Sentences with phrase «one's role within something»

When we review human history and communication roles within it, we move back before the time of complex structures when oral cultures were smaller and communal.
There is even some evidence of cells taking on different roles within them.
Choose two to three of the highest value options and take an active role within them (beyond being just a member).
It's good if you have held only a few positions, but held an active and instrumental role within them.
Beyond these sectors, the actual roles within IT are just as diverse.
In this case, each company is a unique audience and before resumes are sent out, they must be tailored to that specific organization and the specific role within it.
repurposes the traditional ironing board, a symbol of the home and the gendered role within it.
It means authenticity, candor, reliability, confidentiality, solidarity, and a willingness to accept personal accountability and be bound by board decisions and a director's own role within them.
For Genesis, my view is that God wants to communicate that he is the Creator of all that there is, that he has given humanity a special image - bearing role within it, but our sinfulness has broken that relationship, et cetera — but that he doesn't see a need to give them a science lesson first.
Of course, ascetic tendencies did enter Christianity and play a considerable role within it.
Without qualification, he affirms the great year and his causal role within it, and this is his final salvation from the evil of revenge.
Education broadly is the way children are socialized into the culture and prepared to play a constructive role within it.
The England captain's place in the side and role within it dominated much of the build - up, with Southgate deciding to deploy him in central midfield rather than the attacking role preferred by Manchester United boss Jose Mourinho.
Waste's most intriguing set piece involves the Conservative leader (played by Michael Elwyn) and his contemporaries wrangle with the practicalities of O'Connell's death and its implications for the party's future, and Trebell's prospective role within it.
Basic obedience training not only gives your dog something to do and succeed at, but it can help prevent bad opportunities and help reinforce the leadership role within you.
It should also be noted that lawyers have a track record of capturing «alternatives» to ensure their continued role within them as they develop, adding to complexity and cost in the process.
It quickly became a symbol of the home and the gendered role within it.
The incorporation of IBM's artificial intelligence into the Slack app allows the chat platform to understand the inner workings of a company, as well as an individual user's role within it.
In every case we looked at, the leader was proud of the organization but decidedly humble about his role within it.
Most individuals in simpler societies are better adjusted to those societies and to their roles within them.
Indeed, our knowledge of the Universe as well as our role within it lead deeper and deeper into the impenetrable mystery of Being.
Granted, this was mostly to do with Pirlo and England's complete lack of ability to shut him down, but some credit must be given to the system employed, Montolivo's role within it, and his ability to exploit that role.
This helps scientists understand both the environment and the animal's role within it.
Rather the project, like Franco's role within it, is served undercooked and is ultimately underwhelming.
The Seminar on Advancement Leadership is designed to help college and university presidents, chancellors, and chief advancement officers address critical strategic questions about the institutional advancement function and their role within it.
Strengthening communities and reconciling the individual's role within them are passionately discussed issues today.
The Seminar on Advancement Leadership for Presidents, held in Cambridge April 12 — 14, 2015, is designed to help college and university chief executives address critical strategic questions about the institutional advancement function and the president's role within it.
The exhibition finishes with Ferrari's latest hypercar, the LeFerrari Aperta situated next to a video installation discussing the future of the car industry and Ferrari's role within it.
I think the reason I'm drawn to talk about family dynamics is because it's the universal language we all speak: We all have families and our roles within them shape us into the people we become.
Now, with her candid memoir, she dares to pull off the veils that conceal one of the most powerful, secretive, and repressive countries in the world — and the Bin Laden family's role within it.
Actually hammering out the project and each group's role within it can take several months, and entail many meetings.
It also gives you power over glitches like those found in classic games, allowing you to scramble enemies, corrupt environments, and enter hidden areas as you explore this hostile alien world and uncover your role within it.
His work is based on elements of performance, and an engagement with found materials and environments, even if that performance — and the spectator's role within it — often remains unseen, until revealed by the final object.
To celebrate the marriage of art and urban renewal typified by Bilbao and the Guggenheim's role within it is The Art of Our Time: Masterpieces from the Guggenheim Foundation.
Specifically these works integrate portraits of the family and drawings by children representing their perception of the family and their roles within it.
That judgment led to new ways of thinking about the art world and the roles within it for women.
He explored her space and spoke with her about her work where she «aims to shift the viewer's perspective on the natural world and our role within it
SCAD presents «Cross-Pollination,» an exhibition of artwork across all media by SCAD faculty and alumni who work to quantify, organize, and understand the natural world, our role within it, and the potential for collaboration — between people, environmental factors and flora and fauna.
The group will discuss the function and role of museums, as well as the artist's role within it.
Through these layered images, Simpson instigates the re-imagining of history and our role within it, in order to speculate upon the complicated, inexorable environments and landscapes we create, manipulate and inhabit.
While including the sensorial, Bradley has also conducted substantial interviews with Gasworks's members of staff asking them about the institution and their roles within it.
If we aim to bring about a paradigm shift in how people view our world and their roles within it, we need to inspire people to transcend their barriers to action.
You only get one chance to make a great first impression, so you must demonstrate awareness and an understanding of the business and your role within it from the moment you arrive.
It is Hudson's priority to consult with key stakeholders to ensure we deeply understand your company culture and the roles within it, therefore matching best practice standards with each organisation's unique requirements.
So, describe briefly the structure of the team and your role within it.
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