Sentences with phrase «one's taste in film»

You and your partner love going to the movies, but you don't always have the same taste in films.
For one thing, they've got great taste in films.
Everyone has their own taste in film, but some people take that sentiment a little too far.
Have I just got really bad taste in films?
I now worry for my friend's sanity, or at the very least his aesthetic taste in film.
It's hard to say what that means, if anything, other than Domhnall Gleeson has really good taste in films.
Its the online dating elephant in the room how soon should you meet a. knowing someones taste in films, music, food does not a personality make..
But you hardly find anymore, at least among the young, the distinctive cinephilic love of movies that is not simply love of but a certain taste in films (grounded in a vast appetite for seeing and reseeing as much as possible of cinema's glorious past).»
That, and his expert knowledge in film (no one else called Departures) contrasted with his questionable taste in film (Slumdog Millionaire, best film of 2008).
You could argue that her catholic taste in film projects, her blithe veering between arthouse and multiplex, between Hollywood and Scandinavia and the UK, is a neat way of preserving her own actorly mystique, of preventing her audience from pinning her down, on camera or off.
Capable not the best of the franchise, and was not one of the best horror films of the year, but without a doubt, I leave a good taste in the film, and I think it is better than the horror movie Saw VII (considered for me the worst of the
Merely, the company from the same taste in films, music, food does not.
It doesn't hurt that Saladino has great taste in film, using clips from many greats such as «Carol,» «Beasts of the Southern Wild,» «Jackie,» «Blue Valentine,» and «The Squid and the Whale.»
Another Sunday and another set of papers full of stories about MPs» allowances and expenses, on the back of last week's revelations about Jacqui Smith's husband's taste in films and the publication this week of MPs» allowance claims for 2007 - 2008.
His taste in film runs to Quentin Tarantino — in music, to Three 6 Mafia and the Diplomats.
But did you know that your taste in films could affect your online dating success?
When it comes to taste in film, everything is subjective, everyone knows that.
Capable not the best of the franchise, and was not one of the best horror films of the year, but without a doubt, I leave a good taste in the film, and I think it is better than the horror movie Saw VII (considered for me the worst of the saga), even so the film is not perfect and makes many mistakes but despite that is enjoyable.
The youngest of six, Taylor - Joy's taste in films is a quirky mix of 90s kids classics and both Spanish and Argentine cinema.
When it comes to my taste in film and all that I always look back.
Opinions are starting to filter out about the movie, and while they're largely from people we don't know — so we don't know their taste in film in general — there are some comments that you'll probably want to read.
Naturally, the development of a film like Tribulation starts with Baldwin's taste in film, which leans towards B - movies, science fiction and ethnographic films.
Music changed, tastes in film were changing and my own character was heavily influenced by both.
Not saying anything about your taste in film, but wow.
As you can see, her taste in films is quite vast, and similarly in her career, she enjoys playing a variety of roles.
This will be no surprise to readers who know my taste in film, but I like it weird.
Personally, I happen to admire Jeff Wells» taste in films, even though I don't agree with all his reviews.
See which of our staff shares your taste in films.
Growing up in a small town in the smallest state, Matt began developing a taste in film and general geekdom at a young age.
My taste in films is pretty eclectic but my favorite is still One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
As he lists his favorite directors, you begin to realize how diverse his tastes in films really are.
And, considering your taste in films that might not even be up your street.
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