Sentences with phrase «one's savior»

In other words, a credit repair service is your only savior for all your credit woes.
He asks if we accept him as our personal savior.
It also plays too into the white savior aspect of the story.
The second overarching problem with the white savior complex, is that it is racist!
But might there be an unlikely savior on the horizon for the single - family sector in the form of commercial real estate investors?
Getting a fast getaway prepared before meeting may be the only savior you'll have and fortunately it isn't very difficult to produce.
However, he may have proved to be the team's savior with his performance in the second half.
But this tutorial can be a life savior for you.
As the hours and days pass, her own mind becomes her potential savior... and her worst enemy.
I usually bring with me a green smoothie, and that's my absolute savior at the 5 to 6 p.m. hour.
Nor did the dying and rising savior gods of the mystery religions.
Trust me, this is a great savior for bad hair days.
«Those that have ears, let them hear» I thought it was love and not intolerance that was taught by he whom you call savior.
Laser spine surgery is touted by some doctor's as the new savior for people with back problems.
They have also made painting's former savior into something of an institution.
You can't be racist against your own savior if you identify yourself as a Catholic.
Top - up loans act as a great savior during times of financial troubles.
Either we become our own savior, or we die.
I don't have a problem with this because he is a strong, compelling actor that is able to play these emotionally complex savior roles naturally.
Whenever I'm confused as what to wear, a denim skirt is my ultimate savior.
Believe me, flat footwear is your best savior.
The idea of savior politics is not a new one.
They have been a financial savior for us when our dog had emergency surgery.
When your sweet tooth is feeling neglected, this white chocolate ginger cookie recipe is the perfect savior.
Maybe you missed the part where your supposed savior mentions that it would have been better to never have been born than to go to hell.
Thus, these nursing kits work as an ideal savior since puppies and kittens respond to these pretty well.
Her owner tried just about everything and was at the end of his rope, until he found a dog savior.
We all have the resurrection given through the risen savior.
Whenever you are in an emergency, your vehicle can be your biggest savior as you can use it to get some money to survive the hard times.
... the private automobile was widely hailed as an environmental savior.
But in any case, people must stop waiting for a political savior.
Some of the members claim that women can't be saved by a male savior, that looking to a man for salvation just confirms unhealthy dependence on men.
For those of you unfamiliar with this little savior of the internal - combustion engine, that little red line area is not there to add a splash of color to your dash.
Even though it acknowledges it, the film still boils down to a white savior narrative.
With your life in debt to a mysterious savior, you must follow his every command to protect your life.
These cats make wonderful companions and compensate for their «disabilities» with a wealth of love and devotion for their human savior.
The birth mothers who call are usually in crisis — scared, confused, and needy — and I am in constant savior mode.
And who says she wants this self - righteous, self - proclaimed savior as her mate?
I was out of rescue and savior mode and she was learning some great skills: responsibility, accountability, self - reliance.
That same bill let parents select embryos that would make suitable «savior siblings» — children conceived with the initial purpose of acting as donors for a sick brother or sister.
For me, my seasonal savior has been a cape.
A borderline offensive white - savior movie that still made nearly half a billion dollars worldwide.
Even customized plans are available today which are sure to prove as a great money savior.

Phrases with «one's savior»

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