Sentences with phrase «one's regulatory responsibilities»

In 2013 Malta's Financial Services Authority followed suit taking over regulatory responsibility from the countries Lottery and Gaming commission.
In addition to its monetary objectives, the FED is also tasked with regulatory responsibilities, including (but not limited to) implementing Basel III, Dodd - Frank stress tests, and supervising banks and other important financial institutions.
Yes, Dodd Frank did clean things up some by removing bankers from the selection process for regional bank presidents and orienting regulatory responsibility towards the Washington.
Partly because water has historically been produced locally, most regulatory responsibility has been pushed down to the state and municipal levels.
Chris Kenny, the current LSB chief executive, leaves at the end of November and interim arrangements will see Julie Myers, LSB corporate director, lead on accounting officer responsibilities and Caroline Wallace, LSB strategy director, lead on regulatory responsibilities.
«There are no salaries, assets, or regulatory responsibility behind Bitcoin, so it could completely disappear quite easily.»
«If a timely agreement can not be reached on a common regulator, the government will propose legislation to carry out its regulatory responsibilities consistent with the decision rendered by the Supreme Court of Canada,» the budget states.
Glen Gowland, Scotiabank's senior vice-president and head, asset management, said the bank takes its regulatory responsibilities seriously.
«Companies are already moving offshore to avoid taxes, fiduciary duties, and regulatory responsibilities.
Mr. Jain, added, «The regulatory responsibilities of a discretionary portfolio manager are significant and growing.
APHIS can not run away from its regulatory responsibilities to protect farmers from environmental and economic harm that are the direct result of GE contamination in the promotion of agricultural biotechnologies.
That hundreds of Australian sheep have continued to be offered for sale at Al Rai market reveals the exporter's complete disregard for their regulatory responsibilities to protect animals from such inhumane treatment.
Another 9 agencies have nanotechnology - related mission interests or regulatory responsibilities.
The DOT takes very seriously its regulatory responsibilities to small entities.
The following is a list of DOT's Operating Administrations, the Office of the Secretary (OST), and their regulatory responsibilities.
NHTSA has regulatory responsibility for motor vehicles manufactured for sale in the United States or imported into the United States.
The financial regulator has inherited the regulatory responsibility from the UK Gambling Commission that previously oversaw the binary options industry.
Created in 2008 through the consolidation of the Investment Dealers Association of Canada and Market Regulation Services Inc., IIROC carries out its regulatory responsibilities through setting and enforcing rules regarding the proficiency, business and financial conduct of dealer firms and their registered employees and through setting and enforcing market integrity rules regarding trading activity on Canadian equity and debt marketplaces.
We have a whole range of regulatory responsibilities — that's our mission.
It's time to delegate its regulatory responsibilities to the states.
The principle argument against both cap - and - trade and a carbon tax is that we a shirking our regulatory responsibilities.
It also doesn't hurt to remind individuals that (1) using a third - party cloud provider does not absolve the organization from its legal / regulatory responsibilities to protect its own data and third - party data and ensure that such data is properly safeguarded; and (2) it will likely be necessary to negotiate a cloud provider's standard agreement to ensure that these requirements are actually set out in the legal agreement.
In addition to its judicial functions, the Supreme Court of Appeals has administrative and regulatory responsibilities.
In the view of the author, as long as the sanction for misconduct is delivered to the individual, there can be little or no justification for any principle of strict (or collective) regulatory responsibility.
''... I want to be clear to consumers that we will not be stepping away from our regulatory responsibilities.
It's our regulatory responsibility to ensure Robinhood Gold is in line with your investment goals.
The regulatory responsibility of this Canadian token will rest on AMF with the other provinces honouring the decision through Canadian securities passport system.
ANZ's spokesperson added that the bank «monitors transactions for unusual behavior to protect against potential fraud and in line with our regulatory responsibilities
«We monitor transactions for unusual behaviour to protect against potential fraud and in line with our regulatory responsibilities» ANZ bank's Spokesperson continued
That year, as a result of the lawsuit against it, the Nebraska State Bar was restructured by the Nebraska Supreme Court, which eliminated its access to mandatory dues and removed all of its regulatory responsibilities.
The Real Estate Council of BC has six committees that carry out many of its regulatory responsibilities, as well as advisory groups that provide industry consultation and engagement opportunities.
The online Mandatory Course is a cost effective and convenient way to meet your regulatory responsibilities and maintain your familiarity with the «rules of the road» when selling real estate in Vermont.
Some of the efforts in Tallahassee involve making new laws and increasing state regulation; others dismantled state oversight and decrease the State of Florida's regulatory responsibilities.
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