Sentences with phrase «one's relationships to others»

When I am referring to this bathroom as the medium sized bathroom, that is in relationship to the other bathrooms in this house.
We think of ourselves in terms of relationships to other people.
I feel that even the larger works gain in relationship to each other as each color asserts itself.
Just as individuals can not exist apart from relationships to others, so also the family depends on larger patterns of relationship.
In collaboration with colleagues in other practice areas you may find opportunities to expand the client relationship to other areas of the firm.
These projects never came to fruition, but the garden's installation offers fresh opportunity to experience garden and sculpture in new relationships to each other, and as an immersive, designed experience.
Rather than reacting to individual problems that arise, a systems thinker will ask about relationships to other activities within the system, look for patterns over time, and seek root causes.
It involves in its own constitution an ideal reference to ideal creatures in ideal relationships to each other.
However, it has a tight relationship to other hormones; «estrogen dominance» can suppress levels enough to cause acne.
The diagram below sets out the right to development - its focus and relationship to other human rights standards.
Sometimes two economic variables with little obvious financial relationship to each other will show a statistically significant relationship in the past.
The right investor can not only bring you the right user platforms, but also the right relationships to other potential partners.
The «matter» of such a mechanism was, by its nature, static, passive, and incapable of supporting internal relationships to other bits of matter.
One's own body in relationship to others is the next lesson, and teaching it starts from the very youngest interactions.
This way of relating one actual entity to another actual entity is the essence of each entity's relationship to every other actuality.
And beyond their critiques, these speculative process thinkers attempt to set forth alternative models and to place these better models in a comprehensive relationship to other fields of thought.
Since text sizes in a document are usually in a certain relationship to each other, it makes much more sense to use a relative measurement than absolute font scaling.
Platform includes your own website, relationships to other bloggers (so you can guest post).
All pieces of information should be considered in relationship to other pieces of information.
Visitors are invited to take part in chess games during open park hours in which they take the place of chess pieces, their positions determined by their familial relationships to others.
Brokers have a different relationship to other financial and professional advisers as they are, more often than not, paid for their work by commission from the lender.
Connection happens when we are heard and understood in relationship to others.
A different trajectory does not require a change of institutions; it requires a change in how we understand the human person in relationship to other persons, to nature, and the source of creation.
I also like the close up pictures of the different elements, but I really wish just once, that the entire table and tree could be seen 6 ′ or so away to give us an idea of the size / relationship to other things in the room!
For all of his separateness as an artist, particularly in relationship to other artists of his generation, it behooves us to see Brodie's work both close - up and in the largest context possible.
That is because Newsom is not judgmental — life is a gift and man's relationship to other living things is not the point.
Even GE's three remaining businesses — aviation, health care, and energy and power — bear little relationship to each other.
Bankruptcy data collected for the 2012 year suggests that bankruptcy filings fall less where chapter 13 filing rates are higher in relationship to other types of bankruptcy filings.
«In this anthology, we are exploring how we are informed by and participating with those mothers, especially radical women of color, who have sought for decades, if not centuries, to create relationships to each other, transformative relationships to feminism and a transnational anti-imperialist literary, cultural and everyday practice.»
Biomolecules (such as DNA, proteins and lipids) that make up modern animals contain information about how their bodies work (physiology — that is, physical and chemical functions), relationships to other animals and their evolutionary histories.
Second, it leaves kids with imbalanced intake of zinc in relationship to other nutrients (like copper).
[UPDATE, 4/12: Daniel B. Botkin, an ecologist who has studied climate impacts on species and has written widely on humans» relationship to other species, has posted a nice summary of his view of climate forecasts.]
If swimming for romance, these are the canyons that funnel the unreliable currents of emotion, pulling you down past amorphous shapes whose relationship to each other is a mystery.
Either human beings are made subject to the State or they are typically cast as «individuals» — with little meaningful or intrinsic relationship to each other or any agreed notion on what it means to be a human being.
Researchers have little clue about H. floresiensis» evolutionary relationship to other ancient - human relatives, and whether they mated with humans or other species is an open question.
The smoothly - rounded shape, the almost genetically - linked front end, the side - window outline, the big tires filling out the fenders and the taillight treatment leave no doubt of the Panamera's relationship to other Porsches.
According to Elizabeth Dee Gallery, the exhibition «stages an environment for the potential of collective exchange in the form of personal declarations that become part of an enduring and ongoing artwork... Engagement with Piper's interactive installation offers the possibility to assess one's own philosophical obligations and to reevaluate complicit relationships to others
One of the greatest discoveries in the development of the «peak performance personality» is that your fears and your level of self - esteem have an inverse or opposite relationship to each other.
Because theology is critical inquiry into the validity of Christian witness in every respect (faithfulness to itself, truth, fittingness), historical, philosophical, and practical theology are necessarily «in reciprocal relationship to each other» (67).
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