Sentences with phrase «one's simple suggestion»

And if you don't have everything you need right now, I offer simple suggestions for what you should be on the hunt for next!
This time of year can be challenging, so I have a few simple suggestions on how to enjoy the holiday season for divorced families.
Beyond that, I made a few simple suggestions on my blog a while back.
You've probably had simple suggestions such as nursing often or drink more water.
And I will have a very simple suggestion to all of you: Lead with grace.
No couple enjoys arguing, especially not when simple suggestions blow up and become repetitive marital conflicts.
We go through other simple suggestions, like laughing with a friend or playing with a pet.
Simple suggestions put in writing can change a law firm's culture to one that focuses on solutions to retaining its women lawyers.
This is a rather simple suggestion, but it is quite important.
So here are simple suggestions for taking food from your holiday table and creating a healthy and safe buffet for the family pets.
Her posts offer practical information and simple suggestions on topics such as blog strategy, small business blogs, social media use, branding, and even time management.
Again only a few simple suggestions will be offered.
Entertaining with style Be the perfect host or hostess with simple suggestions for making your next dinner party a smashing success.
Here are a few simple suggestions from Emmon, advice on how to create a more thankful office, and another massive list of gratitude practice ideas, including options for more crafty folks and families with kids.
Take a dead simple suggestion uncovered by researchers out of Canada's University of Waterloo as one example.
So I gave her one simple suggestion in an e-mail — try writing lyrics to the Bee Gees song and sing it for your pitch.
Follow the three simple suggestions given here, and your mailings will be much more successful.
Simple Steps to Improve Mental and Emotional Health Since Health and Wellness involve more than measurements and test results, this series will also provide simple suggestions for improving mental and emotional health; so you can feel good on the inside, too.
Carter and Olivia share various facts about plastic pollution and also offer a few simple suggestions which each child can immediately implement at home.
If and when Facebook does get there, the company is going to have to prove the conversations won't be used for anything beyond simple suggestions — and that humans aren't reading them.
Receive simple suggestions to measurably improve your health and mobility, plus alerts on specials and giveaways at our catalogue
But some surprisingly simple suggestions could be easiest to institute.
If the above - mentioned benefits of coconut oil for the treatment of hair loss has left you curious, then you'll love the two simple suggestions below which enable you to add coconut oil to your regular hair care routine with minimal effort.
When we hear an ultra simple suggestion for what to eat, a voice in our head may float up and say, «It can't be that simple,» or the dreaded, «That's nothing new — I know that.»
Through next month, more than 20 million boxes of Rice Krispies, one of Kellogg's five best - selling brands, will feature simple suggestions about how to promote healthy emotional and intellectual development.
Gain simple suggestions for comfortable equipment configurations and an introduction to new gear (may include optional confined water dive to try new or unfamiliar equipment)
hello, so simple suggestions and change og things and all the scenarion is changed, I love less, and feel very comfy and cosy..
10 spring cleaning tips Revitalize your hibernating home with simple suggestions.
Simple suggestions of curve and an exacting articulation of the surface facets endow these paintings with a narrative life that celebrates the magic of the mundane and elevates the ordinary.
Burkeman offers this dead simple suggestion: just «consume the news a day or three later than everyone else.»
Simple suggestions such as what kinds of foods to eat and what portion sizes are advised do exist, but this diet is not claimed by one business as it's meant to limit a macronutrient which has always been an approach to weight loss.
On Anglia TV after the recent vote, I made the very simple suggestion that if we were to have a referendum on the future of the House of Lords, there should be three options — keep it, reform it or abolish it.
In some cases, just developing a relationship with the bird's guardian, providing him or her with educational materials or resources, and offering simple suggestions can greatly improve the bird's living conditions and quality of life.
Five simple suggestions on how to celebrate Valentine's Day with your partner whilst breastfeeding your baby.
Fear not — follow our few simple suggestions, and you and your oven will be sailing off into the sunset in no time.
Wise breaks down how to do this into three simple suggestions:
It's a dead simple suggestion, but one Albrecht insists can make you instantly more likable and your conversations much more engaging and productive.
In an interview with CNBC, psychologist and bestselling author Dan Ariely recently offered a dead simple suggestion to accomplish this — ask yourself just one question.
«A whisper course is a series of emails, each with a simple suggestion, or «whisper,» for a manager to try in their one - on - ones or team meetings.
Meyer - Shine and a bunch of other writers have a simple suggestion: have a bucket list if you want, but also write a «reverse bucket list.»
Nice, simple suggestions.
«the simple suggestion that Jesus appears to be the supreme symbol furnished to us by history of the notion of a God genuinely and literally sympathetic (incomparably more literally than any man ever is), receiving into his own experience the suffering as well as the joys of the world.»
The simplest suggestion is that Paul shared with the Romans the missionary theology that he had worked out in light of the Galatian and Corinthian controversies — and his efforts for the collection — so that the Roman Christians would gladly support the «good news» of an apostle whom they had not yet met face - to - face.
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