Sentences with phrase «one's risk of developing the disease»

Middle - aged and older pets are at increased risk of developing the disease, and females are more commonly affected than males.
The gene is now used to identify women who are at high risk of developing the disease.
However, just like their human parents, senior pets are at risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, or cancer.
Lack of sufficient physical activity places children and young people at significant risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Obesity increases your pet's risk of developing diseases like heart disease, type two diabetes, arthritis, and some types of cancer, which can shorten their lifespan significantly.
In the most recent meta - analysis, researchers found that drinking two or more cups of coffee per day was associated with a 12 percent decreased risk of developing the disease.
The genes can help predict a person's risk of developing disease with approximately 78 % accuracy, and could be targeted by molecular diagnostic tests.
Previous studies have reported association between birth weight and future risk of developing diseases; this new work demonstrates a role for genetic variation in this correlation.
This puts them at an increased risk of developing diseases known as osteoporosis.
This is why early diagnosis is important, so if you have been identified as at high risk of developing the disease you should be tested yearly.
Strategies that might help identify which individuals have an increased risk of developing the disease are sorely needed.
Those exposed to the highest levels of air pollution had the greatest risk of developing the disease.
In the future, testing for these genes could help pick out women who are most at risk of developing the disease - or they could be explored as targets for new drugs.
Studies over the past twenty years have shown that maintaining lean body mass and aerobic fitness reduce risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, respiratory conditions, and many forms of cancer.
Given that most women with breast cancer have a low risk of developing the disease in their contralateral breast, women who are not known to be at very high risk but who remain concerned about cancer development in their other breast may want to consider options other than surgery to further reduce their risk of a contralateral breast cancer.
Increased fiber intake is associated with a reduction in hunger, a reduction in body weight, increased insulin sensitivity, and a lowered risk of developing diseases [1][2][3].
Benefits: The results of this work may help to lower the incidence of this ocular disease in Appaloosas and other breeds, help breeders to make informed mating decisions, and be utilized by veterinarians to predict risk of developing disease for earlier diagnosis and treatment.
Myriad Genetics is a leading molecular diagnostic company dedicated to making a difference in patient's lives through the discovery and commercialization of transformative tests to assess a persons risk of developing disease, guide treatment decisions and assess risk of disease progression and recurrence.
«There might be a low lifetime risk of developing a disease, but if I'm the one genetically loaded for it, maybe I'm the person who is going to get it,» Baker said.
«Applying these 25 variants, we found that men in the top one per cent for testicular cancer risk were at a more than ten-fold elevated risk of developing the disease compared with the average — although that still adds up to only around a five per cent (one in twenty) chance of developing testicular cancer.
By joining information about our genome with other clinical and diagnostic information, patterns can be identified and help to determine our individual risk of developing disease, detect illness earlier and determine the most effective interventions to improve our health.
«Because big genetic studies have been done on schizophrenia and autism and other diseases, you can calculate someone's risks of developing those diseases from their genetic information and you can see if it's associated with contagious yawning,» she said.
Over the past several years, researchers have noticed an odd pattern in the relationship between body weight and Alzheimer's disease: Middle - aged people have a higher long - term risk of developing the disease if they're overweight or obese, while older people have a lower risk of the disease if they're carrying excess weight.
Special emphasis should be placed on ensuring that patients who are at a high - risk of developing the disease understand the importance of cancer screening, and that they are being examined by experienced dermatologists before developing invasive disease.
Inheriting one copy of APOE4 raises a person's risk of developing the disease fourfold.
Professor Green said that unlike most of the world's populations, thiamin (vitamin B1) deficiency is still common in Cambodia and throughout South - East Asia, putting people at risk of developing a disease called beriberi.
If the classic approach on leeching amyloid - beta out of the brain was producing only colossal failure, they said, why not zero in on a key genetic trigger linked to a well - defined risk of developing the disease?
This is especially valuable for those patients with diseases that compromise or create an abnormal immune system as well as for those apparently healthy individuals who are at higher risk of developing diseases due to family history or exposure to certain environmental conditions.
As pets enter senior years, they are at risk of developing diseases common to senior human counterparts, such as diabetes, cataracts, arthritis, hypothyroidism and cancer.
Certain breeds of dogs have a higher than average risk of developing this disease and include Rottweilers, Scottish terriers, Golden retrievers but lymphoma can afflict any breed of dog.
Pudgy pets have an increased risk of developing diseases like diabetes, arthritis, cancer and liver disease.
The Siamese and Himalayan breeds were found to be at a decreased risk of developing the disease.
The researchers found an overall increase in melanoma risk among men who used PDE5 inhibitors, but they hypothesized that if a cause and effect exists, higher use of erection medications would be associated with higher risk of developing the disease.
Recent research has identified a mutation in a gene that confers a greatly increased risk of developing this disease.
Regardless of their breed or size, both geriatric cats and dogs are at risk of developing diseases such as kidney disease, often characterized by excessive drinking of water, combined with increased urination, and often, weight loss.
Increased consumption of this ingredient is associated with increased health concerns, including a greater risk of developing diseases like:
Researchers from the University of Southampton pooled together data from nine studies with a total of more than 430,000 participants — of which 1,990 had liver cirrhosis — and found that drinking coffee everyday was linked to a significantly lower risk of developing the disease.
Johns Hopkins Develops Pancreas Cancer Screening Model People with a family history of pancreas cancer now have a way to predict accurately their chance of carrying a gene for hereditary pancreas cancer and their lifetime risk of developing the disease.
According to Professor Martin Bergö, people with cancer or an elevated risk of developing the disease should avoid nutritional supplements that contain antioxidants.
By joining information about our genome with other clinical and diagnostic information, patterns can be identified and help to determine our individual risk of developing disease, detect illness...
It is our mission to make a difference in patient's lives through the discovery and commercialization of transformative tests to assess a persons risk of developing disease, guide treatment decisions and assess risk of disease progression and recurrence.
Cats infected with FeLV also are more at risk of developing this disease.
Once upon a time, a myth circulated throughout mothers that food must be introduced to babies between 4 - 6 months to reduce the risk of developing diseases, like diabetes and celiac disease.
It is also shown that the risk of developing the disease can be reduced when the child is breastfed and preferably starting with small amounts of gluten while breastfeeding is still ongoing.
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