Sentences with phrase «one's resurrection»

Specifically, what response can theology make to critical consciousness as the latter voices its suspicion concerning our hope for resurrection and the constant biblical aspirations for new life?
Many honest people find it very difficult to accept the idea of resurrection from the dead.
We can not penetrate far into the miracle of resurrection as this miracle takes place in the interpersonal life of faith.
This is evident from the fact that when the hope of life after death emerged, it took the form of bodily resurrection.
I feel that it is with resurrection hope that you move forward from this.
He tells the truth about suffering and death, and he tells the truth about resurrection.
Why waste my one chance at resurrection on people I've never met?
We know that resurrection didn't happen (no other case has been reported - at least not after 3 days of being dead).
You are right to say that resurrection life requires death, correct.
I think the earliest tradition is in that form and not in terms of a physical resurrection.
I am convinced this is where resurrection power, with all its joy, finds fullest expression.
To me now, resurrection means simply rising up and living within the reality of Love.
Why are there variations in the all - important resurrection accounts?
Doesn't sound to me like resurrection was really that special.
If anything be said about experiences of the transcendent, not to speak of «resurrection experiences,» then let us be quite clear that we are speaking of him and his experiences.
The pain of the cross was no less real because resurrection was around the corner.
You can look into the eyes of her children and see resurrection.
There is no real interim state between a person's death and the final resurrection.
When this holistic resurrection takes place is another matter, one we shall discuss shortly.
We need not be surprised, therefore, that the biblical words of death and resurrection occur quite readily to the pastor in thinking about the care of souls.
That is where we find resurrection — the transformation of the human spirit.
There is a difference, after all, between preaching success and preaching resurrection.
The broken can covenant this to each other and practice resurrection.
Slowly, I came to understand that his life, words, sacrifice, and resurrection formed the hidden logic behind every novel, movie, or play that touched my deepest mind.
To understand adequately all that originated that joyful proclamation, we must keep steadily in mind what this chapter has demonstrated about the fluid nature of resurrection language.
Sometimes resurrection feels like walking slowly with a toddler.
Where such a view of the soul was commonly held, one would expect men to regard resurrection as unnecessary.
As the dormant eggs remain viable for a long time researchers can use resurrection ecology to examine the evolution of water fleas in a changing climate.
«Words like incarnation and resurrection started taking on new meaning for me when I thought of someone's death giving me a new life,» he said.
And «ME», the wicked are waiting for the second resurrection, the judgement before the throne, where every man is judged according to his works.
Is the computer waiting for the annual resurrection once we have been eliminated from all competitions?
Sometimes resurrection feels like singing out loud with your own voice even though you never used to sing.
Their discovery of how the Australian native resurrection plant can withstand drought will have big impacts on ongoing food security research.
He doesn't explain resurrection, but instead encourages them to discover it for themselves.
Here again resurrection is dependent upon the church, and with church unity and prayer the various personal threads of order which were originally embodied individually continue to live on socially.
It maintains that salvation is both forgiveness of sins and universal resurrection.
We have a responsibility as resurrection people to work for the coming kingdom in the here and now.

Phrases with «one's resurrection»

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