Sentences with phrase «one's reconnection»

Cluster has provided the first 3D observation of magnetic reconnection in space — a phenomenon that reconfigures the magnetic field and releases high amounts of energy.
It was meant to be a joyful moment of reconnection with her husband, but instead all her clothes were off and she was naked in a public restroom and it was terrible.»
To see whether these are generated by the same process as happens on the sun — the breaking and reconnection of magnetic fields (pictured above)-- astronomers studied light from 100,000 stars using China's Guo Shouiing Telescope.
The other is magnetic heating, in which magnetic energy is continuously built up by photospheric motion and released through magnetic reconnection in the form of large solar flares and myriad similar but smaller events.
In a separate study, a team from the University of Warwick has observed the first evidence that loop oscillations are driven directly by magnetic reconnection processes.
Everyone benefits from the exercise and fresh air, and chatting while pushing the stroller (s) allows for reconnection at the end of the day.
EFT is a short - term treatment approach for couples that focuses on reconnection between partners.
This project strives to help heal people through reconnection with nature (through silent, contemplative walks through urban green settings in small groups), and to help heal forests through volunteer work.
When magnetic reconnection occurs between two clouds of plasma that have the same density, the exhaust flow is wildly unstable — flapping about like a garden hose with too much water pressure.
I provide individuals effective strategies enabling to manage overwhelming emotions and also couples effective tools to obtain emotional reconnection in their relationship!
If you are experiencing marital troubles, communication issues, couples stress, have gone through a major transition and are seeking to better your relationship with your partner, couple counseling may offer a great path towards reconnection with what truly provides a sense of purpose and meaning in life.
After only a few months in orbit, the four spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission flew through a region of space where reconnection takes place and measured — for the first time — the movement of the electrons thought to be responsible for the phenomenon.
At Family Reconnections, we will help you recover a sense of closeness and happiness as a family.
Previously, computer simulations were always ahead of reconnection experiments, Burch says.
Using four spacecraft will provide MMS with the multipoint measurements needed to determine whether reconnection events occur in an isolated locale, everywhere within a larger region at once, or by traveling across space.
On Earth's nightside, magnetic reconnection happens in the magnetotail, where magnetic flux tubes originally disconnected on the dayside are reconnected.
Not only will they go without the service, they will also pay costly reconnection fees and maybe even a deposit.
understanding the brain science of attachment can give us our roadmap for reconnection even if we came from a painful past with insecure attachments
When contacted by, Thames Reach said that they were only currently engaged with assisting voluntary reconnections.
Scientists have struggled to understand exactly how reconnection works.
Ultimately, our research will help elucidate factors that prevent proper optic nerve regeneration and guidance, and to find strategies that promote reconnection of damaged optic nerves and restore visual functions following optic nerve damage.
This is a summative workshop which facilitates reconnection between participants and provides a synthesis of the program components.
I feel honored that I am present when they experience reconnection, forgiveness, clarity and love.
Children often need a physical reconnection after an argument — something that validates that you still love them and everything is going to be alright.
The Wii Remote has six buttons (plus the Home -LRB--RRB- button, which allows reconnection of controllers, resetting the game and other options regardless of which game is being played) and a D - Pad -LRB--RRB-, as well as a pointer on the front which can tell its own position in relation to a motion sensor (placed in front of the television set) and motion detection technology.
Like a stretched rubber band suddenly snapping to a new shape, magnetic reconnection also releases energy, which could actively propel ions in the Martian atmosphere down the magnetotail into space.
This research is only possible with the unique design of MMS, which uses four spacecraft flying in a tight tetrahedral formation to give high temporal and spatial resolution measurements of the magnetic reconnection region.
On Earth's dayside, magnetic reconnection takes place at the intersection of solar magnetic field lines with those of Earth's magnetic field.
Systemically, whether you look at race or gender or all the different types of marginalization that people face, when a dominant group has disbanded and caused harm to a minority group in any way, the minority group has the right to organize into reconnection in order to heal what has been disregarded or unseen about their value.
The momentum toward reconnection led last year to important revisions in the college's statement of purpose.
That can involve working with other agencies, including reconnection within other London boroughs, to other parts of the UK or overseas.»
Reconnection releases energy and helps move plasma around, so the process could be important to heating the corona and driving solar wind.
Reconnection produces northern lights, solar flares and eruptions, and geomagnetic storms that can snarl cell phone service, black out power grids and disrupt laboratory fusion experiments.
«We believe that this is an important piece of the puzzle for understanding how magnetic reconnection works, how charged particles are accelerated, and how particles from different regions can be mixed with each other,» says Daniel Graham.
If two colliding regions of plasma have the same density, temperature and strength (but different orientation) of their magnetic fields, symmetrical reconnection begins.
The push of social pain: Does rejection's sting motivate subsequent social reconnection?
«We can now see the entire picture of how much of the energy goes to the electrons and how much to the ions in a prototypical reconnection layer.»
The coronal magnetic reconnection hypothesis can explain the observations via the notion that superflares and solar flares share the same origin and that the two activity distributions therefore are within similar range, but that superflares mainly take place on stars with activity levels larger than the Sun.
In such reconnections he naturally dissolves the antagonism between digital and analogue art.
Her book Hold Me Tight is a guiding light for couples seeking reconnection.
He guides lovers to the manifestation of their sexual desires through deep reconnection with themselves and others.
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood joined federal, state and local leaders today to break ground on the Port of Miami Intermodal and Rail Reconnection Project.
about Secretary LaHood Breaks Ground on $ 49 Million Port of Miami Intermodal and Rail Reconnection Project
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