Sentences with phrase «one's relationship to the natural world»

The subject the work is often our troubled relationship to the natural world, as a society and as individuals.
All of those things can come together to create a kind of relationship to the natural world that is productive and motivated by something other than profit.
I wanted to better grasp our species place in the present and its historical relationship to the natural world.
He has also redefined his large, colorful shapes to imply a more immediate relationship to the natural world.
is an intersectional call to action that urges viewers to interrogate their own relationship to the natural world through banners, print, and mixed media installations.
Through the juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated events, Rose's work presents humanity's shared current anxieties and their multi-layered interconnectivity: our changing relationship to the natural world, the advance of technology, catastrophes, our own mortality and the impact of history.
It's an entire historiography in which the human relationship to the natural world depends essentially on human ingenuity and entrepreneurship.
For centuries creators ranging from Casper David Friedrich to the artists in this show have sought to represent man's interesting, vexed, and insoluble relationship to the natural world.
His failure to interpret correctly the philosophical and theological traditions that precede this revolution shows how difficult it is to think outside the nominalist and Gnostic horizon once we're inside it, especially when our technologically mediated relationship to the natural world and our own bodies reinforces its hold on us.
Often in dialogue with literature, the early work of this visionary artist explored mythology and cultural archetypes related to gender, while more recent projects address our complex relationship to the natural world.
In their emphasis on the artist's instinctive and empathic relationship to the natural world, the works on view reminded me at times of Fairfield Porter, particularly in Foss's application of paint and use of color.
The Paris gallery showcases a diversity of pieces in which Penone makes the human body's relationship to the natural world palpable with the clear and resonant print of his hand.
This show explores our very curious relationship to the natural world and seeks to give those long - gone animals an alternate narrative.»
Trance Dance Total Run Time: 5:34 Searching, misrepresentation, failure and our troubled relationship to the natural world are components of Miranda Lichtenstein's work.
In her practice, Johnson often explores our individual and collective human relationships to the natural world to better understand unwieldy concepts like memory, migration, and communication.
For centuries creators ranging from Casper David Friedrich to contemporary masters like the artists in this show have sought to represent man's interesting, vexed, and insoluble relationship to the natural world.
And, in our relationship to the natural world, short - term exploitation of the earth's bounty becomes our birthright, whether or not its result for our children might be shortages of life - sustaining resources such as topsoil and potable water.
Liberalism inaugurated a transformation in the natural and human sciences, premised on the transformation of the view of human nature and on humanity's relationship to the natural world.
The new religious rituals will be based not only on our relationship to the natural world, they will also celebrate everything we have come to value in human existence, such as the importance of healthy human relationships, and the rich inheritance of human culture.
In no other respect have the changes in the human situation been more striking than in this matter of man's relationship to the natural world.
Some contemporary theologians, in response to the ecological crisis we currently face, deem it crucial that we reevaluate and refine the classic Christian doctrines regarding God's relationship to the natural world and humanity's place within the created order.
They show vastly differing attitudes towards our relationship to the natural world.
Photographer Alex Bernasconi hopes these images invite us to reflect on our relationship to the natural world.
«Making «The Revenant» was about man's relationship to the natural world.
Issues to take into consideration are: societal structure, religion, the treatment of children and the elderly, human relationships, and humanity's relationship to the natural world.
«Katie's relationship to the natural world is very specific,» says Jodie Vicenta Jacobson, a curator at the Horticultural Society of New York.
Bringing together three bodies of work, the exhibition took poetic inspiration from the notion of the spine and its relationship to the natural world, the body, and labor.
Reflecting on mythology, as well as on humans» relationship to the natural world, Saul will present a series of freestanding and hung ceramic sculptures, each crafted with a subversive and playful comedic stance.
Bringing together three bodies of work, the exhibition takes poetic inspiration from the notion of the spine and its relationship to the natural world, the body, and labor.
His formal language possesses a rich symbology about humankind and its relationship to the natural world - a concern of many cultures both ancient and modern.
The artists included in this exhibition — Adam Nelson, Yoko K., and Grethe Wittrock — will collaborate to create an immersive environment that explores the changing nature of our relationship to the natural world.
By utilising complex audio and video editing techniques, Rose explores the interwoven nature of history, memory and geography, and tackles the urgent ecological issues of humanity's changing relationship to the natural world and the advancement of technology.
Office Plants is a series of sculptures that questions our relationship to the natural world through replication and commodification.
The relationship to the natural world, so important to the Finnish people, is vividly realized in the paintings by Lapland artist Sirpa Särkijärvi.
She calls into question our relationship to the natural world using technology as a metaphor for loss.
Harrison's paintings, sculptures and collages make strange our relationship to the natural world.
David Harrison's paintings, sculptures and collages make strange our relationship to the natural world.
The narrative will examine our relationship to the natural world, inspired by the contrasts of freedom and claustrophobia, banality and joy that can be experienced in a place of such expanse, peacefulness and beauty.
The exhibition, featuring Jensen's photographs, video and sculptural work, is the culmination of an understated and meditative art practice, one that explores our relationship to the natural world and examines the environment utilizing humble degrees of innocence, curiosity and intellectual integrity; one that always manages to find the marvelous, and perhaps even the sacred, within the details that we regularly overlook.
Titled «Between Man and Matter», the exhibition foregrounded art's relationship to the natural world an indirect counter to the technological swagger of Expo» 70.
Erin Johnson's solo exhibition at Pelican Bomb Gallery X explores our human relationships to the natural world.
Known for her cut paper and collage - based work she investigates the potential intersections of the visual and the literary, channeling the experience of reading into the activity of drawing, while reimagining our relationship to the natural world.
Another selection - landscapes and cityscapes - are each opportunities for artists to speak to our relationship to the natural world - both in how we experience landscape as well as how we construct our own urban environments.
Ultimately the exhibition can be seen as commentary on our relationship to the natural world and on the representation of our place in it.
Our relationship to the natural world seems to be an increasingly relevant topic and one that we, and the artists we work with, continually go back to at Wave Hill.
Gabriel de Guzman, Curator of Visual Arts, organizes the Sunroom Project Space and coordinates topical exhibitions in Glyndor Gallery, exploring the many facets of our relationship to the natural world.
Richard T. Walker records his encounters with the American landscape in video, installation, text, photography and music, raising questions about the journey toward consciousness and our relationship to the natural world.
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