualism, deism, naturalism, authoritarianism, the contractual mentality, a flawed approach to «sovereignty» and so on) mean that the hour of once colonised countries has come and that they will be given a real voice and be able to realise their aspiration to determine themselves freely?
I must say, after having read so many of your posts with an imagenary voices in my head, it's kind of exciting to hear your real voices now.
We know that full traceability of all our seafood products will help us find any gaps in our process, and give workers a real voice.
Your writing has been excellent and you've been a real voice of reason in the comments over the last few years.
This is the real voice of reason.
«The most important thing for me is that nurses are able to practice at the top of their skill and knowledge, and they have a real voice in the decision making regarding how that practice is done.
months of his baby sister «talking,» now wonders what her real voice will sound like.»
While the Americans agree that the current two - party system is broken, I have not heard any real voices on changing it in any State.
Together, the Liberal Democrats must be the real voice of opposition.
«Liberal Democrats were given a real voice when the alternative would have been to leave the Conservatives to their own devices, unchallenged.
Today's English identity reflects a growing sense that English people lack a real voice on the things that matter to them, as the IPPR report that Sadiq refers to shows clearly.
«I have seen — up close and personal — how the issues in front of Congress affect real people's lives, and I want to be a real voice for Central New York,» Deacon said in a statement posted on her website.
Not only does being part of Europe offer British citizens a wealth of opportunities in terms of education and employment, it is also instrumental in protecting our rights and endowing us with the privileges of free travel and a real voice on an increasingly crowded world stage.
, which members of the fund said prevents the community from having a real voice in elections.
Only by working together can we make progress on creating jobs, giving our children every opportunity for success, and providing the Hudson Valley a real voice for ethical and honest government in Albany.»
Now, those who make a choice to be involved in our party will be given a real voice; a «primary» for the London mayoralty will expand our engagement across the capital's communities; and our processes for selecting candidates more broadly will open up.
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