Sentences with phrase «one's summer blockbuster»

Here are the 2018 movies you'll want to make room for between now and the end of summer blockbuster season.
Each scene, from the opening bank heist to the climatic finale is tightly woven to create this impressive tour de force of summer blockbuster brilliance.
In summer blockbuster terms, that constitutes a decent film.
One of these trends is the fact that with almost every big summer blockbuster movie comes a video game adaptation, usually a poor one at that.
Sure, Summer blockbuster movie season is over, but you might be surprised at the great films left to see this year.
This is a serious, but seriously good summer blockbuster that is so well done I intentionally avoided including a single pun in this entire review.
Quiet by summer blockbuster standards, but a solid piece of filmmaking, flush as it is with understated writing, authentic performances and stirring panoramic visuals.
Gamers can expect lots of explosions and plot twists as if they were watching a typical Summer blockbuster movie.
The movie was sick (in a good way), a great summer blockbuster.
While this might be disappointing it is in no way less than what your average summer blockbuster offers and to be fair on that level it succeeds.
So we're getting an all - woman summer blockbuster comedy in 2017.
Back in 2007 Naughty Dog brought us a game so epic that it was advertised as a playable summer blockbuster.
I often feel like I'll see a great deal of the movie before heading into a potential summer blockbuster.
It's like watching an epic summer blockbuster, except that you get to play it.
What we get now is primarily the equivalent of the empty summer blockbuster movie release, but all year round.
Does this really have what it takes to be a massive summer blockbuster?
Hearing those names together you would think this were an early summer blockbuster.
Overall, a great action drama and a nice summer blockbuster.
A most unusual summer blockbuster: one that delivers the thrilling goods with an uncommon dose of intelligence and complexity.
He wasn't trying to break any new visual effects ground and instead opted to make a crowd - pleasing, energetic summer blockbuster.
The other movie is a crowd - pleasing summer blockbuster with a lot of monster fights.
Here, it's as if the machinery of making a big - budget, comics - inspired summer blockbuster has swallowed him whole.
Were you one of the millions of people who stood in line last weekend to buy tickets to the much - hyped summer blockbuster?
Before the release of your favourite summer blockbuster, the excitement builds through numerous teaser and trailers.
The big flicks keep rolling out now that it's summer blockbuster season.
But you get the sense that their experience and their terror are as essential as the massive set pieces that usually mark this kind of summer blockbuster.
Ten years ago, the first trailers were appearing for a hopeful big summer blockbuster that many thought was destined for disaster.
It certainly isn't a perfect movie, nor even a great summer blockbuster, but that movie nailed the summer adventure tone it was going for.
It can regularly exceed that of your average summer blockbuster.
After less than 40 days of shooting, it will open just in time for summer blockbuster season — a super-fast turnaround compared with the Hollywood standard.
Some companies take a more scientific approach and simply tack numbers onto the end of words: There can be no doubt that Scientist III is higher ranked than Scientist II, though both end up sounding like summer blockbuster sequels (Scientist III: The Search for Tenure).
With summer blockbuster season in full swing, July is surprisingly full of original releases.
For the 12th - annual Wex Drive - In series, the Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University puts its own spin on summer blockbuster season with a trio of vintage Hollywood hits from the 1980s and «90s.
This movie should be the bar that all other summer blockbusters reach for.
20th Century Fox have debuted a new clip from their upcoming summer blockbuster Independence Day: Resurgence.
Well, whether you're a fan of the comics, the movies, or just summer blockbusters, X-Men: First Class has something to offer you.
With its 20 - year anniversary this year, Kevin Costner has been speaking about Waterworld, the big - budget summer blockbuster from 1995 which is generally considered one of the biggest fiascos to come out of Hollywood over the last few decades.
The books this year run the gamut from summer blockbuster source material (Avengers, Suicide Squad, Captain America) to pop culture icons (Archie, Doctor Who, Strawberry Shortcake, Sonic the Hedgehog) to cool little niche titles that you might not recognize now but might just end up being the next series that you slavishly follow every month.
Loosely updating the 1932 Universal Studios Boris Karloff chestnut with top - notch digital effects, Sommers» combination of flashy action, a monstrous, shape - shifting Imhotep, and amiably hunky hero Brendan Fraser won over the audience (if not all the critics), turning The Mummy into the first summer blockbuster of 1999.
The best compliment I can muster is that it ranks better than the Transformers movies, which sets the bar for summer blockbusters at its nadir, and that's hardly praise at all.
For movie buffs, it means the time has come for big summer blockbuster hits!
Although I loathed the mindless jingoism of «Independence Day» and the idiocy of «Wild Wild West,» I think that «Men in Black» and «Bad Boys» are two of the most entertaining summer blockbusters in recent memory.
And, though Christopher Nolan's action summer blockbuster Dunkirk is an early favorite, in recent weeks, a handful of smaller — but equally stunning — movies have been released or are gearing up to be released.
World War Z takes a calculable, routine zombie script (take your pick from any of the «Dead» movies) and molds it with a thriller where a protagonist has to laboriously unearth a fixture to a global catastrophe (think «Contagion») to create a must - see summer blockbuster.
At the nostalgic (and dog - friendly) McHenry Outdoor Theater, you can listen to the latest summer blockbusters via»50s - style speakers, your car radio, or radios you check out for $ 5.
Throw Kevin James into the mix, and you've got a recipe for a pretty huge summer blockbuster.
In making The Legend of Tarzan, director David Yates (the last four Harry Potter films) had the challenge of acknowledging Tarzan's place in modern pop culture while also trying to create a pulpy summer blockbuster whose spectacle could stand on its own.
But what I'm worried about is what it'll mean for movies that aren't summer blockbusters based on well - known comic book franchises.
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