Sentences with phrase «one's right to freedom of speech»

They have learned that their young pupils have constitutional rights to freedom of speech.
Atheists have the same right to freedom of speech that the religious do.
However, the moral rights to freedom of speech and assembly supply ample grounds for a legal right to freedom of religion.
«Such a negative directive does not augur well for the survival of democracy and the protection of rights to freedom of speech
Does forbidding public schools from collecting union dues through payroll deductions violate unions» rights to freedom of speech under the First Amendment?
They have all argued that it impinges upon the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression and that civil defamation is an adequate remedy against such wrongs.
In the landmark 1969 Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines, the court decided that there were limits to students» rights at school, but that «It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate,» as Justice Abe Fortas wrote.
The compulsory fees allowed under Abood, they claim, violate their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and association by forcing them to support collective - bargaining activities that they oppose.
As long as people have a right to freedom of speech, businesses are free to sell whatever is still legal.
After exposing the truth about Fortune Hi - Tech Marketing (FHTM) the whistleblower was sued in an attempt to shut him up and stifle his rights to freedom of speech.
«I agree with them on almost everything: their political and social causes, and the ACLU, God knows, the right to freedom of speech, to help the homeless, the poor, the minorities.»
So a religious person does have the right to freedom of speech, as we all do here in America, but religious freedom comes at a price.
Mr. Keith Cressman, a Methodist minister, filed suit against the state alleging violations of his rights to freedom of speech, due process, and the free exercise of religion under the First and Fourteenth Amendments.
I know that freedom of speech means he can say stupid things like this, but we ALL have a right to freedom of speech — so we have the right to condemn him for his stupidity.
Having the likes of Rush Lamebaugh on the air is the price we pay for our right to freedom of speech.
But Mr Ngole said his rights to freedom of speech and thought, as protected under the European Convention on Human Rights, had been broken.
Every other right in the Bill of Rights is dependent on the right to freedom of speech.
It violates the right to freedom of speech.
This is America and they have a right to freedom of speech just like anyone else.
He went on to say: «The right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment outweighs the State's interest in ensuring a freely - accessible marketplace.
Mr Ngole had argued that his rights to freedom of speech and thought, enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, had been breached.
The point of having a right to freedom of speech is the ability to express your opinion, however repugnant, without being assaulted or oppressed.
Nor did the alleged assault victim do something outside of his right to freedom of speech.
Impeachment would be the correct position to take regarding obama since he took an OATH and SWORE to PROTECT and DEFEND the Constitution, why would he circumvent anyone's RIGHT to FREEDOM of SPEECH.
If he had this much issue with military ceremonies and his right to freedom of speech, then why did he not have the balls to reveal his name and stand up for his beliefs during his BCT graduation?
Set aside your hypocrisy for one damn minute and understand that regardless of what you may think the posters here are excercising a right that you would like to see taken from them - their right to freedom of speech - if it doesn't meld with what you believe, you see it as wrong... it's not the way the world works... get your head out of your buybull huney and live in the 21st century!
I have a right to freedom of speech as long as I abide by the rules of CNN to not use profanity, stick to the subject matter and other of their rules.
If there was just one tiny ounce of truth in anything they say I would be the first to support their right to freedom of speech.
And please allow people their rights to freedom of speech and peaceful expression.
Groups on both the left and the right have exercised their right to freedom of speech to both excellent and disastrous results.
The companies ludicrously claimed that their objective was to protect the «manufacturers» right to freedom of speech and mothers» rights to information».
In those jurisdictions where one enjoys the right to freedom of speech, it usually only applies to the actual government.
Paladino's attorney, former state Attorney General Dennis Vacco, alleges an illegal conspiracy to infringe on his client's right to freedom of speech.
For him, the comments from Anyodoho were an excessive exercise of his right to freedom of speech and should have been for that reason handled more appropriately than it was.
People are always so quick to shout, I have the right to freedom of speech.
The suits claim the state violated CSEA - represented employees» constitutional rights to freedom of speech, freedom of association, due process and equal protection of the law when, during contract negotiations, it threatened to and did in fact, lay off CSEA represented workers, while sparing all management employees and political appointees.
I stand by Ms. Scroggins and her Constitutional rights to freedom of speech and right to move freely.
Siegel goes further by suggesting that people who discourage spamming are opposing the right to freedom of speech.
Narrated by Paul Robeson, the film employs a cast of familiar if not stellar character actors in a story of how certain enemies within the US have done their best to suppress their fellow citizens» rights to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly and freedom from want.
«Native Land» is a rousing call to action, featuring dramatized vignettes of true stories of those who risked everything to fight for their right to freedom of speech in organizing labor against big business during the Great Depression.
In Tinker the Court ruled for the students and famously said that neither students nor teachers «shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.»
Despite the U.S. Supreme Court's finding in Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) that «it can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate,» the court would later hold in Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006) that teachers» speech is part of their work for their employers — the public school board — and thus belongs to the board.
In Friedrichs, ten California teachers are arguing that agency fees (combined with onerous «opt - out» procedures) violate their rights to freedom of speech and association
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