Sentences with phrase «one's soap operas»

All you get is a burst of inspiration followed by extended scenes of soap opera antics and jokes that get recycled time and again throughout the course of the movie.
The pitch The biggest soap opera in movie history keeps rolling on.
It was the daytime soap opera of particle physics.
Show had real potential till season 3 where it went from action sci fi adventure with great characters to a family soap opera with sci fi elements.
This allows the panel to avoid the dreaded soap opera effect, in which motion for some content looks cheap and unnatural.
The film has really become a wonderful soap opera for me in these times.
This conversation is interrupted by bad soap opera plotting.
If we want soap opera antics, we'll stay home and watch the soaps.
I want to know what the dome and egg are, but I can't stand another week of C rated soap opera plot.
She was probably the only good part of the movie, but her acting came off a bit like over dramatic soap opera acting.
Thank you for your wonderful blog - it's one that I never miss - kind of like a favorite soap opera though I don't watch those!
A study found that the babies of mothers who watch a popular Spanish - language soap opera while pregnant calm down when they hear the show's theme music.
(1) His network has also been responsible for the development of the first Christian soap opera.
The problem is the story is just poor, all the excitement was in the previous stories, in this last instalment it just seems like a vampire soap opera.
It's little wonder that he spends that week smoking pot and watching a teen soap opera.
The film gradually goes soap opera without, somehow, hitting a single truly emotional note.
In case you weren't aware, a dramatic soap opera has been playing out in recent months at the highest levels of South Korean politics.
The British television program never failed to deliver soap opera level drama, but the writing and the high quality costumes only added to its noble sophistication.
This is a planning task that gives students a guideline about how to produce a pitch for their very own soap opera.
However, the plot felt like a predictable soap opera, with characters I did not find believable.
No need to make a big soap opera out of the whole ordeal.
Although it was a brave movie at the time, it's got less power than the average soap opera these days.
I swear, when I was telling a friend about it yesterday it sounded like some bizarre soap opera.
But equally I don't want to turn the series into a pure soap opera.
A well - written soap opera can have a profound short - term effect on population growth.
I look forward to your next update, it's almost like a mini soap opera on the computer, lol.
For, she has her over-the-top soap opera serving up another shocking revelation ever five minutes or so.
There were really long scenes that felt like watching a long soap opera waiting to unfold.
They serve as a welcome reminder of the big questions that we who care about politics must make it our mission to answer and put the internal soap opera into perspective.
There is an almost comforting soap opera like consistency to these sessions.
What is clear is that we have entered a new phase in the long - running stem cell soap opera.
Which, if nothing else, will one day make a fantastic soap opera.
It sounds like a really lame soap opera, not a movie about a giant monster bear.
In an odd way, it's sort of a straight forward soap opera, with a couple of minutes of people shooting each other in the face and some really good special effects.
The result has been the longest running school building soap opera in the nation.
And right on cue, science PR is working overtime to bring the polar - ice soap opera back from the dead.
But that was hardly the end of this blogosphere soap opera.
An online soap opera has been launched for lawyers.
Your office serves as the set and stage for the workplace daytime soap opera or evening network drama.
The result is everything a disaster movie should be, a combination of soap opera and the spectacle of destruction.
Whenever videos of this frame rate are rendered at higher refresh rates, you get what's called the «soap opera effect» where the video almost looks too smooth.
Although you're totally together with your career and family, your love life may read like a bad soap opera.
It's the tech world's favorite soap opera.
Surely there's a market out there for more than one Christian soap opera.
This predictable soap opera is usually followed within a day or so by the other partner and a remarkably similar dialogue.
It was a big soap opera and its not my thing anymore when it lost its fundamentals.
The title stands for Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, a short - lived 1980s TV show of which I have no memory whatsoever, and it stars Alison Brie (Community, Mad Men) and Betty Gilpin (Nurse Jackie) as L.A. - based actresses - turned - wrestlers whose major conflict is outside the ring, and comedian Marc Maron as the down - on - his - luck movie director who hires them to be part of an all - woman wrestling show that's as much soap opera as it is fighting.
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