Sentences with phrase «one's revolutionary work»

I have been embraced very tightly by a group of wonderful educators, activists, artists, and academics that do truly revolutionary work.
Revolutionary work on the role of micronutrient deficiency, genetic polymorphisms and associations with chronic disease,
Tate's «Fighting History» is a failure: if you want proper history, see Ian Hamilton Finlay's Revolutionary work at Victoria Miro
She goes from jaded Empire citizen («It's not a problem if you don't look up,» she says of the imperial flag) to full - blown gun - toting revolutionary working out her daddy issues at the heart of the Rebel Alliance.
In fact, the Dogmatics constitutes a genuinely revolutionary work, while Romans reflects an older, indeed philosophical, concept of God's sovereignty, as Barth himself admitted.
Robert (Anthony Hopkins) is a great mathematician, brilliantly regarded by everyone in his field of study for his completely revolutionary work.
In its second decade, AOCC aims to focus on revolutionary work through challenging the normal ways social justice is promoted in education, particularly for students of color.
And the art world seems keenly attuned to the idea that the next Georgia O'Keeffe might be producing revolutionary work somewhere out of their sight until she turns 30.
Bachalo's redesigns for Cyclops» team of mutant revolutionaries work well, and the artist's cover does a good job of highlighting the main cast without losing the intended effect.
Placing these invaluable records in the care of the Getty honors that commitment, both by ensuring their long - term conservation and access to a broader public, and by enabling the Kitchen to pursue its mission of supporting revolutionary work among artists expanding on their remarkable precedents today.»
In 1961, she had a one - person show of her Instruction Paintings at George Maciunas» legendary AG Gallery in New York, and later that year, she performed a solo concert at Carnegie Recital Hall of revolutionary works involving movement, sound, and voice.
The exhibition then flows through to the country's anticolonial and independence movement during the 1940s and early 50s, represented by classical revolutionary works by S. Sudjojono and Dullah, and later, the formal experimentations of Hendra Gunawan and Affandi.
The immediate reference of this muscular way of working (which is Bosslet's usual mode) is to Russian Constructivist sculpture, and the beliefs of those avant - garde pioneers in a working man's art that would, in turn, inspire the building of a new world of revolutionary working people.
Amy's revolutionary work on the Uncharted series played an immeasurable role in shaping the modern gaming landscape.
The life and work of Galileo Galilei were marked by an ironic conflict: Despite being a devout Christian believer, he was persecuted by the Church for his revolutionary work as a scientist.
Emil Kraepelin is commonly lauded as the founder of modern psychiatry, and a modern child psychotherapist can thank Kraepelin for his revolutionary work.
Upon completion of Sleep Savvy, you will be not only competent but confident in this revolutionary work!
Regarded as the founder of embryology, Wolff published in 1759 a revolutionary work called Theoria generationis, which challenged the prevailing theory that each organism develops from a homunculus — or tiny version of an adult — inside a seed or sperm.
This consortium has recently received funding from the Chan - Zuckerberg Initiative (an initiative started by Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg that invests in bold biomedical research) to continue their revolutionary work.
WAIMEA (KAMUELA), Hawai`i — Dr. Kip Thorne, world - renowned theoretical astrophysicist, 2017 Nobel Physics Prize Laureate, and executive producer of the blockbuster film Interstellar brought his revolutionary work to Hawai`i for a special W. M. Keck Observatory Astronomy Talk.
In this revolutionary work informed by over 1,300 studies and the new science of fat loss, food, and fitness, Bailor shows us how eating more — of the right kinds of foods — and exercising less — but at a higher intensity — is actually the key to burning fat, healing our hormones, boosting metabolism, and creating long - term weight loss.
I think we've seen pretty much all there is to be seen from the teen hornball genre, so I won't sit here and proclaim «The Virginity Hit» to be some revolutionary work of comedic madness.
Darwin's associates urge him to finish his revolutionary work, while Emma strongly objects, leaving Darwin with an agonizing choice.
Culled from hundreds of hours of recently discovered 16 mm archival footage, filmmaker Brett Morgen crafts an enchanting portrait of legendary primatologist and activist Jane Goodall when her revolutionary work was still in its infancy.
The original Dragon Quest was a revolutionary work.
Nash won the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics for his revolutionary work on game theory.
But I've got to go with the revolutionary work in Leviathan.
The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) awarded Khan the 2013 Champion of Learning Award «for his revolutionary work at the intersection of technology and learning».
My thoughts wander back to Zaid and his revolutionary work a decade ago.
Receiving this award for the 5th year in a row highlights our revolutionary work for animals, and we encourage you to renew your support today for this world changing project!
He was also one of the first veterinarians to implant a pacemaker into a dog, and his revolutionary work made the local and national news.
Auerbach is a recognized national leader in fostering based on her revolutionary work with big - dog fostering.
He eventually recanted that position in 2010 — not because some revolutionary work of interactive entertainment had changed his mind, one imagines, but because he'd simply become exhausted by Internet trolls and declared a truce.
Mark Rothko, Barnett Newman, Joseph Albers, Hans Hofmann, Edward Dugmore, Esteban Vicente, Willem de Kooning and others will draw inspiration from these revolutionary works.
The exhibition includes a range of Finlay's Revolutionary works, including the imposing eleven metre carved relief The Sound of Running Water, 1990, which was shown in the Bienal de São Paulo in 2012.
An exhibition collects the revolutionary work of wartime America's legendary documentary photographers...
A display which will include objects and rare books across five centuries from Nicolaus Copernicus» revolutionary work on the movement of the planets On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres, of 1543 to Katie Paterson's recent work Timepieces.
It was in New York that Marcel Duchamp successfully exhibited his revolutionary work Nude Descending a Staircase (1912) after failing to garner any significant attention during the Paris exhibitions.
In 1915, Kiev - born artist Kazimir Malevich painted the first version of his revolutionary work, Black Square (in the exhibition is the 1929 version from the State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow)-- an eponymous black square floating within a white painted frame — and declared it to be the beginning of a new kind of non-representational art.
The revolutionary works are made even more striking by the gallery's Norman Foster - designed building
Exploring key pieces from Schwitters» multifaceted work, including a full - sized recreation of the Merzbau based on wide - angle photographs taken during the 1930s, the exhibition uncovers the expressive palettes, textures and techniques behind the artist's revolutionary work.
His breakthrough circle picture, «Minimum,» dating from 1949 (in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York), is considered a revolutionary work of modern art that predated the Minimalist movement by over a decade.
Marcel Duchamp invented the word mobile to describe Calder's revolutionary work.
The exhibition to be seen at the Museo Reina Sofía includes some 270 works created in the course of more than sixty years (1949 to 2011), and shows both the extraordinary variety of media, techniques and genres that characterizes Hamilton's production, and the importance, influence and relevance of his revolutionary work.
This crucial period in Ono's artistic development, spent between New York, Tokyo, and London, yielded some of her most iconic and revolutionary works, including «Painting to Be Stepped On» (1960/1961).
Like Judd, he initially looked to Abstract Expressionism until encountering the new art movements coming out of Europe and Duchamp's revolutionary works.
New York School painters were seen as refining the revolutionary work Abstract Expressionists had begun, rather than starting their own revolution.
Abraham Pais, who should know a thing or two, considered Einstein's contribution to quantum mechanics to be his most profound and revolutionary work, and that the Nobel Committee was actually right (although for the wrong reason) to award him the prize on that basis.
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