Sentences with phrase «one's state legislature»

The turnover in state legislature control was the largest differential since the 1974 general election.
Currently, the redistricting of congressional boundaries is controlled by state legislature every ten years.
Consult your local state legislature for specific requirements by state.
The Democratic - controlled state legislature will make the decision.
That they may end up moving into other races in a year when several state legislature seats are up.
You'll hear how his run for State legislature created name recognition and how he got to know the owners by knocking on doors.
The voucher program is not universally liked in the Republican - led state legislature.
He also had other priorities, though, and there was still sizable resistance in the heavily Democratic state legislature.
Looks like it's time for one of those moments where the videogames industry faces things like state legislature from people who don't play them.
Additionally, he has worked on numerous state legislature campaigns across the country.
Every two years, the entire state legislature is up for election.
I think you are on to something here — more likely it also the symbolism of breaking free from the dysfunctional state legislature.
While the governor is known to keep state legislature vacancies open until the next election instead of setting a special election, he has called special elections for recent congressional vacancies.
The one who fought with the Democratic state legislature to stop it from over spending?
This came on a day the Vice Chairman of the Conference of Speakers of State Legislatures of Nigeria and Speaker of the Enugu State House of Assembly, Rt..
Last summer the New York State legislature passed a bill, sponsored by Sen. Daniel Squadron and supported by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, that established a task force to address the problems that may have led to the incident.
In the 2012 election, the Conservative, Working Families, and Independence Parties of New York had nominees for the New York state legislature in over half the districts, but the overwhelming majority of the nominees were not members of those parties, but were cross-endorsed major party nominees.
Recently, the Colorado State legislature passed a bill to study hemp's potential to bring about so - called «phyto - remediation,» a process by which plants actually filter and clean polluted soil.
From the Arkansas state legislature's recent interim study on grade level reading we know that:
Pelosi had hoped to include alternative measures in the continuing resolution that would have allowed drilling within 50 miles of either coast if state legislatures approved, but she faced objections from the White House.
With state legislatures in session around the country and considering bills that would impact the selection and tenure of state judges, IAALS Online provides this summary of where things stand at the end of March.
Let us suppose that those 31 states (and their legislatures, governors, courts, etc) are intent on preserving the death penalty, so that a Constitutional amendment to abolish it would not be ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures as required.
The organization intended to coordinate action and provide mutual support among the various minor parties for efforts he believed would, in his view, liberalize ballot access laws through state legislatures as well as through the courts.
In 1973 the American Bar Association called on state legislatures to repeal all laws which place homosexual activity between consenting adults in private in the category of a crime.
A records search by the National Conference of State Legislatures didn't turn up any similar legislation in other states.
She said the latest statistics in the report are for 2010, before state legislatures passed the most recent wave of abortion restrictions.
Regardless of its potential applications, however, the device must still pass legal approval from state legislatures before the company can begin production, so it hasn't hit the roadways yet.
Sex education has come a long way from 1975 when nearly half of state legislatures voted to restrict or abolish it compared to today when most adolescents in the U.S. receive some form of sex education between sixth and 12th grade.
Under the «Design - Build» process authorized by the New York State legislature last year, the private sector competes to offer the most innovative, cost effective designs for the new bridge.
Opinion with respect to charter schools has also become more polarized, but here the growing opposition among Democrats parallels the intensifying resistance to charters by many state legislatures dominated by that party.
Korsnick warned that all seven operating nuclear plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania will be replaced by coal and natural gas if state legislatures fail to follow the lead of New York, Illinois, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
Mr. Williams cited the example of one Democratic candidate for state legislature who supported charter schools and other school improvement steps favored by DFER.
There is in fact a petition drive directed at state legislatures by politically conservative groups who are particularly interested in adopting a «balanced budget» amendment.
First, when lobbying state legislatures for improvements in gifted education, request a simple, common - sense, global provision prohibiting discrimination against gifted children on the basis of their chronological age.
States will continue to see fiscal challenges in the coming years, a prospect that does not bode well for increasing their K - 12 budgets, analysts from the National Conference of State Legislatures said at a post-election meeting here.
The established professions have negotiated with state legislatures over time to gain the power to regulate the quality of those who want to enter the profession and oversight of those in the profession.
Shared parenting bills are being introduced in state legislatures around the country, and several states now have some version of shared parenting.
«Health care assisting» is not a profession, but an ad hoc category created by the Washington state legislature in the 1980s to address a specific problem.
Specifically, Hot Coffee alleges that the American Tort Reform Association and the United States Chamber of Commerce misrepresented the Liebeck case and duped many state legislatures into passing caps on certain recoverable damages.
Such a proposal was turned down by Florida voters in 2012, and similar measures have failed narrowly in a number of other state legislatures in the last decade.
A «harm reduction» approach to public health, rather than an abstinence or look - the - other - way policy, scored another win this month when the California state legislature gave the green light to a bill that would provide condoms for adult prison inmates.
Levine's project got a push when state legislatures in North Carolina and Oklahoma allocated funds allowing any public school K - 12 teacher to attend the course with substantial or complete remission of the $ 1,500 tuition.
In the 1980s and 1990s, a few state legislatures enacted laws that required medical assistants performing certain tasks to have graduated from a medical assisting program and / or to have obtained and maintained a medical assisting credential, such as the CMA (AAMA).
ALEC has most notably pushed «Stand Your Ground» and «Right - to - Work» legislation through state legislatures across the country.
You wrote in your last letter that the New York State legislature recently passed a bill that increased the impact of student test scores on teacher evaluations to 50 %.
Constitutional amendments — containing precisely the same language — must be approved by two separately elected State Legislatures before going to the voters.
CMD notes that repeal of the 17th amendment, which established the popular election of United States Senators in 1913, would allow Republicans to take 17 U.S. Senate seats from Democrats with state legislatures given the right to pick Senators.
Meanwhile, the Denver - based National Conference of State Legislatures wants state lawmakers to be required to assent to the plans.
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