Sentences with phrase «one's repeated assertions»

It is now even more clear that wind and solar will not be able to compete in the marketplace for many years if not centuries, contrary to repeated assertions by the environmental left.
It has repeated the assertion in a recent wave of material from leadership to rally the troops in the name of unity and union survival.
All you can do is repeat the assertion like the little sheep you are.
If at times the descriptions of Foyer communities conjured up images of kaftan communes of the 1960s, these were held at bay by repeated assertions of Marthe's adherence at all times to the Church's Magisterium, of each Foyer opening only at the invitation of the local bishop and of snippets of Marthe's such as «Mass is not an obligation... it is a necessity!»
The latter was because of his oft repeated assertion of doing «art for art's sake.»
Rabon's office declined to provide any updates on the issue for Policy Watch Wednesday, despite repeated assertions from district leaders that time is growing short for school districts.
Recently, Singer repeated this assertion in an interview in the Journal of Practical Ethics, arguing that people with serious developmental and cognitive disabilities have less value than animals with higher capacities, strongly implying that we can treat them accordingly (my emphasis):
De Blasio repeated his assertion that the state should bear the costs of MTA fixes, pointing out as he has done before that the state diverted about $ 456 million in city money away from the transit authority.
If Christine Kenneally repeats her assertion (29 May, p 33), that the language Lao has no adjectives, she may hear...
Jesse Ruiz, the school district's interim CEO and board member, issued a statement Monday repeating assertions that CPS» projected $ 1.1 billion budget deficit was «the result of shamefully low state education funding and a broken pension system that penalizes Chicago taxpayers and our city's children.»
King repeated his assertion that ESSA is based on a civil rights law and his department has an obligation to ensure equality of educational opportunities for all students.
As reported on the Deltoid blog, INQUA repeated this assertion when I contacted them about a story in 2009.
He later claimed he was kidding, but he's also repeated the assertion that climate change is a hoax benefiting China.
In stark contrast to the often repeated assertion that the science of climate change is «settled,» significant new peer - reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human - caused global warming.
The problem seems to be to be that the bad guys are spreading untruths and exaggerations and assertions without a lot of hard evidence and serious debate, cheered on by the big companies who make similar assertions and repeat those assertions without thorough debate.»
In at least one event I attended, I have heard an MEP repeat this assertion in defence of voting against a request for an Opinion on the compatibility of the Investment Court System (ICS) in CETA with the Treaties.
Following The Tribune's big reveal, the UIDAI promptly repeated its assertion about Aadhaar data being safe, and called the story «a case of misreporting.»
None of the videos released shows anything illegal and, in fact, the full footage of Planned Parenthood executives meeting with people presumed to be buyers for a human biologics company include repeated assertions that clinics are not selling tissue but only seeking permitted reimbursement costs for expenses.
When one side of an argument endlessly repeats their assertions, is it irrelevant of the other side to endlessly repeat their own?
Battered ethics, in many manifestations, continues to plague the Cuomo administration, in spite of his oft repeated assertion his administration has done more than any other in 60 years to clean up Albany.
(And if, despite repeated assertions to the contrary from the filmmakers and publicists, it all turns out to be an elaborate hoax — well, you heard it here first.)
Here's my question: When can the repeated assertion of falsehoods despite being confronted by factual evidence be considered «lying»?
His repeated assertion that he will just «put a border tax on» makes no sense in today's world of North American assembly lines.
His repeated assertions are sowing suspicion among his most ardent supporters, raising the possibility that millions of people may not accept the results on Nov. 8 if Trump does not win.
There is no evidence to support Trump's repeated assertion that he lost the popular vote to Democrat Hillary Clinton in November's election because people voted illegally, independent experts and analysts have said.
Last week, classified intelligence reports obtained by McClatchy belied the administration's repeated assertions that drones rarely kill civilians, that they are only aimed at terrorists who pose an imminent threat to the U.S., and that they identify intended targets accurately.
I almost missed this gem that you answered when asked about your repeated assertion that the 2 % of the population that are Jewish and the 15 % of the population that are the GERMAN MAJORITY (your phrase) are neocons:
At the risk of repeating your assertion, may I inquire if this means you hold it against every born - again christian who ever came to the religion later in life?
I'm sorry, «truth be told», but your repeated assertions regarding atheism are unfounded.
I'm sorry, «Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things», but your repeated assertions regarding atheism and prayer are unfounded.
I'm sorry, «Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things», but your repeated assertions regarding atheism are unfounded.
On the other hand, Christian faith is often; defended by repeated assertions that «the Bible says...» without any attempt to recover the historical situation in which the books of the Bible were written or to get beneath the surface to find out what God really is saying through it.
I'm sorry, «truth be told», but your repeated assertions regarding atheists are unfounded.
Using my Idiomatic Expression Equivalency module (IEE), the expression that best matches the degree to which your repeated assertions may represent truths is: «CHRONIC TOTAL FAIL — EMBARRASSINGLY STUPID».
«When Paul illustrates the law, he usually cites circumcision, and thereby typifies the basic structure of Jewish ceremonialism.1 He is as clear in his repudiation of this as the source of salvation as he is in his repeated assertions that it is through faith in Jesus Christ, and not through works of the law, that a man is justified.
Using my Idiomatic Expression Equivalency module (IEE), the expression that best matches the degree to which your repeated assertions may represent truths is: «EMBARRASSINGLY EPIC FAIL».
I'm sorry, «Buster», but «God» is an element of mythology, therefore your repeated assertions are unfounded.
I'm sorry, «Bob», but «God» is an element of mythology, therefore your repeated assertions are unfounded.
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