Sentences with phrase «one's relationship to the world»

From a negative point of view the event must have yet another origin: besides its primitive relationship to the world of becoming it must have a further primitive relationship to something.
However, we are called to be «right» not by ourselves, but in relationship to the world.
If we interpret the unconscious in terms of Whitehead's doctrine of physical feeling, it is easy to understand why amplification of mental processes elicits strong feelings of relationship to the world around us as well as it reveals elements of the unconscious: both are elements of our physical inheritance.7
Internationally renowned artists were chosen for the project who share a close relationship to the world of architecture and who took their inspiration from the test phase of the building over the course of several months before the opening.
Can it overcome the deep seated habits of associating God with the individual human soul and reestablish the self - evidence of God's primary relationship to the world?
He dually works with acts of reverence and eventually, through an abstracted view of our relationship with objects and their subsequent relationship to the world at large, irreverence.
The Fruitmarket's summer exhibition of work by American artist Ingrid Calame whose beautifully - coloured, intricate drawings and paintings have a specific, if abstracted relationship to the world.
She suggests that we try envisioning God as Mother, Lover, and Friend, and that we try imagining God's relationship to the world as analogous to that of a self to its body.
The different understandings of God's relationship to the world also result in different understandings of God's power to change the world.
If by this is meant God apart from and without relationship to his world, such writers have departed from the deepest meaning of the Christian faith and perhaps from the realm of human possibility altogether.
It leaves them, by virtue of their innocent suffering, closer to the heart of God's deepest relationship to the world.
Supremely the myths and legends of Genesis tell us of the faith of Israel, of what this continuing community believed about God not abstractly but in his active relationship to world and Israelite history.
One of the relatively few Whiteheadians to attempt a process interpretation of the traditional doctrine of the Trinity is Lewis Ford.2 In an article for the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, which was subsequently revised and published as a chapter in his recent book The Lure of God Ford claims, first of all, that «God's relationship to the world necessarily entails a fundamental triunity» (LG 100).
Initially, it means that the body that is resurrected is the body as experienced in the lifetime of bodysoul relationships to the world.
«Most of my time I'm speaking to secular people and I'm saying, «You know, you may think religion is for idiots, but...» «I've switched 180 degrees from where I thought religion was for children essentially — people who had no education, people who had this infantile relationship to the world and needed some sort of fi gurehead to help them,» he continues.
H. Richard Niebuhr described the nature of the church and the world in words which have remarkable relevance to the current situation facing religion in its uneasy and ambivalent relationship to the world of television:
And so what we have been calling the humility or self - abandonment of God is by no means intended as a model of masochism, but as a condition of God's loving relationship to the world.
Cameron never used the phrase «working people»; rather, his language of work was often about individuals» potentially - shifting relationships to the world of work.
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Because fun as it is to chat about first and second dates on the internet, it's quite another thing to divulge aspects of an actual relationship to the world.
I have always had a difficult, antagonistic relationship to the world of independent film.
«The camera moves,» Pasolini wrote, «and fixes the image in such a way as to create a sort of diaphragm around each object, thus making the object's relationship to the world appear as irrational and magical.»
You've collaborated with directors like Krzysztof Kieślowski, Olivier Assayas, Bruno Dumont, and now Claire Denis, who converge in their interest in capturing their protagonists» inner lives and sensorial relationship to the world.
To say that «Black Panther» is as imprecise an analogy for oppression and revolution as «Star Wars» and «Star Trek» isn't a slam against this film, or any Marvel film; it's an acknowledgment that genre movies tend to work best when they're anchored to emotions and big personalities, and run into trouble when the filmmakers or the audience try to map a geometrically precise relationship to the world beyond the screen.
Unlike Cindy Sherman herself, «Grand Illusions» does not challenge, in the museum's words, photography's «unmediated relationship to the world,» as a «footprint» of objects and light.
This closer relationship to the world brings me back to the intimacy of Lawlor's dissection of gesture.
«I wanted to make visitors reconsider their spatial relationship to the world around them.»
Calame, an artist based in Los Angeles, makes intricate, abstract paintings and drawings with a specific relationship to the world.
Damian Griffiths: The camera is linked with ideas of truth because of it's indexical relationship to the world.
Lauren Marsolier creates images that represent the mental process of transition and our conflicted relationship to a world that is becoming increasingly fast - paced and dematerialized...
Shared Spaces deals with our everyday interactions in digital spaces and their impact on our analogue relationships to the world.
However, the focus on Schutz herself has perhaps overshadowed the fact that the Whitney Biennial still takes place in an institution largely unchanged since the»60s in administrative diversity (with positions of power still white - dominated), in curatorial approach, and in relationship to the world outside its doors.
Kass's newest body of work is deeply informed by the political climate of the last seven years and the notion that our past optimism has now been replaced by a more provisional relationship to the world.
Survey offers an opportunity to reflect on the nature of perception and to take the measure of our own relationship to the world
Drawing on history and popular culture, Rakowitz, a natural storyteller, invites viewers to consider their complicit relationship to the world around them.
In the latter part of that century, Bowlby (1979) proposed that attachment is both inherent, as a response to danger, and experiential, in the manner in which attachment is played out, and thus core to our safe relationship to the world.
«McEneaney's pictures, which triangulate her self - portraits in the studio with images of her animals and her neighborhood, depict a self defined in relationship to the world around her — to her city, to her pets, to art history.
The entire Christian message of creation, judgment, and redemption through Jesus Christ underlines God's gracious and sensitive relationship to the world of his creatures.
Can it overcome the deepseated habit of associating God with the individual human soul and reestablish the self - evidence of God's primary relationship to the world?
Rice, however, still finds that process thought is not helpful in thinking about God's relationship to the world at the level of God's involvement in specific events.
The Fruitmarket Galllery's summer exhibition of work by American artist Ingrid Calame whose beautifully - coloured, intricate drawings and paintings have a specific, if abstracted relationship to the world.
His writing seems utterly pertinent to her work...» The way I make something gives me a close relationship to the world... sometimes I think that I wouldn't even be here without this experience.»
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