Sentences with phrase «one's respective cultures»

Also, there's different weapons available to your character, each from their own respective cultures such as the deadly Katana wielded by the Samurai or a massive Viking inspired battle - axe.
In a remarkable coincidence, three of the world's best - known works of romantic love which occupy pivotal positions in their respective cultures - Beroul's Tristan and Isolde in Europe, Nizami's Layla and Majnun in the Islamic world, and Jayadeva's Gitagovinda in India - were all produced at roughly the same time, in the twelfth century CE.
Of course, we ought not impose our respective cultures on others, nor should we impose our religious orientations.
One can not say that contrary assertions in two different cultures might differ with respect to one another in truth value: they are true or false only relative to their respective cultures, not with respect to one another.
Different myths have insinuated into the very historical heritage of the respective cultures a continuing fabric of meaning which has immediate and intrinsic intelligibility within that cultural orbit.
Certainly classical and Renaissance art dealt with religious themes; however, these realistic styles developed at periods in their respective cultures when traditional religion was under attack and eroding.
Gautama, Muhammad, and Jesus all transgressed the boundaries and constraints that had shaped and channeled the flow of religious information in their respective cultures.
Inculturation should not be understood merely as intellectual research; it occurs when Christians express their faith in the symbols and images of their respective culture.
We are challenged to relate Christ to our respective culture and our culture to Christ.
In this view, pastors and leaders of the younger churches try to interpret and apply the gospel appropriately in their respective cultures.
In the first place, so sweeping a moratorium would promote the domestication of the churches in their respective cultures, and this in turn would promote the further encroachment on them of tribal religion.
The festival is an event with the aim of bringing children from all over the world together to interact and share insights of their respective cultures and support to promote world peace.
It is launching a diversity and inclusion council to help its members learn how to do a better job, not only in recruiting, but also in overhauling their respective cultures so employees feel more comfortable being themselves.
Teeccino's coffee - like flavor depends on several ingredients that are popular coffee alternatives in their respective cultures.
First Peoples» Project: Native Children Distribute Their Cultural Wealth: Find out how an iEARN initiative enables indigenous students to share the wisdom of their respective cultures.
An initiative of iEARN, the International Education and Resource Network, enables indigenous students on five continents to share the wisdom of their respective cultures.
It's also key to acknowledge that individuals, as well as a person from another culture, do not represent the entirety of those respective cultures.
Women subjects are, unsurprisingly, outnumbered, but Grant explains social biases and how the work of these people was received by their respective cultures.
Some of their hopes, like education, are likely universal, but are some of their expectations more specific or common to their respective cultures?
One of my primary issues with making up the Akomish is that it reinforces a misinformed viewpoint that many different indigenous nations and their respective cultures can be condensed into a single one.
Numerous artists have devoted their work to understanding the representational systems that inform identity and history in their respective cultures, from William Kentridge's poetic animated films on the ravages of apartheid to Michal Rovner's abstracted photographs and videos of Middle Eastern countries with contested borders.
Additionally, to lesser or greater degrees, each artist's work incorporates information from their respective cultures and those cultures» histories as a way of engaging a variety of discussions that broach subjects from aesthetics to the nature of cultural hegemony.
One major strength of the book is the facility with which it describes the significant differences between Canadian and U.S. copyright traditions (and, ultimately, our respective cultures).
One approach would be to incorporate genotyping into epidemiological studies of immigrants to each respective culture.
«There are always challenges in integrating companies, particularly when their respective cultures are somewhat different,» notes PREIT president and COO Jonathan B. Weller.
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