Sentences with phrase «one's small acts»

And maybe, just maybe, the daily habit of small acts of kindness toward the creation can train or aim our hearts to larger acts of kindness.
There are so many opportunities for improvement that even small acts deliver significant positive outcomes.
It can begin with small acts of kindness and paying it forward.
I've learned how small acts of kindness means to others through regular volunteering.
This seemingly small act of consideration can reap huge benefits in the relationship.
We can all do small acts of kindness for no reason other than, «just because».
Therefore a wise man performs many small acts of kindness to his partner on a constant basis without being asked.
For smaller acts with one or two people on stage with a guitar, that's impossible without stopping the song.
But when you focus on small acts of kindness, on love, on opportunity and hope, you will have more opportunities and joy will be yours for the taking.
Always finding the small little treasures in life and recognizing small acts of kindness.
And I realized that truly, every little bit (no matter how small the act seems) is appreciated by the parent community.
Maybe if more small acts of kindness were handed out in the world, there would be less evil.
I believe that small acts folded into our «every day» behavior often make the biggest impact.
This is also a great chance to demonstrate how far small acts of appreciation can go.
We believe small acts of love lead to tiny miracles.
Reward and acknowledge small acts of goodwill that you observe.
A seemingly small act — returning to normal, daily life after tragedy — takes a great deal of courage.
When you see your teenager doing small acts of kindness and taking initiative, thank them.
Some ideas you can try: recognizing someone you appreciate, keeping a gratitude journal, or simply saying thank you for small acts of kindness.
But when you focus on small acts of kindness, on love, on opportunity, and on hope, joy will be yours for the taking.
This just goes to show how small acts can truly make a huge impact!
Do small acts of kindness that spread generosity nuggets.
The church split certainly became a defining moment of my spiritual life as I unhappily bounced between churches for the last 9 years, praying all along to see an official forgiveness session, watching with hope as small acts of kindness mended some wounds... noting as well how others remained gaping obviously.
I'm learning to turn towards a third way: the one that holds both the joy and the sorrow, the one that picks up a small stone to move the mountain in small acts of faithfulness.
Our company's purpose is to «Move the World,» and every person we hire is passionate about making the world a better place, even if that occurs only through small acts of kindness.
Kindness can mean small acts of generosity — a cup of tea, a backrub, an offer to go to the store or clean up.
When people think about practicing kindness, they often think about small acts of generosity, like buying each other little gifts or giving one another back rubs every now and then.
This includes everything from small acts of selflessness to kind comments.
It's where you'll see slightly smaller acts like Future Islands and War on Drugs.
With the recent news about spreading kindness through everyday small acts, we invite you to watch our holiday video, and take a moment to reflect on spreading love, kindness and possibility in the new year.
Appreciating smalls acts of kindness and the simplest blessings opens our eyes to the beauty of things we were previously unaware of.
Making the effort to perform small acts of love, such as calling or texting her during the day, or bringing him a drink, shows your partner that you are thinking of them, and lets them know that you value them in the midst of humdrum everyday life.
According to John Faso, this relatively small act of public servant self - entitlement revealed Hevesi's lack of moral standing.
Using the mechanics of rehearsal and re-enactment in urban environments, Alÿs comments on the politics of public space with both solitary actions and large - scale collaborations, where the culmination of many small acts achieves mythic proportions.
Educational psychologist Michele Borba has written about how parents can help turn small acts of kindness into a lifetime habit for their children.
This Earth Day, we're helping people get back to individual action because we believe that small acts help big movements.
But Falk provided a specific blueprint for how to administer small acts of astonishing hospitality (what he calls a BPA).
Some ministers later returned to Mississippi to visit their black friends, and some still correspond regularly with their hosts — small acts suggestive of the ties that were established.
Whatever small act of nurturance you can give yourself and baby is enough.
You can encourage small acts, such as saying please and thank you, giving a card to a grandparent, sharing toys with friends, or helping carrying one's plate to the sink.
He has bristled at much smaller acts of criticism and dissent, and Heastie and Flanagan — relatively new in their positions, by recent Albany standards — have not escalated.
Commit to practicing small acts of self - love throughout your days.
He wears the sharpest clothes, drives a slick hand - painted retro car and strides with the confidence of a lordeven as he bestows small acts of kindness on neighbors and rages against the «hipster and new money types» threatening to gentrify the» hood.
Chuck Hayward's (Netflix's series Dear White People) irreverent script is all about embracing your inner loser as the ultimate winner, making Emmy - nominated Jennifer Arnold's (A Small Act) fiction feature directorial debut a willfully offensive adult comedy with no manners and tons of heart.
It's time to make a recommitment to curiosity, and all that takes is a few small acts.
Author and educator Owen Griffith shares how leaders can infuse small acts of gratitude to energize their schools and create a positive, thriving culture.
What small acts are helping sustain a functioning environment around your part of this little big planet?
Hence, the Gottman's developed the motto «Small Things Often», meaning many small acts over time make a difference.
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