Sentences with phrase «one's sexual energy»

The women at that time were full of sexual energy and strength.
If looking closer at happy family couples than it will be easy to feel around you a special lane that is filled with sexual energy and that is the truth.
Not that I have an issue with people who want to have casual sex, and are consciously choosing it as a way to release sexual energy and truly connect.
The more you store up, the more sexual energy you have floating around your body.
Open and strong sexual energy contributes toward our vitality, creativity and sense of well - being.
When you can maintain eye contact, you know you're exchanging sexual energy with your partner through your eyes.
The trick with using movement to enhance sexual energy is to include exercises and activities that directly contribute to improving sexual performance.
And sexual energy comes from connecting with your partner in a way that involves your bodies and your minds.
Other meditation practices dance around or avoid sexual energy.
But if a lack of sex represents a deprivation or you've closed off your natural sexual energies, that's not good.
«It starts with that core sexual energy and how we choose to direct it and use it,» she says.
The energy that toy boys have isn't just energy to go out to bars, it is also sexual energy.
Creating some sexual tension, and eventually sexual energy, between the two of you is really the only way to spark the flames of romantic desire.
Page is the real star of this storyline, as she nails the part of a cute short girl whose subtle sexual energy turns overwhelming.
They do some strange things (things that certainly aren't sexy to me) and there isn't any kind of serious sexual energy between the two actresses.
We are cheating ourselves if we only choose this one manifestation of sexual energy.
Like a growing storm and the rolling thunder of sexual energy in a flash of light across the plains.
He explained that I would use sexual energy for spiritual enlightenment and as a vehicle to help me find and live my life's purpose.
The LDS pamphlet that I was given, for instance, basically explains how to live abstinence well and channel sexual energy into the eventual goal of finding a spouse.
Through the 1940's and 50's the Soviet Union experienced begun in order to dominate the actual Olympic games, and also the use of sexual energy by most of its athletes left other parts of the world lagging very good behind.
When physical intimacy was not possible for me, we practiced tantric lovemaking (allowing the creative sexual energy to flow between us in meditation) or I pleasured him orally.
At first the newness of the experience can be its own drug, as sexual energy and physiological reactions rule the day.
Using sexual energy in other ways during periods of abstinence from physical forms of sex is not only healthy but also desirable.
On the site, a «sexuality coach» claims that using the egg can strengthen the pelvic floor, leading to an «increase sexual energy, health, and pleasure»
The delicate line of friendly conversation, flirtation, and invitation is something we all experience and respond to differently, but I was open with my partner about what I felt while it was happening, and I intuitively felt that by engaging in a transfer of harmless sexual energy on a daily basis, I was fueling our own partnership with a new sense of self.
According to beauty guru / healer / inspiration / friend Shiva Rose (whose entire title I wish to adopt as my own, but that's another article), «Jade eggs can help cultivate sexual energy, increase orgasm, balance the cycle, stimulate key reflexology around vaginal walls, tighten and tone, prevent uterine prolapse, increase control of the whole perineum and bladder, develop and clear chi pathways in the body, intensify feminine energy and invigorate our life force.»
Perhaps these are persons whose faith was lost and sexual energies spent during the Age of Aquarius.
Active, energetic, athletic, intelligent blond white man has been seduced by Asian male sexual energy and seeks an Asian man to explore pleasure to the fullest with a similar Asian man
Freud reduced all the cultural achievements of humankind — art, philosophy, religion, and so forth — to sublimated sexual energy.
Julia Leigh's take on the fairy tale is a study in detachment and unspoken dissatisfaction, traits that imbue the proceedings with a barely - contained sexual energy lurking beneath a thin veneer of calm.
It directly stimulates the root chakra, which governs sexual energy and reproductive organs.
The consumers of this supplement are likely to experience an increased libido and sexual energy within a month of its consumption and increased vaginal lubrication at the end of the second month.
Sandalwood boosts sexual energy; Ylang Ylang boosts sexuality.
Suppression of the sexual desire is not the right way to control sexual energy.
The combination of unbridled, youthful feminine sexual energy and male ego proves to be lethal.
Tantra Coaching for Women gives you a step - by - step guide to harnessing sexual energy & using sensual awareness to access better emotional, mental & physical health.
Do you love the allure and raw sexual energy of vampires?
There's a little of Prince in the sensuousness of certain songs, but Bay doesn't possess that same crackling sexual energy as the Purple One; he's more brooding, introspective.
According to Muchembled, author of previous histories of the devil and of the orgasm, violence in traditional European society is best understood as the effect of a system of honor among bachelors who required outlets for their pent - up sexual energies while awaiting marriage.
As you know and have experienced, one of the attractions of eroticism and porn is watching other people engage in their primal sexual energy.
Open and strong sexual energy contributes toward our vitality, creativity and sense of...
One of the major reasons I took up Tantra and Taoist sexual energy practices (beyond the spiritual dimension they add to sex) was so I could train my lovers to last much longer.
Go for weight loss products or programs that are comprehensive and effective and have full body impact and side benefits like restored sexual energy, re-energized body, accelerated metabolism etc..
Maca root is an aphrodisiac, strengthens sexual energy.
Ashwagandha: This herb is great for adrenal fatigue, lost sexual energy and offers lasting stamina.
Ageless Male is a supplement that helps men regain sexual energy and vigour.
Brahmacharyasana or the Celibate's Pose helps to conserve sexual energy and strengthens abdominal muscles.
Schizandra is said to help purify the blood, support the mind, help maintain a strong memory, and help maintain sexual energy and sexual functions in both men and women.
It coordinates, stimulates, and balances the energies of the rectum, sex organs, and navel to transform sexual energy into creativity and bodily repair.
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