Sentences with phrase «one's support obligations»

If you and your new spouse divorce, you may have an additional child support obligation for children from that relationship.
If the paying spouse operates his or her own business, and the business earnings have significantly diminished, the amount of spousal support obligations may be reduced.
As a family lawyer, I have seen a lack of awareness on part of the step parent about their potential child support obligation for their step child.
This won't affect your child support obligation in your divorce decree, because the court will calculate your support based on your projected time with your child.
It's considered a legal domestic support obligation as part of one's divorce proceedings, and won't hold up in a bankruptcy claim.
The state can modify the current child support obligation based on changed circumstances, financial hardship and increased custody over the child.
The court divides the total support obligation between the spouses in accordance with each spouse's proportion of their combined income.
Once the net income of each parent is established, the court determines child support obligations by looking at the percentage of total income each parent contributes and the number of children.
Generally, child support obligations do not go away, increase or decrease unless there is action taken by one of the parents.
While a paying parent may have questions about support obligations when a child's living arrangements change, it is always sound practice to continue making payments to avoid penalties.
The basic support obligation from above remains the same.
One parent is designated the primary residential parent, and the other parent generally has the same child support obligation as in sole custody situations.
Our experienced family law lawyers strive to ensure that you receive the spousal support you need and that you are not exposed to excessive spousal support obligations if you are paying spousal support.
If you have lost your job, then you may be entitled to have your child support obligations reduced.
The husband moved to have his spousal support obligation terminated or modified, citing the wife's net worth.
There is never a stay of proceedings related to the enforcement of family support obligations.
The respective support obligations can be offset and might result in no support being paid at all, or just a nominal amount, depending on certain factors.
Under state law, child support obligations end when a child turns 19, unless a statutory exception applies.
The court will assign financial support obligations to the father.
This is accomplished by locating absent parents, establishing paternity, establishing support obligations, and monitoring and enforcing those obligations.
If the other parent's income has increased substantially and sufficiently to change the child support obligation pursuant to the statute.
The cancellation of alimony would not affect child support obligations since a parent has a duty to support a child irrespective of the other spouse's financial status.
For the years 2011 and 2012 she was relieved of child support obligations entirely.
The reason for this is because each parent owes a percentage of the total child support obligation depending on his or her income.
This was extremely concerning for family law practitioners given the numerous agreements and Orders in which support obligations were secured by an insurance policy.
The premiums are added to the total support amount, resulting in a larger support obligation.
Section Two determines the amount of each parent's weekly support obligation for the student who does not live at home year round.
If your adult son is financially independent no legal support obligation may exist.
We work with people on either side of a family law enforcement action, with unpaid child support obligations representing the most frequent problem we see.
If the amount of obligation is greater than the other parent's typical monthly child support obligation one might offer a payment plan on the balance.
There is a monthly child support obligation schedule that establishes the amount that must be paid based on the number of children and the monthly gross income of the parents.
If he is supporting one child, his child support obligation equals 20 percent of his take home pay.
It is also details the medical support obligation of each parent.
These extra expenses are not included in the default child support obligation calculation, but will be added as necessary based on the court's determination.
A successful bankruptcy eliminates debt except for things like domestic support obligations, some income taxes, and student loans.
Adjust the base support obligation based on parenting time.
Even the most thorough of separation agreements and court orders can overlook one important scenario: What happens to spousal support obligations if the paying spouse dies?
Many parents attempt to reduce their child support obligation by fighting for more overnight visits with their child but refuse to share in the expenses of the child.
What child support obligations do step - parents have to their step - children?
A credit is provided against the child support obligation for the costs of day care that is necessary to allow a parent to work.
The good news is the FICO scoring model does not consider items reported as «child / family support obligations» in calculating a credit score.
Child support obligations depend on whether one party has sole custody or whether both parents are awarded joint custody.
Again, the parent with the larger support obligation will pay the difference between the two amounts.
A portion of your child support that is paid to the children from your previous marriage will be deducted from your net income used to calculate your monthly basic child support obligation.
The formula is modified for spouses with split custody, shared custody or mixed custody; step - parents; spouses with support obligations to a prior spouse or children; spouses with an adult child who receives child support; and situations where the spousal support payor has primary care of the child / children.
Use our handy calculators for either the web or mobile devices to determine child support obligations under North Carolina child support guidelines.
Support is calculated by considering the combined income of both spouses then applying that number to child support tables established by Wyoming statute to come up with the total support obligation owed by both parents based on the number of children to be supported.
In fact, your failure to challenge the paternity petition could result in your being held responsible for child support obligations even, if later, the paternity has been disproved.
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