Sentences with phrase «one's response to the crisis»

Again, these steps should become the norm as a company grows — not something done in response to a crisis or a black eye.
Over time the dominant policy responses to the crisis have increasingly looked to free - market ideas or served to reinforce them.
• Assisted in developing and implementing emergency responses to crisis situations.
Based on our research, in fact, there can be little doubt that the speed and impact of a company's communications response to a crisis makes all the difference.
Based on our research, in fact, there can be little doubt that the speed and impact of a company's communications response to a crisis makes all the difference.
Perhaps most obviously, ethical response to a crisis must be creative.
All of this should be a boost for renewable sources of energy; but it's never wise to assume a rational political response to crisis.
But it needs to be thoughtful, targeted action, not just a knee jerk response to a crisis.
However, when the total federal budget is roughly $ 4 trillion, that grant funding looks a little less like an adequate response to a crisis.
One major response to the crisis has been a careful cost - benefit analysis.
However, it is significantly concerned with religion and with faith - based responses to crisis, trauma and grief.
There is far too little debate about alternative responses to this crisis.
When does a firm's strategy change: usually only in response to a crisis or because of the initiative of a new managing partner.
Ethical response to crisis must be grounded in knowledge.
, is that one of the complicating factors in a crisis is the tendency of policymakers (along with workers, creditors, small businesses, and middle class savers) to change their behavior in response to a crisis by taking steps that protect them from the consequences of the crisis but that also make the crisis worse.
I understand your scepticism about the effectiveness of government action in response to crises like global warming.
This review examines the U.S. federal response to the crisis in child mental health in relation to its efforts to address the crisis in public education.
Douglas Mercado, who received his master's degree in public policy in 2007, is the team leader for the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), which is spearheading the U.S. response to the crisis.
Dataminr has been crucial time and again for rapid and informed response to crises affecting New Yorkers.
As a further response to the crisis, the AKP held a referendum in October, ensuring the popular election of the president.
At the G20 summit in Cannes earlier this month relations between eurozone leaders became even more frayed after the then Greek prime minister unveiled a surprise referendum on austerity measures an impending bailout was contingent upon, while new rifts appeared between the UK and French / German leadership on the best response to the crisis.
Before his third trip to Puerto Rico, Cuomo spoke at JFK Airport and applauded New York's quick and united response to the crisis — the state has a close bond with the island, but he slammed the feds for not stepping up -LSB-...]
Nick Clegg has visited flood - hit Pakistan, lamenting the slow global response to the crisis and predicting a long road ahead for the country's recovery.
Taking his lead from Art Informel and Minimal Art, Buthe's textile objects from the «60s and early «70s give a tactile response to the crisis in the medium of painting at that time.
The loosely chronological grouping allows us to see just how quickly responses to the crisis infiltrated art and life: the restless, angry, and tragic photographs documenting the illness and its physical toll on artists and their loved ones are almost too many to count.
Australia is good at «hard hat» responses to crises such as cyclones.
In other words, the description of parish ethos and its mythic «genius» should be analogous at the following points: (a) the characteristic response to the crisis; (b) the style of behavior characteristically deemed most effective; (c) the pervasive mood; and (d) the characteristic expectation and hope.
Head Pastor of the International Central Gospel Church Dr Mensa Otabil has called for a new leadership response to crisis situation in...
Barrett said VW fumbled in its initial response to the crisis with slow disclosure and a lack of message coordination between the U.S. and Germany.
Thanks to its humane response to the crisis, Suncor will be very hard to cram back into the caricature of a Big Oil bogeyman.
Krugman opined the extent of Ferguson's economic knowledge was «really sad,» and explained why stimulus spending was the only appropriate response to the crisis.
«Thanks in part to the forceful response to the crisis and policies throughout the eight years of the Obama administration to promote robust, shared growth, the US economy is stronger, more resilient, and better positioned for the twenty - first century than ever before,» the White House said in an email after the jobs report.
In response to the crisis Harper and Flaherty quickly discarded their Conservative orthodoxy and became «temporary» Keynesians.
Bank crisis, poor response to the crisis, misuse of leverage, bear market, this time is different, the bond market not functioning properly, enormous corporate failures and so on.
Such divergent responses to the crisis are unintelligible unless one sees them as part of the deeper issue of what might be called American Catholicism's «culture wars.»
Feelings of loss, anger, guilt, resentment, confusion, helplessness, despair and even temporary disorientation, panic, and paralysis are often a part of the first response to a crisis - inducing situation.
(7) Discovering the origins of inadequate responses to crises is usually
And the birth of the mendicant orders was one of the church's all - time creative responses to that crisis.
A Deweyan response to the crisis of literacy would not seek to impose a canonical list of cultural information on students but would urge educators to «listen to our young as well as lecture to them, to become aware of their concerns, experiences, and vocabulary; not in the sense of making them the arbiters of cultural literacy, but in the true community spirit as a joint effort to communicate and grow» (120: 58).
In general, scholars who approach this phenomenon from a sociological perspective claim that Latin American Pentecostals have been intensely attracted to a religion which was created and shaped as a concrete response to the crises and transformations in all arenas of life which have uprooted and bewildered people living in a context of economic and social instability.
Written from Rome: Since Pope Francis announced that two Synods would examine the contemporary crisis of marriage and the family and work to devise more evangelically dynamic responses to that crisis, a lot of attention has focused on issues of Catholic discipline: How does the Church determine....
Floyd called the record $ 165.8 million raised during the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for international missions an «encouraging response to our crisis
In response to the crisis World Vision UK launched the #BearsOnStairs campaign to raise awareness of the brutal psychological cost of war of South Sudan's children.
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