Sentences with phrase «one's social ties»

Previous research has suggested that network density, that is, the number of social ties within peer networks, may facilitate behavioral similarity [33 — 35].
Player scheduled events have the benefit of stronger social ties in play.
Gifts aren't just physical objects, but a way of strengthening social ties.
But an alcoholic beverage consumed responsibly in the course of doing business can be beneficial, creating stronger social ties among co-workers.
People who meet through weaker social ties may experience less social support for the relationship.
People with few social ties are at increased risk of dying of heart disease, cancer, and respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments.
As he continues working toward his final dissertation options, he talked about social ties, seeking good will, and why it's important to find these leaders.
Visiting family and friends can help your partner to maintain important social ties, and even find solutions to practical problems [4].
Similar compounds could be developed for people with mental health disorders, for whom social ties are vital, says the study's team.
More central monkeys with the strongest social ties picked up the new methods more successfully, the researchers found.
We believe the most successful way to support social ties, independence, and safety for people who are hearing impaired is through Hearing Dogs.
This shift requires attending to not only the quantity of social ties we possess, but also the quality of those ties.
The majority of the poll respondents (62 %) stated that they are not afraid of loneliness, because they have good strong social ties.
Comments also didn't mean as much if they came from people with whom they had weak social ties.
Are there strong social ties between colleagues?
For example, Gregory Walton uses laboratory and field experiments to document the causal role of social ties in enhancing academic motivation and course grades among college students.
These usually take the form of icons or links that lead a reader to your Facebook, Twitter, etc., and that's fine — but it's far from all you can do for social tie - in.
First of all, many other families with children live here, making Ledyard a place where both parents and children are more likely to develop social ties with other families, as well as find family - oriented services and community.
A child can be seen as successful in school when she or he: (a) develops positive attitudes and feelings about school and learning, (b) establishes supportive social ties with teachers and classmates, (c) feels comfortable and relatively happy in the classroom rather than anxious, lonely or upset, (d) is interested and motivated to learn and take part in classroom activities (participation, engagement), and (e) achieves and progresses academically each school year.
As social ties became more important to survival, Wrangham thinks, human ancestors may have inflicted the same kind of capital punishment, weeding out males who acted with intense and confrontational aggression.
Fostering closer social ties at work improves your overall wellbeing (and helps you get more done, too)
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960, 16 & 47) In solitariness the person is disconnected from tribal or even social ties; hence universality issues from solitariness.
In the past, researchers have estimated the strength of social ties based on the amount of time two chimps spent together at the station.
More importantly, they found that blocking anandamide's effects also blocked the pro-social effects of oxytocin, which implies that oxytocin reinforces social ties by inducing anandamide formation.
From militias to communities of Internet trolls, American men are forming social ties through aggression, violence, and...
It's likely that adolescents of both sexes found mates in communities other than their own, fostering social ties among groups that might otherwise avoid or fight each other, the scientists conclude online October 5 in Science.
Dr Brent added: «What was particularly interesting was that social ties didn't have survival benefits for older females.
The authors of a 2006 study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology did find that breast cancer patients who had more social ties survived longer than did socially isolated women.
«Overall, the report finds that Christian response to persecution to embody a creative pragmatism dominated by short - term efforts to provide security, build strength through social ties, and sometimes strategically oppose the persecution levied against them,» the UCS researchers stated.
In the paper that's to be published in the journal Administrative Science Quarterly, the study's authors said that professional relationships that are formed primarily for getting ahead are typically one - sided and selfish compared with relationships that emerge from spontaneous social ties for emotional support or friendship.
The study also found that having a trusted social tie between the entrepreneur and the evaluator is more important for women than men.
But Schwartz thinks it's important to realize that social ties also limit freedom, choice and autonomy.
You being a whole, fulfilled individual with a solid relationship with your partner, meaningful social ties, and a sense of purpose enriches your world and your child's world.
«Our study supports the idea that social ties promote survival,» said Dr Lauren Brent, of the University of Exeter.
Better - connected Facebook users or «friend collectors» who have lots of direct social ties are more uncomfortable talking with people whose political views they disagree with or are unfamiliar with, Miller said.
Humans with strong social ties live longer, healthier lives, whereas hostility and «loner» tendencies can set the stage for disease and early death.
«It is commonly believed that patterns of social ties affect individuals» economic status, said Makse, whose research interest includes the theoretical understanding of complexity.
The parent child relationship is the long lasting social ties among the human beings as the parents take on afghanistan alabama — u. Even in singleplayer games where balance isnt a concern.
Basically Dunbar's number is saying that beyond a certain number we begin to lose social ties and social responsibility.
Since most writers I spoke with had, at the very least, social ties within trade publishing, they were familiar with the standard skill set required to pursue that path: how to research agents, how to write a query letter, how to format a manuscript, and so forth.
Online, though, social ties take longer to form and are usually more tenuous.
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