Sentences with phrase «one's tax reform»

Under both versions of tax reform bill this would no longer be the case.
As one of the largest corporate tax breaks, Section 199 has been the target of many tax reform plans which have also lowered the corporate rate.
Republican leaders have portrayed the drive for tax reform as a benefit for middle - class families, often at the expense of special interests.
Any proposed legislation on tax reform will likely only use the plan as an opening bid where much more detail will be necessary.
He noted that it's easy to come out in favor of tax reform in the abstract, but now that concrete reforms are on paper in legislative language, the discussion can begin.
Overall, the new tax reform act has a significant impact on couples who will be going through divorce.
He put the odds of tax reform legislation passing before the end of the year at 80 percent.
Currently, there are two different Republican tax reform proposals.
The package includes dozens of smart tax changes that belong in any comprehensive tax reform package.
A Republican federal tax reform plan would be disastrous to homeowners, and to the local economy.
To the extent that the president fails to deliver on corporate tax reform, reduced regulations, and increased economic growth through fiscal stimulus measures, equities could prove vulnerable.
Moreover, hard feelings about the process may persist, which could impact negotiations in other big landmark legislation such as tax reform.
Retailers and manufacturers argue that benefits from tax reform, which those industries supported, would be wiped out by broad tariffs on consumer products.
«The chancellor showed the way [on income tax reform]- in the same spirit we have to deal with all the other problems which are around,» he said.
While there is growing support for extending most, if not all, of these provisions, a potential debate on comprehensive tax reform may delay any Congressional effort to extend these rules.
But with tax reform shaping up as a key campaign issue in the state, the victory is only temporary.
What are the most important provisions of the new tax reform law for companies and equities?
Is it really in jeopardy with the new tax reform plans?
All of us «citizens» talk about tax reform because the current taxation doesn't work for us.
So too is a commission to finally get the ball rolling on property tax reform.
State - by - state data on tax deductions, capital gains exemptions, and the impact on housing prices from the 2017 proposed tax reform framework.
It will be interesting to see how the recent tax reform act will impact all of these numbers in subsequent years.
This article is not designed to be comprehensive, but to give divorced, divorcing and potential divorcing couples that they could be impacted by tax reform.
After all, if health care is taking this long to reform, how long will the president's more politically entrenched tax reform efforts take?
Our members need to take action because the long — predicted federal tax reform debate is upon us.
This first major tax reform in decades affects taxes beginning in 2018 and will have a significant impact on divorcing families.
Nothing has made me more bullish than business tax reform, which is why I need to keep my emotions in check through this investment review process.
This includes tax reform, especially at the corporate level, leading to record numbers across the board for stock market returns.
The law is the most sweeping tax reform in decades and includes reducing the federal tax deduction for state and local taxes.
We have already discussed reasons why eliminating the state and local tax deduction, as the unified framework for tax reform does, is worth considering.
All included some level of detail, but they focused much more on the giveaways, like tax rate reductions, and much less on how tax reform would be paid for.
Yet one effect of tax reform at the federal level went largely unnoticed, and the impact could be huge.
That's left investors feeling uncertain about the administration's ability to push through tax reform and other business - friendly parts of its agenda.
If tax reform passes, should investors buy or sell?
Renters will come out ahead, albeit temporarily, if the «Big 6» tax reform framework is passed in its current form.
The problem stems in part from delayed tax payments, which budget officials say is due to uncertainty over tax reform on the federal level.
But to say that all stocks should go back to where they were before tax reform passed?
Twelve percent of respondents said tax reform has already helped their businesses, and 21 percent said they expect it will benefit their businesses in the future.
If the failed in this case, then it calls into question their prospects for successfully negotiating equally complex legislation like tax reform or a massive infrastructure project.
«I think she went the austerity route rather than seeking the funding that we need from the state or for progressive tax reform locally like I've called for,» he said.
The latest tax reform bill impacts a few housing deductions.
The market continues to adjust to the most significant changes in over three decades after tax reform passed.
Last year's business tax and estate tax reform also put hundreds of millions of dollars worth of additional tax cuts into the fiscal pipeline for the next few years.
The business world wants to see tax reform become law, but business - owner talk about tax cuts is shaded by political bias.
It's too early to know how a final tax reform bill would affect home buyers and homeowners, but we will keep you posted.
Tax reform means different things to different people; let's consider what it means to conservatives and liberals.
Corporate financial managers must consider the impact of interest rate forecasts, future GDP estimates and potential tax reform on corporate cash strategies.

Phrases with «one's tax reform»

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