Sentences with phrase «one's rights and responsibilities»

We believe a greater shared understanding of rights and responsibilities of both parents (and their children) will reduce the likelihood of parents going to court.
If one spouse adopts the other spouse's biological child while they're married, does the adoptive parent have the same parental rights and responsibilities as the birth parent during and after divorce?
Child custody or the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities determines how parenting time and decision making will be shared.
Develop law - related educational programs and materials directed to the client community or agencies regarding the legal rights and responsibilities of domestic violence victims.
In our experience, people who have a good understanding of their legal rights and responsibilities in family law problems make better decisions for themselves and their children.
There can be confusion about rights and responsibilities of each party and uncertainty about how decisions should be made.
In all forms of adoption only the adoptive parents have the permanent legal rights and responsibilities for parenting and raising the child.
This agreement amounts to a contract between you and your insurer that outlines each party's rights and responsibilities under the policy.
Was used as part of a full day conference on rights and responsibilities.
This means that adoptive parents have the same rights and responsibilities as parents whose children are born biologically.
If there's a lot of conflict between the parents, they can still share parenting rights and responsibilities.
What rights and responsibilities do adopted children have, are they the same?
As long as the father is on the birth certificate, he has parental responsibility and both have equal rights and responsibilities in respect of the children.
Information about rights and responsibilities when a tenant moves out for landlords and tenants.
As a parent, you have certain rights and responsibilities regarding the care of your children.
Now those conditions don't apply at all nor would our current understanding of human rights and responsibility allow it.
We are (or should be) about individual rights and responsibilities, and this is about both.
Adoption transfers parental rights and responsibilities from the original parents to the adoptive parents.
This type of contract sets out certain rights and responsibilities in the relationship and so helps to assign accountability.
What rights and responsibilities do the content creators have, and can they take protection of their work too far to the point of doing more harm than good?
They help people with problems with goods or services they purchased and provide information about consumer rights and responsibilities.
The group learnt more about rights and responsibilities including the age of criminal responsibility.
It's your role as a teacher to teach and it's theirs to learn, and establishing rights and responsibilities is really vital.
Joint custody is an order that means that both you and your former partner share, at all times, the legal rights and responsibilities associated with custody even though you live apart.
There is also a government brochure that has to be handed out with the lease which sets out some of the more common landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities.
Same sex couples who sign a civil partnership registration document commit themselves to a range of rights and responsibilities which are essentially the same as those associated with marriage.
We should insist on the connection between rights and responsibilities.
In general, you do not have the same rights and responsibilities after a break - up (such as the presumption of a 50/50 split of marital property).
Generally, there are two types of rights and responsibilities involved in a partnership form of organization.
During the divorce proceedings, the court will allocate parental rights and responsibilities based on the best interests of your child.
It's basically a temporary arrangement that protects both sides and outlines everyone's basic rights and responsibilities so there's no confusion.
But it's important to know your financial rights and responsibilities, especially when you find yourself with too much debt.
Legal custody refers to the important decision - making rights and responsibilities for the child.
As far as the courts are concerned, an agreement between parents concerning their custodial rights and responsibilities is ideal.
Make sure you know what your legal housing rights and responsibilities are and what to do if you are worried about homelessness.
However, to ensure that it works well, there needs to be a clear understanding between all the partners about their respective rights and responsibilities.
About Site - Student Loan Borrowers Assistance is focused on providing information about student loan rights and responsibilities for borrowers and advocates.
Third, partners may want to consider a partnership agreement defining each partner's rights and responsibilities towards one another.
Teachers, supervisors, and administrators have the same civic rights and responsibilities as other citizens.
Now here's my question for you attorneys: What are the employer's rights and responsibilities here?
Given all that, there is no requirement of occupancy, whereby a person is deprived of their interest and associated rights and responsibilities if they do not occupy the property.
It is our exclusive right and responsibility to remove work that is not in compliance.
Having a contract in place can help you protect your legal rights and responsibilities so you can focus on getting those book in order.
However, if the parents are not married to each other, or are separated or divorced, the courts can divide up parental rights and responsibilities through child custody orders.
You are responsible for your own taxes and need to understand how the tax system works as well as your particular rights and responsibilities.
We believe that all children deserve to grow up in a world where rights and responsibilities for their parenting are shared equally between both loving, capable, biological parents.
They want all driver's ed students to know their driver's education rights and responsibilities.
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