Sentences with phrase «one's special responsibility»

Is there someone in your school who has special responsibility for monitoring the consumption of energy (electricity, heating etc.) in the school?
More is at stake in this election than initially meets the eye; and it imposes special responsibilities on the legal community.
That's why we consider your trust in us as a very special responsibility.
Our firm has long recognized that lawyers have special responsibilities for public service.
Tags: Assault & Battery, Child Abuse, Circumstantial Evidence, Directed Verdict, Homicide, Manslaughter, Murder, SC Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Special Responsibilities of Prosecutors
They were led by their not - quite - ministerial colleague Bill Blair, the former Toronto Police Chief who has, in his capacity as a parliamentary secretary with special responsibility for not even remotely messing around, criss - crossed the country looking increasingly stern about this whole pot business.
Like Deborah, Miriam is identified as a prophetess, and she seemed to have held special responsibilities in leading the Israelites in worship.
«Many districts give teachers with National Board certification an extra stipend, but very often they aren't given special responsibilities with the extra pay,» she said.
But being a Burt's Best winner also carries special responsibilities.
The dark irony of American constitutional democracy is that our judges» whose special responsibility it is to preserve the core democratic principle of equality before the law» are the ones whose edicts have betrayed this principle.
We need the Spirit's help in identifying our own special responsibility.
The NOSB also has special responsibilities related to the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.
The Academy takes special responsibility for the natural sciences and mathematics, but endeavours to promote the exchange of ideas between various disciplines.
On Friday the 17th of July 2015 Kathleen Lynch, Minister of State at the Department of Health with special responsibility for Primary Care, Social Care (Disabilities & Older People) and Mental Health, visited Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre to help launch research carried out by the HSE North Cork Child & Family Primary Care Psychology Service and the North Cork Community Work Department (HSE and Tusla).
In the service of that vision, it is recognized that «some churches and Christian movements have special responsibilities in our time.»
There have been phone discussions and the sharing of e-mails with senior officials such Jared Kushner, the president - elect's son - in - law, who has been given special responsibility for trade.
Finian McGrath TD, Minister of State attending Government and Minister of State at the Departments of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Justice & Equality and Health with special responsibility for Disabilities.
Does being a young woman in a male - dominated field carry special responsibilities?
The dark irony of American constitutional democracy is that our judges — whose special responsibility it is to preserve the core democratic principle of equality before the law — are the ones whose edicts have betrayed this principle.
Prof Yakubu also reminded the staff of the «very special responsibility» they carry as election managers, just as he described the Commission's work as «extra-ordinary» and «not just like any other job.»
In signing the Gates - Buffett «Giving Pledge,» David wrote «those who have benefited the most from our nation's economic system have a special responsibility to give back.»
Third, given the role of the dollar as the global reserve currency, the Federal Reserve has a special responsibility to manage policy in a way that helps promote global financial stability.
Evangelical Catholics know what «all that» is by reference to what is taught by the bishops of the Church in full communion with the bishop of Rome, the vital center of the Church's unity, who bears a special responsibility for preserving the integrity of the truth Christ left to his Church.
A certain tension is built into their official canons of ethics, e.g., «A lawyer is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system, and a public citizen having special responsibility for the quality of justice.»
No local Church today is prouder of its theological accomplishments than the German Church; indeed, one German theologian, introducing an anthology of critical commentaries on John Paul II's encyclical, Veritatis Splendor, claimed that Germany bore a special responsibility for Catholic theology.
America is doing more than any other nation to spread the kind of political structures that can best prepare the globe for God's ultimate work of establishing the final kingdom, Webb contends, and he proceeds to quote from a variety of sources to support a role for providence in contemporary theological thinking while interpreting America's rise to world power as a divine blessing that comes with special responsibilities.
Yet Christian ethicists have a special responsibility, along with biblical interpreters, church historians, sociologists and workers in pastoral care, to lead the church in rethinking the theological dimensions of suicide.
In short, to be God's people means bearing a special responsibility, rather than enjoying special privileges.
Even in the Genesis account there is some implicit ranking, and human beings are singled out for special responsibilities and special privileges.
«Men need to be taught from the time they are little boys that part of their manhood is to feel a special responsibility for the care and protection and honoring of women just because they are men,» he said.
We have a special possibility, and therefore a special responsibility.
They are in Christ and in him we can touch each other... Saints are not VIPs on a redcarpet: they are a working body of souls with special responsibilities for those who come after them.
The means he is alluding to there are what he calls the «special responsibilities» that men have, by virtue of their maleness, to protect women.
Can I then say that I have no special responsibility to help overcome the consequences of the slavery and segregation imposed on Blacks by my family and community?
In such cases teachers and guidance counselors have a special responsibility for helping the child use his abilities fully.
If God is creator, then God reigns over the death of every sensate being that ever moved on earth — to say nothing of his special responsibility for the bloody sins of those beings he has made in his image.
Christians have a special responsibility to challenge and expose the false theology of the free market.
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