Sentences with phrase «one's tenure as mayor»

His lengthy tenure as mayor was not one without regrets though.
We wouldn't live in a world where Buddy Cianci was able to win a second tenure as mayor of Providence, R.I., after a felony conviction and a prison sentence.
Mayor Menino spoke candidly to students about education, his 20 - year tenure as mayor, and his passion for children.
[NYT] • Rudy Giuliani, who sought to extend his own tenure as mayor without a vote after 9/11, says he'd campaign for Bloomberg.
Republican Ashley Swearengin, whose tenure as mayor...
In his previous tenure as mayor, from 1991 to 2003, he shook down contractors for at least $ 500,000 worth of bribes and kickbacks, including wine, clothing and home renovations.
As Bloomberg's tenure as mayor winds down, he'll seek to cement his legacy, with education as a signature issue.
Near the top is the Chicago Teachers Union, with which he's feuded for his entire tenure as mayor.
Former Boston Mayor Thomas Menino spoke candidly to students in Lecturer Richard Weissbourd's January - term class this week about education, his 20 - year tenure as mayor, and his passion for children.
Michael Bloomberg, CEO of Bloomberg LP, was well - known for his strong position on health and fitness during his tenure as mayor of New York City.
Since ending his tenure as mayor in 2013, Bloomberg has been an environmental activist focused on climate change, and this has made him consider business strategy in its relation to society.
RUDY GIULIANI A decent sandlot catcher as a youngster, Hizzoner was the Yankees» most ardent supporter during his tenure as mayor of New York City (1993 — 2001).
Giuliani painted an ominous portrait of the city's energy use, drawing on his tenure as mayor.
Fifteen months into her husband's tenure as mayor, First Lady Chirlane McCray's role in his administration has evolved.
Crime has fallen by 40 percent overall during my tenure as mayor.
During his tenure as mayor, Rosenblum has fostered a loyal constituency in a primarily Democratic village, and has proven a stalwart in Mamaroneck where — despite consistent Democratic challenges — he has remained seated at the dais for four consecutive terms.
During his tenure as mayor, Dinkins — who held the post from 1990 to 1993 and is now a professor at Columbia University — started the city's minority - and women - owned business enterprise program.
The mayor also took a few jabs at his predecessor, Mike Bloomberg — something he has largely avoided doing since early in his tenure as mayor.
Just before the three - minute mark in this video, Duffy tells a story of coming to Albany during his tenure as mayor to lobby for mandate relief and meet with an unnamed high - ranking official in a previous administration.
Stephanie Miner's tenure as mayor has been defined by systematic poverty, record murder rates, crumbling infrastructure, failed schools, and divisive partisan politics.
Buffalo police have focused on getting illegal guns off the streets, Mayor Byron W. Brown said, pointing out that during his tenure as mayor, the city has collected more than 16,000 guns.
Mayor Bill de Blasio campaigned on getting rid of cluster sites, but the number of units has risen under his tenure as mayor.
«Stephanie Miner's tenure as mayor has been defined by systematic poverty, record murder rates, crumbling infrastructure, failed schools, and divisive partisan politics,» Katko spokeswoman Erin O'Connor said in a statement after the protest.
«Stephanie Miner's tenure as mayor has been defined by systematic poverty, record murder rates, crumbling infrastructure, failed schools and divisive partisan politics,» Katko's campaign said.
During her tenure as mayor of Syracuse, Stephanie Miner garnered attention for her willingness to criticize Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a fellow Democrat.
By Ruth Papazian 7 Deadly Sins of Mayor De Zastero: Envy Mayor Bill de Blasio (a / k / a De Zastero) inexplicably began a quixotic rivalry with Gov. Andrew Cuomo early in his tenure as mayor.
In the latter part of his long (and otherwise illustrious) tenure as mayor, Schaefer paid little attention to public school issues.
He pointed to dramatically increased graduation rates in Los Angeles schools during his tenure as mayor.
All three fights were part of an effort to duplicate a wildly successful battle the charter sector had with de Blasio just weeks into his tenure as mayor in 2014.
It was an easy fight for her to win: de Blasio fumbled when he decided to reverse the co-locations of three of her charters, and was forced to find alternate space for the schools after sustaining an embarrassing political defeat just months into his tenure as mayor.
During your tenure as mayor, over 1200 pedestrians and cyclists have been killed by automobile.
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