Sentences with phrase «one's responders»

Emergency first responders can rapidly assess and coordinate disaster action with real - time on - site video and audio.
Contact emergency responders who can ensure that all parties who require medical treatment receive it as soon as possible.
But the first responders in major disasters are the citizens, and each of us can do things to help ourselves — and our pets — be prepared.
The «low - risk» group (58 per cent) consisted of responders who had no or very low frequency of risk behaviours.
Our highly - trained Animal Rescue Team consists of first responders who jump into action to rescue animals in peril wherever and whatever the disaster.
This makes it easier to supply first responders with critical information in a timely fashion.
The series will follow the drama that goes into the day - to - day of first responders on the job.
The federal government plans to shift a health care program for 9/11 first - responders from one agency to another.
By ignoring the problem we are putting residents and first responders at risk.
Emergency responders arrived at the accident site, but the man, who is deaf, was unable to communicate since his hearing apparatus was knocked off.
As a result lawyers won't need to give out cell phone numbers or set auto - responders when stepping into a meeting.
My best results have come from auto responders and drip marketing.
Police and emergency responders do not always document this, so make sure you keep this information handy as it could prove useful.
That means the tool could be a major boon for disaster responders in developing countries.
Animal Emergency Services volunteer responders also receive regular email updates that include up - to - the - minute information on current incidents, program developments and updates on training.
Participants who received prolonged exposure showed greater improvement in PTSD symptoms and were more likely to lose their PTSD diagnosis and be classified as good responders than those who received supportive counseling.
It is critical that first responders know what they are getting into when they react to a threat at your property.
Did you know that because of their ability to organized and deploy resources, they are one of the most reliable and long term sources of responders after the professionals?
There are people all around the world, and many of you medical professionals on low carb, you probably know a few, that are a lean mass hyper responders.
West African responders worked in large numbers from the early stages of the epidemic right through to its conclusion, and were undoubtedly at the highest risk.
You are invited to view pictures of the 100 dogs in our study, their actual DNA breed results, and what our survey responders guessed their breeds were.
Brain volume loss in antibody responders was not significantly different from placebo - treated patients approximately 3.6 years from the end of the original study.
Most emergency calls are now made by mobile phone and this gives emergency responders more data to work with.
Today, first responders use colored paper tags to classify victims.
These signs will alert emergency responders during a fire or other home emergency.
Students can answer privately — and sometimes anonymously — with student responders.
Is there good coordination between the school and local first responders such as firefighters and police, nearby hospitals, etc., in planning for emergency situations?
Yellow Dot is a free program designed to help first responders provide life - saving medical attention during the first «golden hour» after a crash or other emergency.
Until today, the most frequent way to drip - feed was through auto - responders which sent informative emails about a new lesson or a course becomes available.
This can be accomplished by providing trained first aid responders or by ensuring that emergency response services are in close proximity to the job site.
I want to share how bus drivers, who are our initial and final school responders for students each day, can create attachment first thing in the morning and as students return home.
Today I also remember all of the first responders across our nation because every time they go to work, they do so knowing it could be their last day on this earth.
Students, teachers and first responders took responsibility for rescuing others.
A series about 911 responders comes with built - in advantages in the drama department.
But when a collision does take place, the rescue crews and first responders trying to save the drivers and passengers also face danger as they attempt to save lives.
Asked how long they played the game, most responders at the time of answering had put a sold 100 to 200 hours into the game.
In placebo responders, activity dropped in areas processing pain, but increased in areas involved in emotion.
Such an interaction between building management and local first responders goes a long way toward strengthening community involvement.
Cognitive attributes, attention, and self - efficacy of adequate and inadequate responders in a fourth grade reading intervention.
Another alarming result showed that only 47 percent of responders think that the government should be doing more to combat climate change.
Just because your smartphone can bring up your position on a map does not mean that a call to 911 automatically shows responders where you are.
This has resulted in the development of therapy dog programs that specialize in comforting victims and first responders following disasters.
Dogs between 6 - 12 kg mostly get twice daily 150 mg and heavy dogs, and non responders twice daily 200 mg.
Social workers and first - responders also are often unaware of the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health disorders.
First responders face many challenges when they go to work every day.
Participants were then divided into two groups (high and low responders) according to the weight loss achieved.
On the first place, responders want to know they will be enabled to gain entry through the guards in an emergency such as house fire and get into children's room from outside.
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