Sentences with phrase «one's response to the report»

Ask your vet what the company said in response to the report and if you are not satisfied, call them yourself.
The online shipping giant has yet to make any kind of formal response to the reports.
Under the new law, the city's ethics board is charged with examining the forms annually or in response to a reported ethical breach.
But there are limited public records reflecting what state officials did in response to these reports.
To give more effect and accountability to my Reports, I consider it appropriate that the Australian Government should be required to provide a formal response to my reports.
A Labour party spokesperson said in response to reports of government announcements on alcohol and anti-social behaviour:
An indication of Shulkin's already perilous standing within the Trump administration last month was a statement in response to the report by the VA's own spokesman, Curt Cashour, who pointedly did not defend Shulkin.
The present government has an unimpressive record of response to reports from parliamentary committees.
Just today, Rivero commented in response to a report on global warming... «Here we go again, more of this global warming crap.»
Coverage of Quality Counts 2007 A selection of QC07 coverage from daily newspapers from around the country as well as responses to the report's new focus.
Writing in response to a report released by US NGO Oil Change International (OCI), McKibben and Monbiot echoed OCI's conclusion that no new coal mines or oil or gas wells can be opened up, lest we exceed the carbon budget imposed on us by atmospheric physics.
First Corinthians arose when the - concerned founder - pastor wrote in response to reports about (I Cor.1: 11; 5:1; 11:18) and queries from (7:1, 25; 8:1; 12:1, 16:1, 12; all verses where the Apostle uses the phrase «now concerning» to bring up a new subject) a charismatic Christian community approaching crisis.
Government response to the report of the House of Lords Constitution Committee on the Fixed - term Parliaments Bill», 2011, Introduction) Now Tory...
The Cuomo administration has been criticized for its initial response to reports of a chemical contamination of the municipal drinking water in Hoosick Falls, a rural village near the Vermont border.
The move reflects growing unease internally about Facebook's response to reports published this week in The New York Times and The Guardian.
In particular, Sir Ronald conveyed the need for responses to this Report to be from the Australian community as a whole, both in acknowledging past wrongs and apologising as fundamental steps towards reconciliation.
The post was in response to a report issued by Human Rights Watch, which advocated for an outright ban on autonomous armed machines before they become a reality.
Zuckerberg's post came following public outcry in response to a report last weekend from The New York Times and The Observer of London that Cambridge Analytica, a political data firm hired by the Trump campaign, gained access to private information of more than 50 million Facebook users, including their profiles, locations and what they like.
Yvette Cooper, chair of Commons home affairs committee, criticises Home Office response to report into its failure to help vulnerable children
Companies did not mention Indigenous people in their briefings before and after hearings, or in their press releases that attacked the report.12 - 14 Philip Morris's detailed response to the report did not oppose the recommendations regarding Indigenous people.15 It is not clear why the industry chose not to oppose targeted campaigns to reduce smoking among Indigenous people.
While the public response to the report focused on the school's athletes, the report found that more than half of the students enrolled in the paper courses were nonathletes — many of them referred through the campus» fraternity system.
«We note the committee's observations and constructive criticism regarding other aspects of the equipment procurement process and these will be carefully considered as part of the department's full response to the report,» she added.
Also at 2 p.m., women leaders and activists will gather at City Hall to condemn Cuomo's «bullying of elected officials and community organizations» in response to his reported effort to get NYC Public Advocate Tish James not to accept the WFP endorsement to run for AG, City Hall steps, Manhattan.
The mandate needs to be removed from Agriculture Quebec and «Anima» and put under the Ministry of Justice Justice — for an immediate response to reports of cruelty and neglect - and shutting down these facilities and ensuring justice in a court of law for these animals
«We found that the audit process was longer than we anticipated,» wrote Supervisor William Chase in a formal response to the report dated Dec. 21.
That failure was compounded by confusion about what was being shown to police on school security cameras the day of the shooting and the lack of meaningful response to reports to the FBI and local police that 19 - year - old suspect Nikolas Cruz might become violent, had guns and possibly would attack a school.
In response to reports stating that New York City was considering a plan to rehire 1,200 former teachers, Mayor Bill de Blasio clarified that principals will not be forced to hire back these teachers.
In response to the reports regarding the attendants» background, shadow home secretary David Davis wrote to home secretary Jacqui Smith earlier this month.
In response to the report Nestlé said it would act on just 3 % of the violations in its profile.
Friends of the Earth Senior Political Strategist Ben Schreiber offered the following response to the reports:
Trafigura's response to the report prepared by the UN's special rapporteur, Okechukwu Ibeanu, published yesterday, in full:
Nothing did more damage to Kalanick's reputation than Uber's response to a reported rape in India; an underling of Kalanick's obtained the victim's medical records in hope of proving she was faking her claim to hurt Uber and help a competing service.
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a stern response to the report, calling it completely unacceptable, though it stopped short of observing that the acronym PDAM requires a final N.
And I do it every time my first response to a report about police brutality or a story about racial prejudice is, well it couldn't be THAT bad.
Regarding marketer responses to the report, Berkenbosch added, «Whilst marketing teams find the results exciting and inspiring, they also see the challenges they now face in harvesting this new opportunity.
Cattle station manager and industry stalwart David Warriner said there were likely to be some strong responses to the report, given the history of meat processors in times when there is an oversupply of cattle.
Wenger saying hes not for sale is just in response to the reported tabloid price of 5m.
In response to a report Tuesday that Dez Bryant wanted to join the Giants, Brandon Marshall wrote (on Instagram) «Sorry baby bro no room.»
«The Government's response to the report typifies its approach to anything it does not wish to hear - ignore it and carry on with the flawed policies.
In a joint response to the report dated Oct. 16, Champlain Supervisor Larry Barcomb, Champlain Mayor Greg Martin and Rouses Point Mayor Daniel Letourneau said they have drafted a new inter-municipal agreement, which is in the process of being revised by each respective board and will be reviewed annually.
I had made the offer to the party to co-ordinate and agree responses to the report's conclusion (whatever it was) in advance.
Earlier this month, the precinct received a temporary increase of 50 police officers to patrol a 24 - block radius of Washington Heights in response to the reported rise in crime.
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