Sentences with phrase «one's rubber stamp»

There is no doubt that the best parent groups are valued partners at their schools, not just rubber stamps of a principal's wishes.
The couple transformed iconic, commonplace items such as rubber stamps and tools into humorous public monuments dedicated to the modern experience.
However I did purchase some tiny buttons that I can use on the cards I like to make with rubber stamped doll images.
All these are also mandatory and rubber stamped by law.
You could probably use rubber stamps to put designs on an egg.
2 For first band, press rubber stamp in pad and press stamp down on center of paper band.
It's a lot better than having a pastor who makes all the decisions and expects everyone to rubber stamp whatever he says.
And he said that most boards rubber stamp what compensation committees decide.
Built on a piece of land where a former rubber stamps factory once stood, it is a place with character.
He was supposed to be a good soldier and rubber stamp anything they wanted to pass, to maximize their window of control over all three branches.
These biscuits look great and I love your idea of using normal rubber stamps instead of expensive cookie stamps.
The congress was known as a political rubber stamp, and thus city congressman was more of an honorary title.
Built on a piece of land where a former rubber stamps factory once stood, it is a place with character.
Typically, please don't compare us with rubber stamped manufactured homes, we are looking at 500 hours labor for a 200 sq. ft. tiny home.
(I am not nor was I ever a «rubber stamp artist»).
You can basically take this stuff and form it into coral and use rubber stamps to give it texture.
All she has to do is rubber stamp whatever she's told to!
It was at a Valentine's special event at Borders that I found a set of rubber stamps for Charlie and Lola.
When he isn't putting the ole rubber stamp on documents at StudentsFirst board meetings, or advising Rupert Murdoch on how to handle the investigation into phone hacking at News Corp., Joel Klein is running Rupert Murdoch's education privatization arm.
There is a system of checks and balances, and the Legislature is here to provide oversight of the executive branch, not just rubber stamp legislation they are given marching orders to pass.
Donations continued over the summer of 2015, leading up to the inevitable rubber stamp approval of Woodfibre LNG's environmental assessment certificate by Ministers Coleman and Polak.
It has emerged the former Prime Minister's resignation honours list is set to be simply rubber stamped by the committee appointed to scrutinise it.
Sam Glover: I mean what you really want to see is courts knocking on your door saying the problem is we've become rubber stamps -
And Albany long ago earned a reputation as a place where the governor and the leaders of the Assembly and Senate privately hammer out agreements on the budget and most other major issues, leaving full roll - call votes to seem more like rubber stamps.
China's largely rubber stamp parliament on Sunday passed a series of constitutional amendments, including one that removes presidential term limits, allowing President Xi Jinping to remain in office indefinitely.
Klein said he then had Silver supply him with a custom - made rubber stamp so Klein could endorse Silver's checks and take them to the bank himself — even if it required a special trip «to make sure the deposits were more timely.»
Too much rubber stamping by salespeople when they really don't understand what is written.
You should know that there are people playing Lieutenant Columbo games in the New York State Senate, and in the process, they have turned the Senate Democratic Conference into a mere rubber stamp for the political gains and purposes of others.
The discussion reflected in those minutes was inconsistent with any suggestion that the appeal hearing was a mere formality or rubber stamping exercise.
JessicaLynnOriginal, LLC produces professional and quality custom rubber stamps for hand crafting.
In PIP + people not employed by UFT or DOE observe U rated teachers and basically rubber stamp the U's in most cases.
has the world's largest collection of rubber stamps under any roof in our Las Vegas Retail Store.
«Politicians play a blame game and talk about safety, but new terminals keep getting rubber stamped and built,» said LaPoint, «If elected officials won't stop the fossil fuel takeover, we'll have to do it for them.»
The state council eventually passed them, leaving Nuinsco in need of what traditionally has been a simple rubber stamp by the local parliament.
If you want rubber stamps for your own opinions and feelings, you'll find them where you worship.
He also knows that tomorrows headlines are going to be about income tax reform, and cuts to the MTA's Payroll Mobility — not backroom deal making, and rubber stamp voting.
I can think of a * number * of ways to use these vintage number rubber stamps from Anthropologie.
His most notable works take shape as larger - than - life everyday objects, such as spoons, trowels, safety pins and even rubber stamps.
In his claim, Gillis argued the committee merely rubber stamped the trial judge's finding and alleged Richard had made defamatory statements in the complaint, knowing they were false.
When I started to learn about rubber stamping and block printing I wasn't able to go and spend heaps of cash on all the tools I was «told» I should be using, so I too started finding bits and bobs around the house that I felt I might be able to.....
Leslie is offering 5 custom designed rubber stamps for this giveaway (you'll be able to choose from one of the design options in the shop).
In between visitors, try Halloween rubber stamping projects or make creepy crawly critter crafts.
In the statement, Tenney referred to Brindisi as a «slick politician who rubber stamped the failed liberal policies of Governor Cuomo.»
China unveils its defense budget for the year at this weekend's opening of the annual meeting of its largely rubber stamp parliament.
You will need: Posterboard or index cards blank on both sides, scissors, a hole punch, valentines day or heart theme rubber stamps, one or more ink pads, stuff to color with, any other card decorating supplies you'd like, tape, and a bag of Valentines day lolly pops.
We are an independent agency charged with protecting the taxpayers, and we don't rubber stamp contracts
Ryan claims local IDAs are increasingly rubber stamping almost all tax breaks because they need fees to survive.
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