Sentences with phrase «one's surfeit»

In this book, reviewer Christopher Masters states, Dorazio advanced his belief, perhaps with surfeit of optimism, that «abstract art could change the world... that just as science and technology were destroying the barriers between different cultures, so the new «universal style» would lead to a «universal civilisation».»
Nathan Kernan wrote in 2004, «Miller's paintings teem with as much activity and information as it seems they can bear, deliberately flirting with surfeit.
As will one day be elaborated in a dissertation, Machiavelli's eponymous Prince lived — and killed — by surfeit of this virtu; Shakespeare's Prince Hamlet killed and died out of deficit.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) today slapped a penalty of Rs 10 Lakhs on Tata AIA Life Insurance for surfeit payment tRead More
Ironically, it's the Independence Party offering surfeit.
But also because, despite the much talked about surfeit of lawyers and law students, there is a vast unmet demand for legal services.
If a great surfeit of lawyers truly was in the public interest, then the US would have the lowest cost legal services in the world because they have the highest number of lawyers per capita in history.
Love surfeits not, lust like a glutton dies, Love is all truth, lust full of forged lies.
Surely, such surfeit munificence is nothing but supreme parental folly?
The crazy surfeit of style can only go so far to compensate for the story, which is well - nigh impossible to care about.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) today slapped a penalty of Rs 10 Lakhs on Tata AIA Life Insurance for surfeit payment to corporate agents.
First World peoples like ourselves, in the midst of surfeited plenty, are drawn back inexplicably to the rudiments of a primitive wholeness.
Only the person who is already surfeited with the abundant riches of a neocapitalist state.
Then there's Fred Aceves» The Closest I've Come, about a Latino teen facing a seeming surfeit of problems; and there's Arvin Ahmadi's Down and Across, which is about an Iranian American teenage boy.
And yet these companies increasingly do not see IPOs as a viable exit option due to the costs — both real and regulatory — and the relative surfeit of late - stage financing available on the private markets.
In a unique prospective study Oregon Research Institute (ORI) senior scientist Eric Stice, Ph.D., and colleagues tested this theory, called the reward surfeit model.
There is also a strange surfeit of Japanese names among the candidates, with appellations like «Sakura,» «Kagura» and «Hikari» repeating again and again from system to system.
Given the extreme low budget (the film was shot on a shoestring in Budapest), the special effects look pretty credible, with Petty wisely deciding to spend most of the time with the creatures in the background or swathed in shadow, understanding that Sentinel is a picture of ideas — an unusually faithful recreation of Hitchcock's film possessed of a similar, mordant sense of humour, if an understandable surfeit of corresponding depth.
and a depressing surfeit of violence against women.
There's the wry comedy we've come to expect from Kaurismäki, to be sure, but with all the cigarette smoke, surfeit strumming guitar, and even an adorable dog, the worst thing you can say about this movie is that we've driven down these vodka - splashed streets before.
Additional power and torque can bring alive the chassis of some cars, but they tend to be those with a pre-existing surfeit of grip over power — like the Porsche Cayman.
Once the full surfeit of torque is on tap — some 900Nm — the SQ7 pulls hard, its eight - speed automatic stringing the drivetrain together seamlessly.
If the «contemporary» scene suffers from a crushing surfeit of concept and reference, which ends in tedium and irrelevance, the contemporary figurative scene suffers from a lack of internal criticism, from a failure to distinguish between what is well painted and what is good art, which ends in mediocrity and kitsch.
Real bakeries and pinball halls offered the very same surfeit of pleasure.
For at least twenty years, artists have probed what that peculiar deficit and surfeit mean.
A similarly tropical surfeit extends to flowers and polka dots.
This education of sensibilities is commonly pursued by accompanying surfeit consumption with the study of other people's opinions; or, pairing the digestion of one's individual aesthetic experience with the voices of influential critics.
It's the Gulf Coast, the wildlife that resides there, and everyone whose livelihood depends on it, that's fu $ & ed.; But this whole ordeal — with the huge scope of the disaster, BP's lack of transparency and callousness, the federal government's helplessness, and massive surfeit of confusion — leaves all of us feeling generally fu ** ed.
There have been a near surfeit of reports recently looking at the greenhouse gas emissions of natural gas, most of which have concluded that, to varying degrees, we're underestimating emissions, the effects of methane leakage on those, and natural gas isn't always as climate - friendly as claimed.
-- OAKESHOTT As will one day be elaborated in a dissertation, Machiavelli's eponymous Prince lived — and killed — by surfeit of this virtu; Shakespeare's Prince Hamlet....
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) today slapped a penalty of Rs 10 Lakhs on Tata AIA Life Insurance for surfeit... read more
And yet — it's a major «as yet», unfortunately — the crazy surfeit of style can only go so far to compensate for the story, which is well - nigh impossible to care about.
Zach Feuer puts in a plea for imagery, with its usual surfeit of irony, while Sargent's Daughters puts representation in the hands of women.
Meanwhile I sit All night at the center, Filled with a sweet surfeit of being.
Private - sector economists are pointing to a surfeit of positive data, while Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz remains wary (or, as Poloz himself put it at press conference last week, «decidedly neutral»).
At the same time, Malaysians are struggling with a high level of personal debt which, if defaults rise as Wong fears, could set off an economic blowup along the lines of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, which was caused by a surfeit of dollar - denominated debt.
The 2008 recession ground fundraising to a near - halt, which in turn led to a surfeit of funds closing a couple of years later when markets picked up again.
Together, they provide a surfeit of options and no easy way to wade through them.
But like many brick and mortar stores, Kohl's has been grappling with weak store traffic and a surfeit of apparel, a struggling category.
Top platforms offer a surfeit of help, including setup wizards, video tutorials, 24/7 live chat, and phone support.
Vegetation across much of the drought - stricken west eagerly soaked up the surfeit of water from the wet winter, leading to a rapid, vast growth spurt in trees, grasses, and shrubs in the spring.
(Some gays ask why so many Christians ignore Ezekiel 16:49, which says Sodom was destroyed for its «pride, surfeit of food, and prosperous ease» and for failing to care for the poor and needy.
We suffer nowadays from a surfeit of literary anniversaries.
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