Sentences with phrase «one's romanticism»

Between 1958 and 1962 the art actions of Yves Klein (1928 - 62) infused this theatricality and the tendency toward a more directly physical expressionism with an aura of mysticism that tied them into the traditions of European romanticism of the 19th century.
From a survey of Romanticism in British art to the discovery of a Norwegian master, we bring you the must - see shows this week.
(ENG) This exhibition explores affinities with Romanticism in contemporary art practice, and the continuing fascination of the Landscape Sublime.
Figure shown with back to the viewer, alluding to landscape imagery made popular during the period of German Romanticism by painter Caspar David Friedrich in the 19th century.
The exhibition includes artists from Romanticism through to the 20th century; Delacroix, Courbet, Manet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Rodin, Picasso and Schiele.Continue Reading
Christians influenced by Romanticism questioned the intense focus on continuing sinfulness of the Lutheran view.
Yet his notions of beauty do not necessarily conflate with the traditional notions of Romanticism for which German art has been celebrated.
His work is an extension of German Romanticism as epitomised in the work of Caspar David Friedrich.
The gallery tends to focus on the expensively decorative, but there are some real gems, including Ann Gardner's mosaic sculptures, Bo Bartlett's haunting figurative paintings and Christopher Reilly's spooky, late - 19th - century romanticism in the Odilon Redon vein.
This is the story of educational romanticism in elementary and secondary schools — its rise, its etiology, and, we have reason to hope, its approaching demise.
Like ransom notes sent to the Academy, the paintings of Muntean / Rosenblum pilfer text and image fragments and place them in dilapidated landscapes rife with balletically posed youths — a new Romanticism for a consumption - obsessed world; a poetic angle on the coming apocalypse.
The artist deploys a host of painterly techniques that — while departing from the photographic collage practice for which she is best known — remain deeply referential, wryly revisiting and reprocessing tactics and tropes of modern painting from European Romanticism onward.
This perspective was captured beautifully by the English poet Thomas Hardy, who in the face of romanticism about nature said that human fulfillment could not ultimately be found among rocks and vines and trees.
Since his first exhibition, 2008's Betrayed Witches, Filomeno has presented a solo exhibition at the Savannah College of Art and Design and has been featured in 12 group exhibitions, including Damaged Romanticism at the Grey Art Gallery at New York University; Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass, KAdE Kunsthal, Amersfoort, the Netherlands; and the annual invitational exhibition at the National Academy Museum & School of Fine Arts, New York.
M. H. Abrams offered a more sympathetic definition of this tendency to fuse the secular and religious by entitling his fine book on romanticism Natural Supernaturalism.
Damaged Romanticism features 15 internationally recognized contemporary artists whose work is linked by visual representations of a refusal to be resigned to daily adversity.
But the traditionalist view again lost the day, with the result that the new religious orientation included the separation of church and state (Jefferson and Madison), a democratic faith in the common person (Jacksonian democracy), and acceptance of a new romanticism which brought about a flourishing of the first truly national literature, art, and architecture.
As in the writings of Willa Cather's novels such as Alexander's Bridge and My Ántonia, Nelson's paintings give us a taste of the old American romanticism with a sense of the current American satire.
The «tragic sense» has become part of the mythology of Abstract Expressionism, and a certain dark romanticism remains part of its continuing appeal.
Kehinde Wiley creates larger - than - life - size portraits that mix historical Western European painting styles such as French Romanticism, Rococo, and Baroque with images from contemporary urban streets.
His portraiture works infuses a certain romanticism into realistic depictions of contemporary black people.
The influence of English romanticism and the mass production of elaborate wooden millwork after the Industrial Revolution fueled the construction of Gothic Revival homes in the mid-1800s.
A god balance between romanticism, drama, and comedy.
Socialism must rescue the idea of the nation from its perversion by political romanticism, learning to affirm the nation even more deeply, yet hold it under the demand of justice, both at home and abroad.
Alexander McQueen is renowned for being the champion of eye - popping theatrics, toughening up everyday accessories with gothic romanticism.
There's a certain romanticism in Steve Bruce's side fighting for their survival against the very team where their manager made his name.
In that time, Romanticism made lost causes into things of beauty.
«Not some misty eyed romanticism about a revolution to overthrow capitalism.
This is a very exciting look which dares to combine romanticism with very edgy modern elements to create a futuristic image.
Last Flag Flying is both gimlet - eyed and philosophical enough to question the lasting worth of youthful romanticism.
«gleam» deconstructs and reconstructs art history, from 19th - century Romanticism through to heroic realism, modernist sculpture, expressionism and abstract expressionism, presenting us with glints of the past as well as brilliant flashes of light, a time of transition and transformation.
Rosenblum in fact had more in mind Caspar David Friedrich, Peder Balke, and Northern Romanticism, but what the heck.
In that context, educational romanticism did not just become fashionable during the 1960s.
After all if you lived in USSR 1960 - 70 there's so much nostalgia for romanticism associated with it.
The exhibition took romanticism out of the mix, countering with a lineup of hard - hitting regional artists who deserved world - class attention.
Fatally British director Mike Leigh «s shots are gorgeously composed like classical paintings, with DP Dick Pope (that's Dick Poop to the Academy) casting light upon them to resemble the very romanticism period his subject matter paints his brush strokes in.
Services of lesbian online dating as encouragement, as you will do it, using strategies, outlined your acquaintance success only a few mouse clicks, and remember that one of main reasons why people do not find romanticism which they deserve because they does not undertake actions.
In her latest work she reimagines the sublime nature of early Romanticism via overgrown layers of re-appropriated and fragmented images of invented ruins that come together to depict alternate worlds in picturesque decline.
Well, if you want to bring an air of romanticism back into your life, you're going to need to equip yourself with all the necessary bits of stationery.
When did plein - air painting leave Romanticism behind?
Figures within National Romanticism include Jørgen Sonne, Julius Exner and Christen Dalsgaard, while landscape painting is represented by Janus la Cour.
Third, hardly anybody really believes in educational romanticism even now.
The elevated late romanticism of Rodin is perked up with slinky Helmut Newton poses.
In a review in The Brooklyn Rail, Thomas Micchelli writes: «The wildness of Birth of Romanticism comes as a shock.
Where Romanticism once tried to recover from a felt spiritual deprivation in modern life, Modernism alternately derided and reveled in it.
The idea of using lace is to have a total feel of romanticism yet not overly feminine; sensual yet not suggestive.
German romanticism seems far from Richter's art, but like much else, it's in there somewhere, reflected, removed, distanced.
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