Sentences with phrase «one's reproductive lives»

However, headaches are also linked with the effects of hormonal imbalance, and therefore with the various stages of reproductive life.
An eight session curriculum covering topics ranging from values and sexuality to healthy relationships and reproductive life planning, including anatomy, birth control and sexually transmitted infection prevention.
This process allows the body to control and maintain the supply of eggs over a woman's reproductive life span.
-- Support the freedom of women to vote, control their own reproductive lives, and have equal pay in the workplace because I'm not a woman.
We have no footsteps to follow as far as the best way to eat for long healthy post reproductive life.
The canine reproductive life varies greatly from breed to breed with regard to onset of puberty, however.
Over the maternal reproductive life course there is a long - term trajectory of reduced marital quality and increased depression.
In addition, having a child and breastfeeding during your early reproductive life has the greatest risk - lowering effect.
An adult woman's reproductive life occurs in three distinct phases.
Training topics include parenting, maternal depression, reproductive life planning, and reduction of smoking, alcohol, and drugs.
In my quest to find meaning, I've driven deep into the study of art, film & storytelling, experiential learning, relationships, sexuality, the human reproductive life cycle, trauma, parenthood, attachment, loss and human behavior, and performance.
Planned Parenthood of Nassau County (PPNC) seeks to compassionately and respectfully empower individuals to make independent, informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive lives by providing access to medically - sound health care and educational services, and by promoting public policies to make those services available to all.
And, «women with later menopause and a longer reproductive life span may have decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases,» Shadyab said.
[This is the first stage of fetal, reproductive life imagery: copulation and conception.]
Given these connections between hormonal or reproductive life events and rheumatoid arthritis in women, researchers conducted an observational study to investigate the association of menopause with functional status in women with the disease.
But reproductive medicine has advanced at such a pace that there are still options for Puntung, particularly as she seems to be relatively young — with as many as 10 years of reproductive life ahead of her — and her ovulatory cycle seems to be normal.
A Penn State College of Medicine researcher has received a three - year, $ 1.7 million grant to help determine if the number of unintended pregnancies can be reduced through reproductive life planning.
[The imagery of reproductive life continues - the round, impregnated «ova» implants itself into the «uterus» of the mother.]
Planned Parenthood of Nassau County (PPNC) seeks to compassionately and respectfully empower individuals to make independent, informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive lives by providing access to medically sound health care and educational services, and by promoting public policies to make those services available to all.
HappyMeal The right of a woman to control her own reproductive life is like the right to free speech: You don't have to agree with how people exercise that right to still want to protect their right to do it.
We can use nature's secrets about how to stay alive and healthy to make babies, and apply those secrets to post reproductive years, so that we can also live a younger and longer post reproductive life, whether nature cares about that or not.
Yes, because the Pope is far less trustworthy than pharmaceutical companies that have convinced otherwise healthy women that they need to be dependent upon their products for the whole of their reproductive life.
Women have been doing whatever they can to control their reproductive lives since mankind existed.
Also, let us not forget Justice O'Connor argument from Casey about liberating women from their baby making bodies so they can help boost the GDP: «The ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives
By comparison, nearly 20 percent of women born in the late 1950s are reaching the end of their reproductive lives without having had children.
Until then, you moron, you don't get a say in the reproductive lives of women.
Most married women use contraception for the majority of their reproductive lives.
Beverly Harrison's Our Right to Choose (Beacon, 1983), for example, is an excellent defense of the position that people have an inalienable right to make intentional choices concerning their reproductive lives.
Nevertheless, her ethic is the best current defense of each woman's intrinsic right to moral agency in her reproductive life and, especially, in the process of forming intimate attachments and relationships — since a woman's willingness and ability to nurture a child is the ultimate issue in the decision about whether or not to have one.
It's the believers who don't seem to be able to empathize with everyone wanting equal rights, or control over their own reproductive lives.
finally an extended form of the pro-choice position that «assures women a large measure of control over their reproductive lives.
Shaconna M. Haley, M.A. is a strategic empowerment consultant, birth doula (DONA trained) and researcher on the reproductive life cycle.
While it can be hard to think about yourself, it is important to take control of your reproductive life.
It can happen at different times in your reproductive life, such as during:
In his characteristic friendly style he explains how breastfeeding is a woman's right, as an integral part of her normal sexual and reproductive life.
By forming a reproductive life plan, you can proactively navigate your childbearing years and achieve your goals for your family.
A woman who is not in charge of her reproductive life is not in charge of her life.
Midwifery Care is the full scope care of the woman during all phases of her reproductive life.
Later, the team gave mice a smaller dose of the drug for 16 weeks, over a quarter of their reproductive lives, notes Chung.
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